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Mirza Mahmud Ahmad admits in 1925: Khilafat not mentioned in founding principles of the Jama‘at
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Mirza Mahmud Ahmad admits in 1925:

Khilafat not mentioned in founding principles of the Jama‘at

Expresses fear that khilafat is still in danger from Anjuman’s powers

Says danger is that the Anjuman of my own pledged followers can turn Qadian into Lahore

In an accompanying article entitled Khilafat in the Ahmadiyya Movement we have quoted some extracts, in English translation, from a speech by Mirza Mahmud Ahmad made in 1925. Here we display the original Urdu text of those extracts. For translation and comments, please refer to the relevant part of the main article.

(Note: The speech was originally published in the paper Al-Fazl. It is included in the collection of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad’s writings entitled Anwar-ul-‘Ulum (in volume 9, number 9, page 125 to 146). The images below have been taken from the online edition of Anwar-ul-‘Ulum available on the Qadiani Jama‘at website. This speech is at this link on their website.)

Extract 1: (See translation in main article)

Speech 1925, extract 1

Extract 2: (See translation in main article)

Speech 1925, extract 2

Extract 3: (See translation in main article)

Speech 1925, extract 3(1)

Speech 1925, extract 3(2)

Further comments

Members of the Qadiani Jama‘at are regularly asking our members the question: You accepted the first Khalifa (Hazrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din), so why didn’t you accept the second Khalifa (Mirza Mahmud Ahmad). The above extracts from Mirza Mahmud Ahmad’s speech provide the answer to their question. He admits that the khilafat he established in 1914 was nowhere mentioned at all in the rules and regulations of the Movement during the times of the Promised Messiah and Hazrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din. That is our answer.

Mirza Mahmud Ahmad admits here that he tried to establish such a khilafat by a resolution of the Anjuman in 1914 when he became Head. In 1925 in this speech he expressed his fear that the Anjuman, on paper, still possessed the power to revoke that resolution. He says he cannot even trust an Anjuman consisting of his own pledged followers of the highest sincerity to have this power because “the movement lives in the constant danger” that “by the stroke of the pen of ten or eleven men Qadian can at once become Lahore”.

In May 1908, when the Lahore Ahmadiyya elders accepted the headship of Hazrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din, the khilafat institution as understood by the Qadiani Jama‘at did not exist, neither in the rules nor in practice. Mirza Mahmud Ahmad brought it into existence in practice in 1914, and later in 1925 he had to amend the rules to ensure its continued existence.

 See the article: Khilafat in the Ahmadiyya Movement: Detailed article