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Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam

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Archive for April, 2017

Request for prayers

Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

The daughter of a UK Jamaat member and good friend of mine (related to the late Mr N.A. Faruqui) is having a medical procedure for a very serious condition. Please pray that Allah grants the treatment to be successful and grants her a full recovery. Ameen.

Zahid Aziz

Pakistan newspaper headline: “Mardan university student lynched by mob over alleged blasphemy: police”

Friday, April 21st, 2017

At this link to the Pakistan newspaper Dawn you can read more details of this ghastly incident:

"A 23-year-old student of Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan was killed and another seriously injured by a vigilante mob for allegedly "publishing blasphemous content online", local police said Thursday."

It appears he was not an Ahmadi, although he was accused of being one.

Recently, anti-Ahmadiyya zealots have been saying that attacks on Ahmadis in Pakistan are entirely the fault of Ahmadis themselves, because they provoke the innocent Muslims of Pakistan by their preaching. So what about such incidents, where a person who is not an Ahmadi is killed by a mob for publishing "blasphemous" content? Using the same argument, this would be entirely the fault of this student for causing provocation by his online comments, and therefore the mob was justified in killing him!

In fact, the anti-Ahmadiyya zealots and obsessives might call this killing as the fault of Ahmadis. They will say that, since Ahmadis exist, it means there is room for someone to be wrongly identified as an Ahmadi, and to be wrongly killed! The killers are justified as long as they truly and genuinely believe that the person they are killing is an Ahmadi.

It can be imagined that the anti-Ahmadiyya activists will now be saying that if all Ahmadis are eliminated, which might involve also killing many non-Ahmadis by mistake, then no longer will any person be mistakenly thought to be an Ahmadi! A further benefit would be that those non-Ahmadis killed by mistake would acquire the status of shaheed!

Maulana Muhammad Ali on completing the revision of his English translation of the Quran for the 1951 edition

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

After completing this revision, Maulana Muhammad Ali delivered a khutba which I have translated at this link.

Some interesting excerpts are given below:

"Reading the Quran illuminates your heart, but this depends on the concentration with which you read this word of God. The more you concentrate on it, and the deeper you go into it, the more it will enter your heart. This can be made clearer by the following example. Just as pearls are found in the depths of the oceans, likewise the boundless treasures of knowledge contained in the Quran, which will continue to be unfolded till the Day of Judgment, are to be found in the depths of the meanings of its words. It is an ocean that no one is denied access to, but to obtain those valuable pearls from it, which give us light to solve our problems, is dependent on how much effort and exertion we put in for their acquisition….

I must tell you that the true knowledge of the Holy Quran has in this age been disclosed particularly to your Jama‘at, and this blessing is in reality due to that man at whose feet we gained this knowledge. He set us on the right path. To gain true knowledge, a balanced mind is required, and it is the blessing of God that this Jama‘at has maintained its mental equilibrium. This is why the Promised Messiah’s intellectual heritage has passed to this small Jama‘at.

It is perfectly true that we accepted Hazrat Mirza sahib as Mujaddid, as Mahdi and as the Messiah. However, we never accepted him as one to be followed blindly. We used to differ with him sometimes. The Nawab of Mongrol felt much attraction and love for this Movement. To a large extent he believed the Ahmadiyya Movement to be true. When once we were with him, a Maulvi tried to incite him against us and said to him: ‘These people whom you respect and honour so much, who believe Mirza sahib to be the Promised Messiah, they have differences with their own Promised Messiah; he did not believe that Jesus was born of a father, but these people believe he had a father.’

The Nawab sahib put this question to me. I replied that this just shows that we have not accepted the Promised Messiah without thinking, but after thinking and understanding, with open eyes, which are still open. The Promised Messiah has declared the Holy Quran to be supreme over everything. So if we see something clearly in the Quran, then in a secondary matter we consider it permissible to hold a different interpretation from the Promised Messiah, provided it is supported by strong arguments. We have learnt the Quran from the Promised Messiah but he did not shut the doors of knowledge upon us; rather, he opened them.

