The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Blog

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See: Project Rebuttal: What the West needs to know about Islam

Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam

Read: Background to the Project

List of all Issues | Summary 1 | Summary 2 | Summary 3

Archive for July, 2011

Ramadan Message from Dr A.K. Saeed, Head of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement

Sunday, July 31st, 2011

Read the 2011 Ramadan Message from Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed, along with his translation of some verses of poetry by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in praise of the Holy Quran.

Issue 2

Friday, July 29th, 2011

Issue 2 [@ 4:37] Robert Spencer alleges that Islam, Quran and its interpretations, Hadith, Islamic theology, Islamic Law and all its doctrines mandate violence against unbelievers.

Rebuttal 2:
First and foremost these false allegations emanate from the minds that have neither read nor understood the the source of Islamic doctrine i.e. Quran. Neither have they objectively studied the secular, spiritual and religious life of Muhammad nor do they give him the credit he deserves for the transformation that he wrought in the world by unshackling mankind from the clutches of medieval mythologies and moved it to its modern secular and moral freedoms.

Most likely these minds belong to or are influenced by the previous religions in which to this day they carry indisputable anger against Muhammad who despite their wishes did not offer himself for crucifixion nor like previous prophets was he killed by the ancestors of present day followers of those religions despite their ancestral scheming to do so. To their dismay, he was not only “the one who got away” but also became the singularly most successful man in human history. They also vent their anger against the Muslims en-mass who refuse to go back into colonization. To such minds all one can say is, “Sorry! you cannot undo the history” and its natural flow into the future. Their paranoia and hate of Islam is no more than the comedy of “Russians are Coming”. However, Islam offers no apologies when it challenges and appeals to human reason, which will be obvious from the rebuttal to the issue at hand.

The above broad swipes by Robert Spencer have been fully addressed in the book “Islam, Peace and Tolerance” by Dr. Zahid Aziz published in 2006, which coincidentally is the same year when the documentary under discussion was made. In fact this book it a rebuttal to not only Robert Spencer, but to the whole documentary. Each step of the way Dr Aziz makes a case based upon Quran, Sunnah or Hadith. It begets Robert Spencer and other participants in the documentary, on and off the screen, to read this book. Now the burden is on them of their own allegations. They are all invited to rebut Dr. Aziz when he quotes the principles from Quran and life of Muhammad.

This book is focused, easy to read and it grabs the attention of the seeker. It elucidates the pristine “Islamic Doctrine” that Robert Spencer is trying to smear. Its preface outlines the purpose of the book which reflects the ongoing debate about Islam. The preface is excerpted below:

This booklet has been compiled to refute the widely prevailing but misconceived notion that Islam is a violent, ferocious and intolerant religion, which calls upon its followers to wage unceasing war, called jihad, against those who do not accept it. It is alleged that Islam prohibits all freedom of religion, propagates its message by force, and coerces its followers by threat of the death penalty to remain within its fold. Another charge of the same kind is that Islam does not tolerate any criticism of its teachings and urges the faithful to kill anyone who speaks against it.

These misconceptions have aroused a great deal of hostility against Islam in the West, as well as alarm and fear, so much so that the Muslim religion is considered by many of its Western critics to be the gravest threat to civilisation which, they believe, they must counter and oppose by all available means. Unfortunately, some sections of Muslims, by their own intemperate words and actions, are reinforcing exactly this alarming image of Islam. The vast majority of Muslims do not, of course, accept these extreme doctrines but have generally not realised the urgent and vital necessity of making strong, sustained efforts to remove these grave slurs from the good name of Islam and its Prophet Muhammad.

This book clarifies the teachings of Islam on the main issues that are raised in this connection. Its arguments and conclusions are based, firstly, on the Holy Quran and, secondly, on the leading books of Hadith, these being collections of verified reports of statements and actions of the Prophet Muhammad by his contemporary followers. I have provided full references to the sources and have checked all the quotations given here directly in the original books. Existing translations of the quoted Arabic sources, when available, have been indispensable to me, but I have on occasion varied some of their wording for greater clarity or accuracy. Some material in this booklet has been revised from articles by myself that have been published during 2006.

