Statements of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad answered by Javed Ahmad Ghamdi
Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.
Pakistan’s well-known scholar of Islam Javed Ahmad Ghamdi, who appreciates the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement literature, in his Dunya TV program ‘Deen-o-Danish’ has answered a question that quotes Qadiani Khalifa 2 Mirza Mahmud Ahmad (QK2) statement. The question quotes QK2 book ‘Anwar-ul-Aloom’ volume 2, page 151, ‘Aina-e-Sadaqqat’.
Link to you tube video. Please watch at 4 mins 43 secs:
‘Ahmadiyya Important Questions, Answers by Ghamidi’
Dr. Khalid Zaheer, student and colleague of Javed Ahmad Ghamdi (another appreciator of LAM literature) in multi-part you tube video produced by his institution has replied to Qadiani Jamaat arguments that they present from Holy Quran to establish “prophet-hood” of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib. By using word ‘Ahmadis’ Dr. Khalid Zaheer means ‘Qadianis’:
‘Ahmadis and Khatme Nubuwwat’
‘Claim of Ahmadies (1)’
‘Claim of Ahmadies (2)’
‘Claim of Ahmadies (3)’
‘Claim of Ahmadies (4)’
From Rashid:
Financial Contributions in Ahmadiyya Movement of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
HMGA has written about Chanda (Urdu word for financial contributions), in his book ‘The Will’. I have not come across in his writings where he has made it obligatory for his followers to make financial contributions, especially if they cannot afford it.
Growing up in Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement, I do not recall if collection of Chanda was given high priority. I do remember, on occasion of Jalasa Salana (annual gathering of Jamaat members) in last week of month of December, a presentation of on going and future projects for propagation of Islam was made and appeal for Chanda was made. Depending on financial situations LAM members use to contribute.
Contrary to LAM Chanda collection, much higher priority is given in Qadiani Jamaat. I have heard and read a lot on this from those who are familiar with Qadiani Jamaat Chanda collection set-up. I have come across a recent article by a former Qadiani, Shahid Kamal. Per his speeches and writings he was quite active in Qadiani Jamaat. He has written an article on Chanda collections of Qadiani Jamaat in UK. Reading his article, I’m wondering did LAM ignored HMGA instructions on Chanda collection or Qadiani Jamaat has exaggerated to a great extent HMGA instructions? I will like to read reply from both LAM members and Qadiani Jamaat friends.
Link to article by Shahid Kamal:
‘The Ahmadiyya Chanda Fraud’
From Zahid Aziz:
I have extracted three pages from Maulana Muhammad Ali’s booklet Instructions and Guidance for Members of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Jama`at, and have marked by a red line the instructions relating to donations.
Here is the link.
I also refer to his letter to the Jama`at at this link, in which he writes:
“7. Encourage your children right from the start to give money for the propagation of Islam every month, no matter how small an amount, and have their names entered in the lists of regular contributors. In this way you will sow in their hearts from an early age the seeds of passion for the propagation of Islam, which will develop into a strong tree when they are grown up.
10. Find out if your adult, financially independent offspring (for instance, your sons who earn their own income or your daughters who are married) give the monthly donation to the Jama‘at, subscribe to the periodicals of the Jama‘at, …”
A large number of members make regular, monthly contributions, and many have bequeathed substantial sums in their wills. Our elders donated their properties and land to the Anjuman.
Our system complies with the following instructions of the Promised Messiah given in his Will:
“For this purpose, there should be an Anjuman entrusted to spend, as it determines fit, the funds thus collected from time to time, on proclaiming the teachings of Islam and spreading the message of the oneness of God.”
“9. The Anjuman, which is to hold these funds, shall not be authorised to spend the monies for any purpose except the objectives of the Ahmadiyya Movement, and among these objectives the propagation of Islam shall have the highest priority.”