Therefore, it is no sin to differ, even with the greatest of persons. Of course, one cannot differ with the founder of the religion, the Holy Prophet Muhammad. After him, one can differ with anyone from Hazrat Abu Bakr to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. The concept that such differences are not allowed caused Muslims to become stagnant. Prior to that, the Muslims were racing on the path of progress, in terms of both knowledge and deeds. They led the world in all aspects of life. But when this nation got stuck in the mire of taking religious leaders “for lords besides Allah” (the Quran, 9:31), it went into decline."


USA — a land granted to the Saint-of-Allah, i.e. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri

In Muslims there is a concept that when Allah (SWT) appoints His Saints (Auliya), He grants them a piece of land in which they preach their teachings and propagate Holy Quran and explain its finer points to his followers. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib once said that modern means of communication were invented for him. In fact, he wrote this several times.

Professor Dr. Khalid Omar, real name Hibbatul Abdul Mannan Omar, grandson of Maulana Noor-ud-Din, delivered Jumma Khutaba in Black American Muslims, Imam Warith Deen Mohammed faction largest mosque near Capitol Hill (US Congress and Senate). He explained fine points of Holy Quran.

The Importance of Qu’ran :Dr Omar Hibbi

Masjid Muhammad. The Nation’s Mosque, Home Page.

‘Apes and Swine’ – Metamorphosis of Jewish or Metaphorical change of Islam into Judaism?

Sunday, April 2nd, 2017

'Apes and Swine' – Metamorphosis of Jewish or Metaphorical change of Islam into Judaism?

Although the Quranic verses that contain the analogy of ‘apes and swine’ should have been self-explanatory, the Middle Eastern politics has somehow catapulted it to the very forefront of theological mud-slinging. The victims of Israeli occupation use it to vent against the occupiers.1 Their sentiments may be understandable, but the distortion of the Quranic verses is not acceptable. This distorted interpretation gives the Islam haters more ammunition against Muslims2 and the Muslims use it to ridicule the Jewish people, one and all.

This reference is to certain Israelites in Chapters 7:163–169 who did not observe the Sabbath, instead continued the commerce of fishing on the mandated day-off, and consequently were turned into ‘Apes and Swine.’ These people, through historical accounts, lived in the fishing village of Eila on the shores of Red Sea, now called Eilat,3 which is located at Israel's southernmost tip in proximity to Jordan and Egypt's Sinai region. The discussion of this topic in Quran is spread across a spectrum of historical events intertwined with moral decay of individuals, distortion of scriptures, blind fellowship, self-righteous and arrogant behaviors, and the consequent doom of spiritually devoid societies. Quran clearly states that followers of all Prophets are Muslims:

22:78. … (so follow) the creed of your father Abraham. He named you Muslims (both) before this and (again) in this (Book the Qur'ân), so that the Messenger may be a guardian over you and that you may be guardians over people…4

Thus, the parable of ‘apes and swine’ is fairly and squarely aimed at Muslims, both after Prophet Moses (PBUH) and those after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with a clear message of how Islam turns into Judaism.

Question – In Quran did the Israelites transform into apes and swine? Was the change by metamorphosis5 or in metaphor? For those of us who believe that in Quran there are messages indeed for people who think (13:03),6 the answer is obvious – it is metaphorical. This metaphor applies equally to the Israelites and the modern age Muslims. Can the Muslims today, who blindly imitate ignorance like apes, and reek of spiritual and moral uncleanliness like swine, absolve themselves of this similitude?

Animal Metaphors – We are all too familiar with animal metaphors applied to humans in various languages. Whereas a lion is associated with bravery, a fox is associated with cunning behavior. An animal metaphor expresses resemblance between someone or something and a particular animal or animal class. True metaphors are single words, such as the noun tiger, the verb hog, and the adjective chicken. Phrasal metaphors combine true metaphors with other words, such as blind tiger, hog the road, and chicken colonel. Other animal metaphors take the form of similes, such as rats leaving a sinking ship and prickly as a hedgehog. Still others take the form of proverbs, such as ‘Don’t count your chickens before they hatch’ and ‘Let sleeping dogs lie.’ The horse is the animal most frequently referred to in metaphors, followed closely by the dog. The Bible is the most prolific literary source of animal metaphors, followed closely by Shakespeare.7 ‘Monkey see, monkey do’ refers to learning without understanding or mimicry, usually with limited knowledge and/or concern of the consequences8 and forms the basis of children story “Caps for Sale.”9

