1892 declaration: Delete
the word Prophet from my writings and replace it with
Later confirmation by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
Read here
the declaration by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, made in February 1892
after his debate with a Maulvi Abdul Hakim in Lahore, stating that
the word nabi about him should be replaced by muhaddas.
In the debate he had presented the Islamic concept of muhaddas
(a non-prophet to whom God speaks) and had stated that his claim
is that of being a muhaddas and not a prophet.
It is alleged by the Qadiani Jamaat that from November
1901 onwards he began proclaiming himself as a prophet because he
came to realise that the term muhaddas did not indicate
a recipient of revelation of matters unseen from Allah. They allege
that, as a result, his earlier declarations denying claiming to
be a prophet and claiming to be a muhaddas are no longer
valid after the publication of his booklet Ayk Ghalati Ka Izala
on 5 November 1901.
However, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad has referred to this debate
later on, and used the word muhaddas as meaning one who
receives the revelation which is promised by Islam to continue among
1. “In Lahore I had a debate with a Maulvi
Abdul Hakim. I put to him: Why do you object to God speaking,
when Hazrat Umar was a muhaddas. He denied it flatly
and said that the Holy Prophet had only stated it hypothetically,
and that Hazrat Umar was not a muhaddas. He considered
it impossible that anyone could receive revelation after the Holy
Prophet. He does not believe it at all and has closed the doors
of revelation forever.”

Malfuzat, 2016
edition, v. 2, p. 391; from Al-Hakam, 24 May 1903,
statement made on 27 November 1901.
2. “In Lahore I had a debate with a Maulvi
on the word muhaddas, that it says in Hadith reports
that muhaddas is one to whom God speaks, and this applied
to Hazrat Umar. The Maulvi replied that as in Islam there is no
revelation after the Holy Prophet, therefore Hazrat Umar did not
achieve this rank. It is as if in this Ummah only dajjals can come.”

Malfuzat, Ruhani Khazain No. 2, 1988
edition, v. 4, p. 177, statement made on 28 October 1904.
3. “In Lahore I had a talk with a man
called Abdul Hakim. He said that revelation was limited to the
earlier religions, in which even women received revelation, but
in this Umma this door is closed. What a matter of embarrassment!
Is this Umma less than even the women of the Israelites?
Did God the Most High intend for it to be deprived while it is
known as the best Umma?
That Abdul Hakim went so far as to say that Hazrat Umar was not
in fact a muhaddas, but that he was told so in order
to please him; however, he was not a muhaddas.

Malfuzat, Ruhani Khazain No. 2, 1988
edition, v. 4, p. 428, statement made on 26 September 1905.
These statements show that long after 1901 Hazrat Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad was still confirming the standpoint he had taken in his debate
with Maulvi Abdul Hakim in 1892 that revelation continues
among followers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and the recipient of
such revelation is known as muhaddas in Islam.
4. At another place where Hazrat Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad is reported as saying something similar in September 1901,
the editor of the Ahmadiyya community newspaper Al-Hakam
has added a footnote about Maulvi Abdul Hakim.
Hazrat Mirza is reported there as saying:
I had a debate with a man in Lahore, called Abdul Hakim.
He said plainly that even Hazrat Umar was not a muhaddas.
He interpreted the hadith report about him as meaning that if
there was going to be a muhaddas it would have been Umar.

The editors footnote, marked by * above, is as follows:
When the debate of this Maulvi Abdul Hakim with the holy
Imam was held in Lahore in February 1892, I myself, the editor
of Al-Hakam, was present at that occasion. This man went
off with the papers of the debate at the end. Then he came to
Qadian, unashamedly, in 1900. Matters were explained to him but
he did not understand and started saying ridiculous things. When
he was reminded of the Lahore debate and accused of running off
with the debate papers, he promised to have them printed and to
send them to the editor of Al-Hakam within one month;
otherwise, he said, he should be considered as a liar. Now, let
alone one month, one year is passing and he has still not sent
the papers. If that wretch had sent the papers, we would have
published the Hazrats speeches. Anyhow, it is that Abdul
Hakim who is mentioned here.

Malfuzat, 2016
edition, v. 2, p. 290–291, from Al-Hakam, 30th September
1901, p. 2.
This shows that in September 1901 the position taken by Hazrat
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in his 1892 debate was still accepted in the
Ahmadiyya Movement, so much so that if the record of the debate
had been available it would have been published in the Ahmadiyya
communitys newspapers. |