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The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement and the Reform of Albanian Islam in the Inter-War Period

A research paper by
Dr. Nathalie Clayer

Translated from French by
Selim Ahmed, U.K.

We present here the English translation of a paper that appeared in French in 2004 under the title (when translated): The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement and the Reform of Albanian Islam in the Inter-War Period. The author of the article has checked and approved this translation and granted permission for it to be published at this website.

It is accessible in two formats:

  • As a pdf document. (You require Acrobat Reader to view this document.)
  • As an html webpage. (Note that the document contains accented characters which display correctly in Internet Explorer 6, but may not necessarily do so in older or other browsers.)

This paper is contained in a compilation of studies. The translation of the cover page of that compilation (From Arabia to the Himalayas, Crossing Paths) is displayed at the beginning of our translated document.

About the author Nathalie Clayer

Information about the research work and books of Nathalie Clayer can be found on the website of Association française d'études sur les Balkans (French Association for Balkan Studies) on its webpage about her work. For our readers’ convenience we translate into English below the titles of books written or edited by her as given in French on that webpage:

  1. Albania, Country of Dervishes. Muslim mystical orders in Albania during the post-Ottoman period (1912-1967).
  2. Turkish Press and Press in Turkey. Proceedings of workshops in Istanbul.
  3. Mystics, State and Society. Halvetis in the Balkan area from the end of the 15th century till today.
  4. Melâmis-Bayrâmis. Studies on three Muslim mystical movements.
  5. The New Balkan Islam. Muslims, actors of post-communism (1990-2000)