I have attempted to confront, directly and honestly, the issues and objections involved, without trying to avoid any difficult questions or indulging in superficial propaganda.

In the light of the ongoing debate, the contents of the book are worth perusal by themselves:

1. Prophet Muhammad’s life — offering friendship and peace to the world

2. Freedom of religion in Islam

    No Compulsion in Religion
    Christians pray in Holy Prophet’s mosque
    Some passages of the Quran on how to preach Islam
    No punishment for apostasy
    Apostasy during war
    Apostasy in Hadith and classical Islamic jurisprudence

3. Islam’s teaching on response to abuse and mockery

    Quran teaches patience in response to verbal abuse
    More verses from the Quran
    Politely withdrawing from company of abusers
    Some incidents from the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s life

4. When is war allowed?

    War permitted in self-defence only
    Peace to be preferred
    Offering security to enemy who wishes to learn about Islam
    No change from tolerance in later revelations
    Relations of friendship with others

5. What is Jihad?

    Jihad to attain nearness to God
    Jihad of patience and endurance
    Jihad of propagating the message of Islam
    Jihad of war
    Conditions for a jihad by arms

6. Martyrdom

    What is martyrdom in Islam?
    Suicide is a sin in Islam, self-preservation is a duty
    Virgins in heaven as reward for martyrs?

7. Muslim anger

    Islam urges self-control of anger
    Justice above hatred
    Hadith on anger

8. The Bible and war

    God of war in the Bible
    Law of war in the Bible
    Instances of conduct of war in the Bible
    Jesus’ statements on peace
    Story of Samson and resemblance to 9/11

9. Muslims living with others

    Philosophical basis
    Legal basis
    Secular or non-Muslim rule
    Moral basis

10. Views of eminent scholars

    A. Yusuf Ali, M. Pickthall, M. Asad, T.B. Irving, Maulvi Chiragh Ali, Sir Muhammad Iqbal, Justice Rahman, Dr G.W. Leitner, Sir T.W. Arnold

Islam, Peace and Tolerance” – Dr. Zahid Aziz.
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History” – Michael H. Hart

Ahmadiyya on Al Jazeera English

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Opponents of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib (mostly former Qadianis) and current Qadianis had debate on Al Jazeera English program ‘The Stream’. Since members of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement believe that both anti-HMGA and Qadianis are WRONG about status, mission and teachings of HMGA, so to make the picture more clear to the viewer LAM representative needs to contact ‘The Stream’ management and ask for a chance to present our beliefs.
Link to ‘The Stream’ program online:

Starting Ramadan / holding Eid on same day across Muslim world

Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Rizwan Jamil has asked for the following question to be posted.

Can you please open a new thread with the topic relating to moon sighting? I want to inquire what is Ahmadiyyah’s stance regarding this controversy i.e. Should the Muslims of the whole world start Ramadhan and celebrate Eid on the same day on the testimony of the sighting of the moon anywhere in the world? Or that the Muslims should respect the borders of their countries or nation states (created by the Non-Muslims by ending the Ottoman Caliphate on the basis of their “divide-and-rule” policy) and start Ramadhan and celebrate Eid on the testimony of the sighting of the moon in their own country only, irrespective of its sighting anywhere else in the world?

Issue 1

Monday, July 18th, 2011

Issue 1 [@ 3:34]: Serge Trifkovic – Foreign Affairs Editor – Chronicles Magazine, mocks Islam as a peaceful religion right from its inception at the time of Prophet Muhammad, his successors and till now.

