Islam, Peace and Tolerance
by Dr Zahid Aziz
This book refutes the common, misconceived notion that Islam
is a violent and intolerant religion, which calls upon its followers
to wage unceasing war, called jihad, against all non-Muslims.
It is alleged that Islam prohibits all freedom of religion,
propagates its message by force, and coerces Muslims by threat
of the death penalty to remain within its fold. Another charge
is that Islam does not tolerate any criticism of its teachings
and urges the faithful to kill anyone who speaks against it.
What does the Holy Quran actually teach on these questions,
and what kind of example did the Holy Prophet Muhammad set in
these matters? To find out please read the book Islam, Peace
and Tolerance by clicking on the cover of this book as shown
New, 2nd Revised Edition, 2017:

Acknowledgement: Cover
photo, NASA