Linguistics of Quran, the parables – Quran frequently uses parables10 and metaphors to drive home a point. For example, Quran uses the metaphor of paradise in the likeness of gardens, streams and fruits in the following verse and in the very next verse it explains such usage as a metaphorical construct:

2:25. And give good tidings to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, that there await them gardens from beneath which the streams flow. Every time they are given any kind of fruit from them (- the gardens) to eat, they will say, `This is the same we were given before.' They will be given it (- the fruit) in perfect semblance (to their deeds). They shall have therein companions purified (spiritually and physically), and will abide therein forever.

2:26. Indeed, Allâh does not disdain to cite a parable of (a thing) even (as small as) a gnat or (of something) smaller than that. (Be it as it may) those who have believed know that this is a true (parable) from their Lord. As for those who disbelieve say, `What could Allâh mean by (citing) such a parable?' Many does He adjudge to be erring because of these (parables) and many does He guide through them. Yet it is only the transgressors whom He adjudges to be erring because of them.

The key point is that a metaphor or parable has to be read for its implied meaning and message for guidance, else a wrong interpretation and its consequent nonsensical message will be a source of error – Many does He adjudge to be erring because of these (parables) and many does He guide through them. Yet it is only the transgressors whom He adjudges to be erring because of them. This is further explained in another verse, in context of the Jewish people (-also read: Muslims), by using the metaphor of a donkey, a symbol of stupidity:

62:5. The case of those who were charged to observe (the law of) Torah but did not carry out (its commandments in its true spirit), is like the case of a donkey that carries (a load of) volumes (of Books; he neither understands them nor gathers any advantage from them). Wretched is the case of the people who cry lies to the Message of Allâh. And Allâh guides no unjust people to success.

Can Muslims absolve themselves from the above verse in which they have been carrying loads of Quran, Hadiths and other exegetical works? Is it not a daily experience witnessing a Sheikh or a Mullah on the pulpit or YouTube whose case is like the case of a donkey that carries (a load of) volumes (of Books; he neither understands them nor gathers any advantage from them)? Is it not fair to describes state of Muslim world, not only in terms of some of what they utter but also in terms of their actions, some individually, and some collectively – Wretched is the case of the people who cry lies to the Message of Allâh. And Allâh guides no unjust people to success? When one hears the arrogant rants from pulpits, would it not be fair to assume a donkey braying in a human form that Quran refers to?

31:19. … Surely, the most repugnant of voices is the braying of the donkey.'

Quran does not stop at referring to stupidities of donkey, it also refers to the greed of the dog, if none else, and at least it is referring to the Muslims of our times who in their thoughts and actions have withdrawn from the Quran:

7:175. And relate to them the news of him to whom We gave Our commandments but he withdrew himself therefrom, the satan followed him with the result that he became one of those led astray (and became a pervert).

7:176. Had We so willed We would have exalted him (in ranks) thereby (- by means of these Our commandments), but he remained inclined to (the material things of) this world and followed his low desires. His case therefore is like that of a dog, if you bear down upon it, it lolls its tongue out or if you leave it alone, it still lolls out its tongue. Such is the case with the people who cry lies to Our commandments; (they do not give up their evil ways whether you warn them or not). So narrate to them the account (of the people of old) that they may reflect.

In another place, Quran uses the analogies of blindness and deafness, at least historically, for the hypocrites of Medina in the Prophet’s time:

47:23-24. Such are the people whom Allâh has deprived of His mercy, so that He has made them deaf (to hear the truth) and has made their eyes blind (so they cannot see the right way). Is it that they do not earnestly seek to understand the Qur'ân? Rather (their) hearts are securely locked up by their own locks.

For the sake of argument, at least in Medina, no one, individually or collectively, became blind or deaf during the Prophet’s time. But, for sure, Quran makes the claim that Allah made them deaf and has made their eyes blind. Either Quran is wrong or the verse has to be read for its metaphorical meaning, but not both. Of course, it is metaphorical deafness and blindness that is pervasive in Muslims even today, and is of a colossal magnitude. The metaphorical interpretation of deafness and blindness is obvious in the next verse:

22:46. Why do they not travel in the land so that they should have hearts that help them to understand and ears which can help them hear? As a matter of fact (when going astray) it is not the (physical) eyes that are blind but blind are the hearts which lie in the bosoms.

