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November 3rd, 2008

Khutbaat Muhammad Ali come to an end

I had been avidly following the compilations, as they successively appeared, of the khutbaat of Maulana Muhammad Ali, in print as well as at By no means have I read them all, but I gained immense knowledge and inspiration from the many that I have read so far. Now that they have come to an end with the last volume, one feels deprived and wishes that they should have continued and carried on. That sense of loss is only mitigated by reading in the Quran that “everyone in the world passes away (is fani or finite) and there endures forever the person of your Lord, the Lord of glory and honour” (55:26-27).

In this case, this verse applies in another sense also. The passing away of the finite and the enduring of the person of the Lord are in this case not two separate, unconnected facts. The one who passed away after a finite span of life on earth also left behind the means by which the person of the Lord and His glory and honour will be recognised and known to the world for a long time to come.

4 Responses to “Khutbaat Muhammad Ali come to an end”

  1. I never heard m. ali vocally, but when I read his books I am very much impressed. 

    M. ali has to be one of the most talented disciples of HMGA.

    I have much more to say….words can’t describe my admiration of this man.

  2. November 4th, 2008 at 1:19 pm
    From Abdul Momin:

    The Maulana’s historic role in preserving the true beliefs of HMGA can never be overstated. If it were not for him and other stalwarts like him, the real beliefs of HMGA would have been lost to us and no would ever have known that an alternative and better explanation – than provided by the Qadianis – for his claims exists. We are truly grateful to him, and thank the Almighty for his scholarship and dedication to the cause of Islam.

    We cannot even imagine the stressful environment that must have existed in Qadian where the close associates of HMGA all of a sudden became his”enemies”. Only a person of very high integrity and determination could have endured what he did, and still keep his faith intact. 

  3. You can hear him vocally:


  4. November 6th, 2008 at 7:57 am
    From Abdul Momin:

    I think this was presented at the USA convention in August. If so I have already heard it. But thanks anyway.