Rebuttal 1: The above allegation is based upon history, hence the rebuttal is from history. At the age of fifty three, after thirteen years of extreme persecution of whole Muslim community in Makkah, Muhammad followed his co-Muslims into exile to Medina which is at the distance of one hundred and eighty miles from the Makkah. In the second year of exile, the first war was fought at Badar that is at a distance of sixty miles from Medina in which three hundred and thirteen Muslims in a rag tag out fit were against a thousand well equipped Makkans. In the third year of exile, second war was fought at Uhad which is at a distance of three miles from Medina between seven hundred Muslims and three thousand Makkans. Thereafter, Medinites undertook preemptive reconnaissance in vicinity of Medina which resulted in minor skirmishes. The third war known as the Trench War (as Medinaites dug trenches to defend the city) was fought in the fifth year of exile in Medina where the attackers, the Makkans and allies were twenty four thousand strong against the two thousand defendants. In all three wars Muslims prevailed. Even an illiterate can do the simple math of distance of battles from Medina and number of Medina combatants in these wars and determine who attacked whom. It is quite logically stated in the introduction section of the translation of The Quran by Nooruddin – “These were exactly the occasions when Jesus too would have called to ‘sell the clothes to purchase the sword.’” [pg – 40A]

There were three Jewish tribes in or around Medina each with their fortifications, namely Banu Qainqah, Banu Nadir and Banu Quraizah. Over period of time, each conspired against the Muslims and for which they were besieged after the three wars respectively. The first two were judged by Muhammad by their choice, who let them relocate away from Medina with their full possessions. Banu Qainqah resettled in Syria and Banu Nadir relocated to their brethren in faith in Khaibar at a distance of ninety five miles north of Medina. Banu Nadir were one of the main instigators and participants of the Trench War against Muslims and on their canvassing the third tribe of Banu Quraizah broke their treaty and actually fought against the Muslims in the same war. When Banu Quraizah were besieged for sedition, they appointed as arbitrator, their old acquaintance and ally the chief of Aus tribe. To their dismay, they were awarded verdict from their own Mosaic Law by a judge of their own choosing and in their own historical tradition – “And when the Lord, thy God, hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword. But the woman and the little ones and the cattle and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take in to thy self and thou shalt eat the spoils of thy enemies which the Lord thy God has given thee” (Deut., 20 13 14).” [Muhammad The Prophet, pg 108-109]. More on Banu Quraizah in another issue below.

In the sixth year of exile, Muhammad along with his fourteen hundred Muslims from Medina were turned back from outskirts of Makkah and prevented from performing the pilgrimage in exchange for a peace treaty at Hudaibiyah that Muhammad accepted and signed, the terms of which were apparently humiliating to the Muslims.

After the Trench War, Banu Nadir continued their instigation and rallied the neighboring tribes of Medina to yet another war against Muslims. To prevent that in seventh year of exile, Muhammad was forced to launch a preemptive attack on Khaibar, where the sixteen hundred Muslims prevailed over the fortifications of Khaibar and a force of ten to fourteen thousands. Despite being defeated but for the sake of a peace treaty the Khaibarites were allowed to keep their land and holdings. Of note is that each of Banu Qainqah and the Khairbarites in their own time had invited Muhammad as a guest and then tried to kill him. The former by attacking him and later by poisoning him and not once were there retribution against the assailants by Muhammad personally.

In the seventh year of exile Muhammad sent emissaries to all the courts in neighboring countries. The king of Negus (Ethiopia) and governor of Yemen (then a province of Persia) accepted Islam by invitation alone. The kings of Egypt, Byzantine and Persian empires declined. Of these, the one sent to an Arab tribe in Jordan was killed by the hosts. As a consequence Muhammad was forced to send an army of three thousand which ended up facing over a hundred thousand enemy forces which included Byzantine troops. After the skirmishes, both armies retreated to their home bases.

By end of eighth year of exile, one of the tribes which under the term of peace treaty of Hudaibiyah had associated with Makkans attacked and killed the members of an ally tribe of Muslims in precincts of the Kaaba. To preserve the said treaty, Muhammad gave the Makkans the choice of either to pay the blood money to the victims else the treaty is nullified. The Makkans chose the latter. Compelled under treaty obligation to his allies, Muhammad had no choice but move on to Makkah with ten thousand Muslims on his heel which Moses had prophesied two thousand years before – “He came with ten thousand holy ones” (Deut., 33:2) [Muhmmad the Prophet – pg 129]. And holy ones were they indeed as Makkah was entered by Muslims with peace and general amnesty to all, no pledge was asked of the the Makkans for their future behavior and the Medinites who were in exile to begin with because of Makkans were asked to forgo all their their previous rights and claims including property and blood. Of note is that Muhammad personally forgave killer and dismember-er of his uncle and killer of his own daughter. Not a single forced conversion happened. While in Makkah, Muhmmad was forced to confront the en-massed forces of Hawazin tribe and their allies at Hunain, who when confronted then fled leaving behind six thousand prisoners of war, to their fortification in the city of Taif, which was besieged but later let go. In this campaign he was assisted by his ten thousand Medinites and two thousand Makkan volunteers. All the prisoners of war were released without any trial or compensations.

