Frequently Asked Qadiani Questions:
More on Question 5 Larger
number of members proves their truth?
(See Question 5 here.)
Members of the Qadiani Movement frequently argue that the size
of their Jamaat is much larger than ours and this proves that
Allah is one their side and their beliefs are right and ours are
wrong. The following are our comments on this claim.
1. This is exactly what the Christian missionaries were saying
to Muslims at the time of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, that the fact
that the Christian nations are so supremely successful and dominant
in the world proves their religion to be right and Islam to be false.
Should Hazrat Mirza sahib have accepted their argument as correct?
In fact, he characterised them as the dajjal who was prophesied
to be dominant over the whole world, but whose dominance by no means
proved the truth of their religion. He launched a campaign against
their doctrines and ideologies by means of pen and speech.
Even today, the Western nations could use the same argument against
Islam and the Muslims (including Qadianis), that their dominance
and power in the world prove the truth of its ideology.
2. If the Qadianis claim, in comparison with us, that they are
right because they constitute the vast majority of the followers
of the Promised Messiah, then the general Muslims can make the claim
against Qadianis that they (the general Muslims) constitute the
vast majority of the followers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and
that therefore they are the true custodians of his religion.
We show below the response given by the late Mirza Tahir Ahmad
to just this argument by the opponents of the Ahmadiyya Movement.
They claim that as they, representing the vast majority of Muslims,
have declared Ahmadis to be non-Muslim, therefore this verdict must
be accepted as a right and valid Islamic judgment. The late Mirza
Tahir Ahmad, in a statement dated 17 May 1985, published in the
Qadiani organ Al-Fazl International on its front page in
the issue for 28 May 2004, declared as follows about this:
We translate below the essential part of this statement. Addressing
the anti-Ahmadiyya coalition of Muslims he declares:
This is what we think of your majority and of the value
and worth of your majority. We do not care in the least for this
majority because our Leader and Patron Muhammad mustafa,
may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him, does not care for such a majority. …
If you are
right, God forbid, and Muhammad mustafa,
may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him, is wrong, God forbid, then we want to be the one group which,
while being wrong, is still siding with the our Leader Muhammad mustafa,
may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him. We certainly do not wish to be among the seventy-two
sects who are not accepted by our Leader and Patron Muhammad mustafa,
may peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him.
Thus, in response to their anti-Ahmadiyya Muslim opponents, who
claim to represent the vast majority of Muslims, the Qadianis declare
that being in the majority is no proof of being right, and that
the minority group is right if it follows the Holy Prophet Muhammad.
We give the same response to the Qadianis in their contention with
us, that being in the majority is no proof that you are following
the true teachings of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, and what matters
is who is siding with the Promised Messiah. |