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Refuting the Qadiani Beliefs

Khilafat in the Ahmadiyya Movement: Brief Review
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Khilafat in the Ahmadiyya Movement: Brief Review

  • For the administration and financial management of the Movement after him, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad created in 1905 an Anjuman or association, which was called the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya, and he plainly designated this body as his “successor” in his Will (the booklet Al-Wasiyya).
  • He declared the Anjuman to be the supreme governing body of the Movement after his death, and assigned to it the decision-making authority which he himself possessed during his life.
  • The Promised Messiah appointed fourteen men to the executive body of the Anjuman, and gave the instruction in a written note that its decisions, made by majority opinion, would be final and binding.
  • The Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya held this position and functioned in this way during the period of leadership of Maulana Nur-ud-Din (from May 1908 to March 1914), the first Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement after the Promised Messiah’s death.
  • However, in 1914 when Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (son of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, 1889-1965) succeeded in his plans to become the head of the Movement, he immediately proceeded to destroy the system created by the Promised Messiah and replace it with an autocratic, personal khilafat giving the khalifa absolute and supreme power over the movement.
  • Although in practice Mirza Mahmud Ahmad established an autocratic khilafat in 1914, he himself announced in 1925 that according to the original rules and regulations of the Anjuman, which were still on paper, the khilafat had no existence or power! He then divested the Anjuman of its powers.
  • The Qadiani Jama‘at concept is that the khalifa is appointed by God, and therefore all his acts and pronouncements possess the seal of Divine authority. He cannot be questioned or called to account by any human being or by the members of the Movement, and it is the prime duty of every member to obey the khalifa totally and absolutely, without question, no matter what he orders them to do.
  • Subsequently, this khilafat also appeared to become a family inheritance for the descendants of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
  • The Qadiani Movement considers its khalifa as the real and true Head of the whole of the Muslim Umma. This belief has led them, on many occasions, to try to gain political power making them just like so many other Islamic parties seeking political power.
  • The Qadiani system of rule by a khalifa possessing absolute, autocratic power is entirely repugnant to the teachings of Islam, and no trace whatsoever of any such concept is to be found anywhere in the writings of the Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

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Please read detailed article with references and quotations.