Earlier in his ministry while Muhammad tried to preach, he was rebuffed with the argument that he should first convert his own people, the Makkans. Now, that argument held sway no more and between ninth and tenth year of exile, while the history and future was unfolding in their own lives, deputations poured forth from all corners of Arabia to Medina and Islam had spread to whole of Arabian peninsula where no Muslim army had ever set foot.

In the ninth year of exile, Muhammad got the intelligence that Byzantines were planning an attack on Arabia. Now, with whole of Arabia behind him, he raised a well equipped army of thirty thousand and marched to the border town of Tabuk. Finding no hostility from the Byzantines, the unprotected lands of theirs and Syria for his to take, he unlike anyone in history retreated back to Medina. Thus true in letter and spirit to – 2:190. And fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you but do not be aggressive. Surely Allah does not love the aggressors. [Muhammad Ali – Zahid Aziz]

Muhammad’s life reflects the sum total of the lives of the previous prophets. As Abraham he was monotheist and stood up to the tyrants of the time. As Moses, he migrated with his followers. As Jonah, he was in the bowels of the earth (cave) for three days during his exile journey. As Jesus he was persecuted, yet forgiving. As Job, he was patient. As David, he undertook the military campaigns. As Joseph, he forgave his brethren when he prevailed. As Solomon, he established an effective government. Though being similar to Jesus, he was different in that “Christ indeed preached forgiveness to enemies, but he had no occasion to exercise the quality of forgiveness, for he never acquired power to deal with his persecutors.” [Muhammad The Prophet, pg 132]

“Holy Prophet had to fight with the Quraish, it has been shown that they were all defensive and three times did the Quraish advance on Madinah to give Islam a crushing blow. The wars with other tribes or those with the Jews and the Christians it has been shown that Holy Prophet never sent an expedition for proselytizing or political aggrandizement. But there exists such a misconception on this point that a review of the whole situation in the light of what is said in the Holy Qur’an seems to be necessary i.e. 22:39 Permission (to fight) is given to those on whom war is made, because they are oppressed. And surely Allah is Able to assist them. 22:40. Those who are driven from their homes without a just cause except that they say: Our Lord is Allah. And if Allah did not repel some people by others, surely cloisters and churches and synagogues, and mosques in which Allah’s name is much remembered, would have been pulled down. And surely Allah will help him who helps Him. Surely Allah is Strong, Mighty. That the Holy Prophet preached his faith with the sword is no more than a myth. This basic principle of Islam, a faith in all the prophets of the world, is enough to give the lie to this allegation. The great and liberal mind that preached not only love and respect for the founders of all the great religions of the world but much more than that faith in them could not shrink to the narrowness of intolerance for those very religions. Tolerance is not in fact the word that can sufficiently indicate the breadth of the attitude of Islam to other religions. It preaches equal love for all, equal respect for all, equal faith in all.” [Muhammad The Prophet – pg 150-151]

In summary with every defensive or preemptive war or peace treaty, the numbers of Muslim converts persistently increased. As to allegations such as this Issue 1, Muhammad Ali in his book “Muhammad The Prophet” gives the ultimate rebuttal – “Should we call this the spreading of Islam by the sword, or the spreading of Islam in spite of the enemy’s sword?” [pages 120-121]

[Areas pending – Early Caliphate.]

