Maulana Muhammad Ali on People Living in Qadian after the Split in 1914
Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri
In my blog posts I refer to two types of Qadiani Jamaat members. One type I call ‘Mehmoodies’ and other type I call ‘Qadianis’. Many people in Qadiani Jamaat feel offended by use of term ‘Mehmoodies’. Some even complained to our current Ameer of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement (LAM). Some in LAM also think term ‘Mehmoodies’ is not appropriate. This is the reason in my blogs when I use term ‘Mehmoodies’ I write short explanation in brackets next to it. By Mehmoodies I mean those people in Qadiani Jamaat who held belief that ‘Qadiani Khalifa 2 Mirza Mehmood Ahmad was “Musleh Mahud” and do NOT believe Holy Prophet Muhmmad SAWS was the last prophet and many more prophets will come after him. Some Mehmoodies then raise objection that this set of beliefs is held by ALL members in Qadiani Jamaat. Interestingly some LAM members also erroneously believe that everyone who stayed behind in Qadian, and did not move to Lahore in 1914 at time of split in Ahmadiyya Movement of Masih Mahud Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, held the said belief.
Today I read a Maulana Muhammad Ali sahib quote from LAM member Mumtaz Ahmad Faruqui sahib book ‘Truth Trumphs’ (Urdu: Fatah-e-Haq), Second Revised Edition. This book published in 1965.
On page 2 of said book:
As to the other statement of 1914, it was given at a time when Maulvi Muhammad Ali and his friends had just left Qadian, but they still entertained hopes of effecting a reconciliation with Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, on the following terms:
According to the last Will of the Promised Messiah, the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyyah, Qadian (the Central Executive Body), would be considered as the supreme executive body whose decision shall be treated as final and binding.
Whoever is elected as an Amir or Head of the Community would take pledge from non-Ahmadis for admission into our ranks, but the already pledged Ahmadis were not to renew their “pledge” with him.
It was only on condition that Mirza Mahmud Ahmad accepted these fundamental conditions, that he could be accepted as Amir or Head of the entire Ahmadiyyah Community.
On page 5 of said book:
Maulana Muhammad Ali sahib statement published dated December 8, 1938:
Moreover Mian Sahib [QK2 Mirza Mehmood Ahmad] had solemnly declared that one could take bai’at even if one did not see eye to eye with him in certain matters [here it is means have difference in beliefs—RJ]. This being his declared formula that even such people may be regarded as his followers, as call the people Muslims, whereas Mian Sahib regards them as Kafirs. Even such people also are his followers who impute Kufr to people whom Mian Sahib regards as Muslims. As for the accusers they had been his followers for years together and were very close to him.
The above two quotes from Mumtaz Ahmad Faruqui sahib tells us Maulana Muhammad also held belief that there were people living in Qadian after the split in ‘Ahmadiyya Movement of Massih Mahud Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib’ in 1914 who decided to live in Qadian and did not move to Lahore and they did NOT do ba’it of QK2 Mirza Mehmood Ahmad, and they did NOT held beliefs of QK2 Mirza Mehmood Ahmad. This way Maulana Muhammad Ali sahib was making distinction between two types of people living in Qadian and later in Rabwah. One type is called Mehmoodies and other type is called Qadianis.
Interestingly in Urdu section of said book in introduction Mumtaz Ahmad Faruqui sahib writes on page 5:
Here I want to thank Maulana Shaikh Abdur Rehman Misri sahib and Maulvi Abdul Mannan Omar sahib M.A. They read manuscript of this book and gave helpful advice, and made some corrections. May Allah SWT reward them.
Both Abdur Rehman Misri sahib and Abdul Mannan Omar sahib had spent good years of their adult life in Qadian. It is obvious they knew Maulana Muhammad Ali sahib was correct when he wrote that NOT everyone living in Qadian under the head ship of QK2 Mirza Mehmood Ahmad held his beliefs or did his ba’it (pledge of allegiance).
According to an article published by BBC Urdu the total number of Ahmadiyya community in India is One hundred thousand.…
----Jul 27, 18:49