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March 12th, 2016

High Court Muslim Judge in India asks:  Why a Muslim Woman Can’t Have Four Husbands?

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

In a news item published in Deccan Chronicle, March 7, 2016 issue, a Kerala High Court Muslim Judge Justice B. Kamal Pasha questions Sharia (Islamic Law).  I was under the impression that Indian Superior Courts judges are more sensible than Pakistani Superior Courts judges. I am disappointed.

I wish someone can tell this honorable judge: you make a law allowing women to have four husbands. But it will not work. It is not natural. It is not practical. Women will soon realize it is nothing but their exploitation. They themselves will not practice it.

Condition of a woman having four husbands is worse than a prostitute. Prostitute has a right to refuse to have sex with a customer, if she is not interested that day for number of reasons, her health, physical tiredness, pregnancy, postpartum, nursing a new born etc. Moreover when she decides to have sex it is on her terms. And she receives money for her service. Compare her to a woman who has four husbands. This woman could be in last trimester of pregnancy from husband #1, and husband #2 does not care for her physical condition and wants to have sex; she delivers baby and husband #3 does not care as it is his turn and he wants to have sex; she has to breast feed her new born and husband # 4 has no feeling for new born and wants his share of sex… and cycle keeps on repeating in other situations too. In her ordeal she is unable to refuse without risking her marriage, and also unable to receive some compensation either.

Link to news article:

Kerala judge slams Muslim law, asks why women can’t have 4 husbands


Published Mar 7, 2016, 6:16 am IST

4 Responses to “High Court Muslim Judge in India asks:  Why a Muslim Woman Can’t Have Four Husbands?”

  1. March 13th, 2016 at 2:14 am
    From Roshnara Musthafa:

    I think it was only a needless rhetorical question by the judge. But the issues he raises are valid. Yes, polygamy or polyandry, women will be considered objects for sexual and reproductive needs, unless their status is raised, and they themselves feel empowered with education, and spiritual awakening.

  2. March 16th, 2016 at 3:50 pm
    From Mohammed Iqbal:

    Well Dr Jahangiri sahib, this was not a part of a judgement or an article written by the learned judge. It was an off the cuff remarks made by him in the course of a speech, but the Muslim community reacted violently to this and hurled abuses at him in the social media.

  3. March 17th, 2016 at 4:36 am
    From Rashid Jahangiri:

    @Iqbal Sahib,

    Remark by judge of this high stature only shows lack of his knowledge. Anyways, if you can somehow approach him and educate him that will be helpful. Reaction of Muslim community is also wrong. HMGA taught Muslims to answer with reason and logic. Violence is not helpful.

  4. April 2nd, 2016 at 3:54 pm
    From Mohammed Iqbal:

    Women activist Zakiya Soman on Justice Kamal Pash's statement: see this link.