Muhammad The Prophet – Muhammad Ali
Holy Quran – Muhammad Ali, edited by Zahid Aziz
Holy Quran – Nooruddin

Qadiani Khalifa 5 Mirza Masroor Ahmad visits Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Mosque in Berlin, Germany

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

According to the news:

“Mirza Masroor Ahmed, Khalifa 5 of Qadiani Jamaat visited Berlin Mosque that belongs to Lahori Jamaat on 29th June 2011. Mirza Masroor Ahmed is the firstever Khalifa to visit a Lahori Jamaat Mosque in last 96 year after the death of Hazrat Hakim Noor-ud-Din, Khalifatul-Masih in March 1914. The details of his 15 minutes visit with about 50-60 people in his entourage shall be given soon.”

According to another information, Qadiani Khalifa 5 asked LAM member present in mosque to “Come and join them (i.e. Qadiani Cult)”.

I wish I were there. I would have replied:

“Khalifa sahib, I will join your jamaat at this very moment, just help me answer one objection of opponents of your jamaat: While in presence of your entourage, standing in mosque, holding Holy Quran in your hands could you please say on oath that your maternal Grandfather Khalifa (QK2) Mirza Mahmud Ahmad NEVER said–

“All muslims who are not included in the bai`at of Maseeh Mauood, even if they have not heard the name of Maseeh Mauood, they are Kafir and out of the fold of Islam. I admit that these are my beliefs.”;

“Non-Ahmadis [here Ahmadis means Qadianis i.e. Non-Qadianis] are the disbelievers therefore their funeral prayers should not be offered, but if you ask: an infant of non-ahmadi [Non-Qadiani] dies, why should we not pray his funeral prayer, he is not a disbeliever of Maseeh Mauood? I ask the inquirer, that if this is true than why don’t we offer funeral prayer of a Hindu or a Christian child? How many people offer their funeral prayer?”;

“It is our obligation that we do not consider non-ahmadis [non-Qadianis] as muslims and do not pray behind them, because for us they have rejected one prophet (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) of God. This is a religious matter and no one has any right to do anything in it.” ”

I am sure QK5 would have NEVER answered request, but it would have certainly educated the TRUE BELIEFS OF QADIANIS to his 50-60 stooges who escorted him to show off his “majesty”.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

Friday, July 8th, 2011

Submitted by Ikram.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

13:03. Verily, in all this there are messages indeed for people who think.

7:179 And certainly We have created for hell many of the jinn and the people —they have hearts with which they do not understand, and they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. They are as cattle; rather, they are more astray. These are the heedless ones.

The above verses emphasize that any divine system has to pass the test of human intelligence and reasoning, else following such a system would be a blind fellowship of a dogma. By stating these verses Quran exposes itself and Islam to this challenge first and foremost. Thus any institution that is developed in the name of Islam, must pass the secular standards first before any spirituality could be attributed to it.

Contrary to general religious views, secularism is the underpinning of Islam i.e.

“Secularism is a code of duty pertaining to this life, founded on considerations purely human, and intended mainly for those who find theology indefinite or inadequate, unreliable or unbelievable. Its essential principles are three: (1) The improvement of this life by material means. (2) That science is the available Providence of man. (3) That it is good to do good. Whether there be other good or not, the good of the present life is good, and it is good to seek that good.” [George Jacob Holyoake]

For example, humbleness, hard work, love, kindness, sincerity, truthfulness, honesty, accountability etc. are all secular values, which Quran encourages, nurtures and guides to. In doing so, Quran takes the secularism to next level of spirituality and outlines the moral laws governing those values. Not only that, Allah Himself becomes the guarantor of such laws and their outcomes which are both secular and spiritual in their nature e.g. the hard work:

79:1. I call to witness those groups of beings, who perform their duties (towards their Lord and mankind and themselves) with intense zeal and to the best of their capacity,
79:2. And those who exert themselves vigorously,
79:3. And those who steer their course swiftly and skillfully,
79:4. Then those who going foremost greatly excel (all others and attain the topmost positions),
79:5. Then those who administer the affairs in an excellent manner (shall reap the fruit of their striving).