The extract below is from the biography of Maulana Muhammad Ali:
“Appeal to make Wills
Among the major plans that Maulana Muhammad Ali put before the Jama‘at to carry into action, one was the making of wills which he initiated at the annual gathering of 1936. He said that while we had embraced the Promised Messiah’s Al-Wasiyyat in the ideological sense, we had paid little attention to putting it into practice. One objective of Al-Wasiyyat was that just as we spend some of our money in the service of the faith during our lifetime, similarly after our death some of our property and money should go to the same cause. The Promised Messiah’s exhortation for making wills was not for the purpose of getting a plot in the Bahishti Maqbara of Qadian. To think in that way would be just to take his words literally. God’s paradise is very extensive, and the Promised Messiah instructed in Al-Wasiyyat that to inherit that Garden one must continue the striving to serve the faith even after death. Maulana Muhammad Ali further said that the Holy Quran has made it obligatory for everyone leaving behind any money or property to make a bequest, and what is meant is a bequest for charitable and religious endowments, and not for near and dear ones. According to the Shariah a maximum of one-third of one’s wealth can be willed for such purposes. The Promised Messiah instructed that at least one tenth should be willed, and he expressed his desire that the funds so collected should be spent on the propagation of Islam and spreading translations of the Holy Quran in different languages of the world.
From 1936 onwards the campaign to urge the making of wills continued every year and members of the Jama‘at took part in it. On the occasion of the silver jubilee of the Anjuman a large part of the jubilee fund was raised by this means.”
“From October till the annual gathering of December 1939 Maulana Muhammad Ali continuously toured the outside branches of the Jama‘at, visiting in addition to other cities Delhi and Quetta. A particular purpose he had in view in these visits was to organise the monthly subscriptions, so that every member should pay his dues according to the rate fixed by the Anjuman. He kept stressing this point in his Friday khutbas also during this entire period.”
From Rashid:
As no Qadiani Jamaat freind has given his/her input, so i’m posting a link to Qadiani Jamaat Chanda Collection Training Manual:
‘Finance Workshop’ by Mubarik Ahmad Malik, National Finance Secretary, USA. Please pay attention to page 4:
Obligatory Chandas
• Quran, Hadith, Hazrat Masih-e-Mauood and Khulfa sayings (available)
• How to approach
Personal contact
By phone
By letter (refer Page 2A for sample letter)
° Do you send any such reminder?
Keep on reminding continuously, with patience and prayers
Do not get tired of continuous reminding
° More devotion of time is needed from Finance Secretary and
° Get help from Additional/Assistance Finance Secretaries
° Get help from President/Amila members
Get help from Regional Muballigh
• Ameer Sahib’s monthly overview/ analysis
Discuss in Aamila
Find reasons for negative collection
Formulate plan of action to recover arrears
Include new Ahmadis as Chanda payers
• Encourage/motivate regular Chanda payers to become Moosie
Hazur’s current directive at UK Jalsa 2004 to persuade 50% of Chanda Aam
payers to become Moosie
From Zahid Aziz:
It should be remembered that the urging of donations and chanda upon his followers by Hazrat Mirza sahib for the service of Islam is only in obedience to the injunctions of the Holy Quran to Muslims to strive hard in the way of Allah with their wealth and possessions. It is in no sense a novel institution invented by him.
In early Islam Muslims made tremendous financial sacrifices for the cause of Islam, the stories about which are commonly related by Muslims. Hazrat Mirza sahib told his followers that the sacrifices required of them are much lighter than those of early Muslims, as they had to risk their lives in battles, which we don’t have to do.
From Tariq:
I have clear memories of regular chanda payments and collection while growing up in LAM. It mattered whether you regularly paid chanda or not. The amount could be small or large according to your situation, but had to be regular.
Any organization needs funds to do its work and we are no exception. From what I can tell, the Qadianis are more strict with those who are delinquent and perhaps penalize them in various ways. We, IMO, happen to be more lenient.
From what I have read, some of the criticism on the internet of the Qadiani jama’at by ex-Qadianis refers to a draconian system of chanda collection. I am not sure how much of it is true nor do I care, to be honest with you.
To be fair and generally speaking, any large organization engaged in various activities and with a large staff and officers needs a steady supply of funds. I don’t want to get into how they use their funds, as that is their business.
I do feel that when the Qadianis are criticized for their chanda collection (and I am not just referring to your post…I have heard this from some ex-Qadanis as well), the LAM is juxtaposed against them in such a way that the impression is given that we are some loose organization, where whether you pay or not, no problem you are just fine.
Yes we do give various jama’ats (across the world) a lot of autonomy in running their administrative affairs, but we do not lose focus on our collective goals and people open their hearts when funds are needed for the propagation of Islam.
These are just my observation and my opinion.