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Urdu translation of the Holy Quran with extensive commentary by Maulana Muhammad Ali (including Arabic text). The commentary is about twice as long as in the English work.

Consists of 2 volumes, containing 1496 pages of the translation and commentary, 23 pages of list of contents and 43 pages of indexes.

To read Bayan-ul-Quran online, follow this link.

Reviews of Bayan-ul-Quran, the Urdu Translation of the Holy Quran with commentary, by Maulana Muhammad Ali

Safdar Hasan Siddiqi in his book Quran aur insan (The Quran and man), published 1995, by Ferozsons, Lahore, writes:

"I have taken the translation of the verses of the Holy Quran mostly from the translation by the late Maulana Muhammad Ali because it is, to a great extent, a translation of the words and not his own interpretation, and for this reason it expresses the Divine will in the Urdu language in a better way." (page 29)

Urdu monthly Islamic Digest, Karachi, March 1996, in its series Tashrih-ul-Quran:

"Five years after his English translation and commentary the Urdu translation and commentary was also published, having the title Bayan-ul-Quran. . . . The translation, while being simple, has literary weight. The language is eloquent and chaste. As to the meaning, some people have objections against his translation and commentary because of his beliefs and views. The fact is that he was the head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya community. Despite this, we consider that his translation and commentary is almost free of 'wrong beliefs'. He has done the translation with much caution, great sincerity, and with regard for generally-prevailing views. Despite closely following the text and the order of the original words, the translation has continuity and flow."

Read reviews in detail here.