Similarly, to manage an organization, Quran sets the following secular standards:

4:58. Surely, Allâh commands you to make over the trusts (such as the affairs of the state) to those who are competent to it, and that when you judge between the people you should judge with justice. That which Allâh exhorts you to do is best indeed. Allâh is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

In context to the recent posts on this blog, any Divine and his mission has to have the amalgam of both i.e. spiritualism that emanates from the foundations of pristine secularism. HMGA passes these standards with highest honors. Like any decent society or government he established an independent Senate i.e. Anjuman as the governing body to manage the secular aspect of his mission, while he remained the spiritual head. So did Noourddin sahib. [Read details…]

Then came the coup of QK-2, which is no different than that of Zia-ul-Haq or other dictators who claim to be the greatest democrats that were ever born and in doing so trample the very basic institutions that assures the secular goodness of the society i.e. the Senate and all representative bodies. The word of the dictator is final over all decisions and yet the dictators darn the garb of pseudo-democracy and pack the Senate with their cronies and rubber-stampers. While monopolizing the control over all national resources, they make every rule and effort to stay above accountability. It is their utmost effort to convert their rule into a dynasty. For public display, they make speeches in front of rent-a-crowd and in the process do actually become popular to some extent that they may even walk in full view of the public naked, but no one in the audience has the guts to yell “Emperor has no clothes.”

This is what the QK-2 onwards did [-read details…] and that is what the Qadiani members believed and rode the bandwagon for a century. Hopefully they enjoyed the ride of non-accountability, ignominy, extortion, bigotry, ridicule, ostracism, pseudo-representation, pseudo-spirituality, pseudo-piety in the pope-mobile. The first step in recovery is to admit the wrong. Maybe its time for them to stand up to their khalifas and yell at the top of their lungs:

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

More accrately: its the fifth khalifa i.e. “…fool me fourth (QK-5), shame on me.”

Advantages of a Muslim burial

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Growing up in densely and over populated country Pakistan, where graveyards and tombs have created traffic congestions. Lives in this world for living has become “hell” in some way for those who live near the dead. I was of the opinion that only solution for this problem is cremation and Muslims should adopt it. About couple of decades ago I discussed it with Mian Abdul Mannan Omar sahib (marhoom). He gave me reasons and advantages of Muslim burial along with stating that Islam does not prohibit leveling of Muslim graveyard every few years and reusing it as fresh place of burial. I can appreciate what he said then more after watching following report on Al Jazeera English website:

‘Ecofunerals’ on the rise in the US
Environmentally conscious Americans are opting for ecofriendly “green” funerals.

Lahore Ahmadi elders were lovers of, and loved by, the Promised Messiah — Qadiani leaders’ admission

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

In a recent comment I referred to a speech by Mirza Mahmud Ahmad in 1925. See: In it, he also stated:

“For the sake of the khilafat we had to make an unparalleled sacrifice. And that was that we sacrificed for its sake the old followers of the Promised Messiah, those who were called his friends, those who had a very close relationship with him. If this religious difference had not arisen between them and ourselves, they would be dearer to us than our own children because they included those who knew the Promised Messiah and those who were his companions.” (bolding is mine.)

In the book Seerat-ul-Mahdi, Mirza Bashir Ahmad (the younger brother) makes the following incidental observation about two Lahore Ahmadi leaders:

Seerat-ul-Mahdi, v. 3, p. 112

“I further add that among those people who stumbled at the second khilafat there were two who, in my opinion, loved the Promised Messiah very greatly during his life, and he too loved them. One was Mirza Yaqub Baig marhoom and the other was Shaikh Rahmatullah marhoom. Regrettably, they stumbled at the death of the first khalifa.” (Seerat-ul-Mahdi, v. 3, p. 112)

At least it is admitted here that during the life of the Promised Messiah the Lahore Ahmadi elders were his close, beloved followers. Yet the Qadiani Jama’at also alleges, elsewhere, that even during the life of the Promised Messiah these people were hypocrites and weak-hearted!

We suggest that it was their love for the Promised Messiah, which they displayed all through his life, which led to their so-called “stumbling” in 1914!