Under the standards of Quran can the Muslims remit themselves from belonging to cattle class, herded from one barren pasture to another, from one morally and intellectually bankrupt polemics to another, by the clergy that they blindly follow?

7:179. …They have hearts wherewith they do not understand and they have eyes but they do not see with them (the truth), and they have ears but they do not hear (the Messages) with them. They are like cattle, nay, they are (even) worse. It is these who are utterly heedless (to the warnings).

For those Muslims who left interpretation of Quran to the ignorant Sheiks and Mullahs, and the consequent illogic that is then spewed in the name of Islam creates nothing but revulsion for the Quran. No wonder then such audience flee from Quran rather than being attracted to it:

74:49. What is the wrong with them, then, that they are thus turning away from the exhortation (of the Qur'ân),

74:50. (They behave) as if they were frightened donkeys (making others frightful too),

74:51. Running away from a lion?

With the discussion so far, we have seen that Quran, by its own words, uses metaphors, parables and similes to convey its message and guidance, uses examples from history to prove a point and foretells the decay of the followers of previous Prophets repeating in the followers of the Final Prophet, Prophet Muhammad. Interestingly, according to Quran, the followers of previous prophets or the Final prophet, they are, one and all, Muslims – (so follow) the creed of your father Abraham. He named you Muslims (both) before this and (again) in this (Book the Qur'an) (22:27).

Muslims may be familiar with the intellectually deaf and the morally blind in their midst – people who have attributes of the dogs, the donkeys and the cattle. Then it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Muslims of yore, i.e. followers of Moses, decayed into people who had attributes of apes and swines.

Sabbath, in Judaism and Islam, the Similarities – The Jewish fishing village of Eila, on the Red Sea, fished in violation of the Sabbath and became apes and swine. The key issue in this entire ruckus is Sabbath, which was violated. What is Sabbath, why is it so important and is Sabbath only for the Jewish? Is there Sabbath or the likes of Sabbath moments in Islam? The answer to the latter question is yes. But, let’s explain what Sabbath is in general.

Sabbath was ordained on Israelites after their Exodus from Egypt – Six days ye shall gather it [the livelihood i.e. Manna]; but on the seventh day is the sabbath, in it there shall be none [i.e. a temporary halt of commerce]. And it came to pass on the seventh day, that there went out some of the people to gather [– the Manna, the commerce], and they found none (Exodus 16:26-27).11 Torah tells us that Sabbath was a temporary break from daily activities for Israelites to focus on their spiritual revival – To-morrow is a solemn rest, a holy sabbath unto the LORD (Exodus 16:23).12

A mandatory aspect of Sabbath is that it requires planning ahead of time so that there is no distracting hunger or activities in it – See that the LORD hath given you the sabbath; therefore He giveth you on the sixth day the bread of two days; abide ye every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.' So the people rested on the seventh day (Exodus 16:29).13

In summary, the Israelites fasted from their commerce on the Sabbath i.e. they refrained from otherwise lawful activities to focus on their inner-self. Since the Quran claims to be the guardian over the truth of the previous scriptures, it gives us the full picture of what the Sabbath entails. Sabbath was ordained for the spiritual revival of these people and to lift them from the nadir of a spiritual void after they had escaped out of Egypt and were in Sinai, after they were stopped from cow worship by Moses, and before entering the land of Canaan:

4:154. And We raised the Mount above them while taking their covenant (at the foot of the Mount), and We said to them, `Enter the gate (of the town) submissively [i.e. with Islamic values],’ and We said to them, `Do not violate the (law of) Sabbath.’ And We took from them a solemn covenant [of not only observing the ritual but also following the purifying purpose of Sabbath].

In Islam there is no dedicated weekend of Sabbath. Rather, it has sabbatical moments and periods throughout in daily prayers, during the month of Ramadhan and once in a lifetime Hajj pilgrimage, when certain lawful activities are to be refrained from temporarily and resumed soon thereafter. Each of five daily prayers is a period of solitude, meditation, self-reflection and one is removed away from material side of life. Commercial activity is paused during Friday congregational prayer. Eating, drinking and intimacy are put on hold during the daytime fast in the month of Ramadhan. Like Jewish Sabbath, it is a requirement to accumulate means to sustain oneself beforehand during the pilgrimage of Hajj when people travel from afar.

