3. The arrival of
the much-awaited Mujaddid
When the Muslims had reached the lowest ebb of their political
and religious decline, Allah Almighty recalled His promise given
in the Qur'an that:
Surely We have revealed the reminder, and surely We are
its Guardian (15:9)
and in accordance with the hadith, which says that Allah shall send
a Mujaddid at the beginning of every century to renew the faith and
revive the religion, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani was sent as
the Reformer of the Fourteenth Century. In a time of great hopelessness
for the Muslims, when there was a dire need for religious reforms,
there rose a voice from the remote village of Qadian, saying, that
there is no need to lose hope or to be afraid of the attacks made
by other religions on Islam. Islam is still very much alive even today
because it is a living religion and the God it presents, is a Living
God. He is still Present and ready to help just as He was thirteen
hundred years ago. He is the same God who revealed the Holy Quran
and declared Islam as the everlasting faith. He has sent me as a Mujaddid
and as a Caliph of Muhammad, may peace and the blessings of Allah
be upon him, so that I should assist to prove and establish the superiority
of Islam over all other religions in accordance with the promise of
Allah, as Allah says in the Qur'an,
...that He may cause it (Islam) to prevail over all other
religions... (9:33)
Islam shall reign supreme over the materialistic forces and although
the political might of the Muslims has come to an end they shall now
dominate the world through their spiritual powers, for the time of
the spiritual dominance of Islam in the world has now come. The promise
of Allah shall certainly be fulfilled. This period has been chosen
for the dominance and triumph of Islam over all religions and movements,
whether it is the religions of the Jews, Christians, Hindus, Aryas,
Sikhs, Buddhists and others, or movements which dazzle the world such
as materialism, communism, fascism, nazism, etc.
The following is an example of the splendid writings of Hazrat
Mirza Sahib that strengthen and renew one's faith and infuse a sense
of hope:
Rest assured that, in this war [of ideologies], Islam does
not have to make peace on humble terms like a defeated foe. Rather,
this is the age in which Islam shall fight its battles with spiritual
strength and Divine assistance shall be its sword. It has won
battles with this Divine force in the past. Remember the prophecy
that Islam shall certainly emerge victorious and triumphant and
its enemies shall face a humiliating defeat. Modern knowledge
may attack Islam however powerfully, they may use all sorts of
new weapons and latest developments, but they shall surely face
defeat eventually. I say, by way of thankfulness for a blessing,
that I have been given knowledge of the great powers that Islam
possesses and it is that knowledge which enables me to declare
that Islam can not only safeguard itself from the attacks of modern
ideologies, but it can expose their fallacies and ignorance. ...
Allah Almighty is watching over this boat. ... He shall always
take care of it and protect it from storms and the strong winds
of opposition. As He says: Surely We have revealed the reminder
and, surely We are its guardian.(15:9)
(Aeena Kamalat-i Islam: A glimpse into the wonders
of Islam).
So Hazrat Mirza Sahib wanted to instil hope in the Muslims who
were passing through a period of universal depression. The following
incident gives an idea of the encouragement and comfort he gave:
Once Hazrat Maulana Nuruddin came to Hazrat Mirza Sahib and said:
You wish to spread Islam in Europe and America, but the people
there are getting averse even to the name of religion. Hazrat
Sahib replied: Good, the board is being wiped clean. It will
then be easier to make new impressions. Let them remove the idol
of the Divinity of Jesus from their hearts so that Islam can easily
take its place. Then he said: Maulvi Sahib, only a person
with a keen eyesight can see the new moon in the sky. But when it
becomes the full moon then everyone can see it. Similarly, my eyes
have sighted the crescent of the spiritual dominance of Islam. If
Allah pleases, the day shall soon come when it will shine like the
full moon and the whole world will see it.
He proved his claim by action
Hazrat Mirza Sahib did not only make tall claims but he set to
work putting his plans into action. Although he had been involved
in refuting the false beliefs of other religions since his early
youth, now he renewed his efforts with added vigour. However, the
novelty of his philosophical outlook and its amazing power, which
left both Muslims and non-Muslims spellbound, was first manifested
in his famous book Baraheen-i-Ahmadiyya. It was so remarkable
that both friends and foes had to admit that no one had ever defended
and safeguarded Islam in the same manner throughout the thirteen
hundred year long history of Islam. Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi,
who was the leader of the Ahle Hadith sect and a leading religious
scholar, wrote in his review of Baraheen-i-Ahmadiyya:
In our opinion, this book in this age, and to meet
the present circumstances, is such that the like of it has not been
written up to this time in Islam, and nothing may be said about
the future, Allah may (if He wishes) bring about another matter
(like this). Its author, too, has proved himself to be firmly staunch
in helping the cause of Islam with his money, with his pen and his
tongue, and with his personal religious experiences. And he has
done this (service) to such an extent that an example of it is rarely
met with among the Muslims who have gone before. If anyone considers
these words of ours to be Asiatic exaggeration, let him point out
to us at least one such book as has in it such forceful refutation
of all classes of the opponents of Islam, especially the Arya Samaj,
and let him give us the particulars of two or three persons as the
helpers of the cause of Islam who, besides serving Islam with their
money and their personal efforts and their pens and their tongues,
have also come forward with their religious experiences and have
proclaimed, as against the opponents of Islam and the deniers of
revelation, the manly challenge that whoever doubted the truth of
revelation might come to them and witness the truth thereof, and
have made (even) the non-Muslims witness the same. (Isha‘at
as-Sunna, vol. vii, no. 6, June to August 1884, pp. 169 – 170)
Next: 4. The basis of Hazrat Mirza Sahib’s religious
philosophy  |