Another article on importance of Sadr Anjuman
In Al-Hakam of 17 September 1907, the importance of the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya is again highlighted by the editor. We quote from it below:
“The time of the coming of the appointed ones of God (mamooreen) is the time for the making and unmaking of communities. At this time too God has sent an appointed one (maamoor) and, as he has himself made known, it is in a state of the utmost powerlessness and humility that he is working for the reform of people. He wants to create a community. It will certainly be created, and blessed will be those who join it. …
To create a living structure for the community the holy Hazrat has laid the foundation of the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya. Now the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya is anxious to create branches of Ahmadi anjumans subordinate to it in different places. Announcements have been published, articles written, letters sent, and much has been done and much still needs to be done. By the grace of God, good results are being obtained by all these plans and efforts. Ahmadi anjumans are being set up. Now that this process has started, it is my duty to make my brethren aware of the problem and tribulation that arises when such anjumans are established. May God safeguard our anjumans from these.
That tribulation and disaster is self interest and selfishness. The creation of the Ahmadi anjumans is not for the sake of any one individual, but is for the benefit of the entire community. So if a person, merely because his proposal or opinion at some meeting is not followed or is opposed, is offended and obstructs the work, then remember that he is guilty of a severe sin in the eyes of God. He wishes to damage the whole community.
What are we individuals worth, and what worth are our opinions? In our work we should show sincerity and seek the pleasure of God. Whoever is made the president or secretary of the assembly should realise that he carries an immense responsibility. In discharging his duties he must bear in mind the principle that the leader of a people is their servant. Those who have elected him president or secretary must make it their rule to obey him in good matters. There must be no dispute among us as to why someone was not given a certain office. Such disputes divide the community, and the community in which these happen deviates far from its real object.” (The bold text here is in bold in the original.)
Again, this shows that the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya was created as the supreme executive in the Ahmadiyya Movement. No article such as the above mention anything about a khilafat to rule the Movement.
From Abdul Momin:
“That tribulation and disaster is self interest and selfishness. The creation of the Ahmadi anjumans is not for the sake of any one individual, but is for the benefit of the entire community. So if a person, merely because his proposal or opinion at some meeting is not followed or is opposed, is offended and obstructs the work, then remember that he is guilty of a severe sin in the eyes of God. He wishes to damage the whole community.”
I wonder who was the person or persons the editor in this editorial had in mind when he gave this advice to the Ahmadi community.
Sometimes I wish it was possible to travel 100 years back in time and talk to the Ahmadi community of that time as to how their actions could lead to severe consequences for the movement in the future. But I know when people are bent on self destruction no power on earth can stop them.
All the more praise to the Lahori elders who could visualize the future and charted a separate course for themselves.
From Zahid Aziz:
Interestingly, the editor of Al-Hakam, the writer of this article, was Shaikh Yaqub Ali Turab. After the Promised Messiah’s death he became a staunch, leading supporter of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad’s side and was subsequently a prominent figure in the Qadiani Jamaat.
While all during Maulana Muhammad Ali’s life he wrote against the Maulana, on the death of the Maulana he wrote a very moving tribute for Paigham Sulh. Some years ago I translated it into English. It can be read here.