2:197. The months of performing the Hajj are well Known; so whoever undertakes to perform the Hajj in them (should remember that) there is (to be) no obscenity, nor abusing, nor any wrangling during the (time of) Hajj. And whatever good you do Allâh knows it. And take provisions for yourselves. Surely, the good of taking provision is guarding (yourselves) against the evil (of committing sin and begging). Take Me alone as (your) shield, O people of pure and clear wisdom!

Similarly, on the journey for Hajj, the pilgrims are forbidden from recreational hunting on the land because such activity distracts from the spirit of Hajj. The spirit of Hajj is reflected in the recitation – Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik. Labbaik, La Shareek Laka, Labbaik. Innal Hamdah, Wan Nematah, Laka wal Mulk, La Shareek Laka – Translation: "Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partners. Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is The Sovereignty. Thou hast no partners."14:

5:1. …Yet you are forbidden (to kill) game whilst in a pilgrim's garb or in the Sacred Precincts…

5:9. O you who believe! kill no game while you are in a pilgrim's garb or in the Sacred Precincts. And whosoever amongst you kills it intentionally he shall recompense by sacrificing a domestic cattle, the like of the animal he has killed, the same to be determined by two just persons from among you, and (the same) to be brought as an offering to the Ka'bah, or the expiation (of his sin) is the feeding of a number of needy persons, or the equivalent in fasting, so that he may suffer the penalty of his deed. Allah has pardoned whatever might have happened in the past, and whoso does it again Allah will punish him (for his offence), for Mighty is Allah, Lord of retribution.

5:96. It is made lawful for you (even when you are in a Pilgrim's garb to hunt) the game of the sea (and water) and to eat its food [while on a voyage to Makkah]; a provision for you and for the travellers (who can make it a provision for their way), but unlawful for you is the game of the land as long as you are in Pilgrim's garb or in the Sacred Precincts. Keep your duty to Allah, to Whom you shall be gathered.

Thus, Quran and Torah, in unison, set the stage for what Sabbath entails, spiritual rejuvenation, whether it is observed as a day, a moment or a period. Quran speaks highly of certain Jewish people, which readers must keep in mind before painting all Jewish people with a broad brush:

3:113. They (- the people of the Scripture) are not all alike. Among these people of the Scripture there are some upright people. They rehearse the Message of Allâh in the hours of the night and they prostrate themselves (in His worship).

3:114. They believe in Allâh and the Last Day and enjoin good and forbid evil, and they vie one with another in (doing) good deeds. And it is these who are of the truly righteous.

Before starting a discussion about the Jewish Sabbath breakers, we must pay attention to Muslim Sabbath breakers first. In Quran there is no day set aside for Sabbath but rather has sabbatical moments, for example, Friday prayers are a brief interruption in the daily commerce for spiritual revival:

62:9. O YOU who believe! When the call is made for (the Congregational) Prayer on Friday then hasten to extol the name of Allâh and leave off all business. That is best for you if you only knew.

62:10. And when the Prayer is finished, disperse in the land and seek Allâh’s grace and bounty (and restart your business), and go on remembering Allâh much that you may achieve an all-round success [both spiritual and material].

62:11. But (Prophet!) when some people see some merchandise or any form of amusement, they run for it and leave you standing (on the pulpit), say, ‘That (reward of worshipping Allâh) which Allâh has (for you) is far better than any amusement or merchandise, and Allâh is the Best of Providers.

The above verse 62:11 applies to all Sabbath breakers, Jews and Muslim alike, and to all those who prefer merchandise or any form of amusement over reward of worshipping Allâh. The next verse emphasizes the metaphorical transformation of Sabbath breakers, both Jews and Muslim alike, into apes:

2:65. And indeed you have come to know (the end of) those of you who transgressed regarding the Sabbath. Thereupon We said to them, ‘Be you (as) apes, despised.’

In another place, Quran refers to certain materialistic tendencies and behaviors which indelibly transform morals of a person or a nation into those of debased apes and swine, which are essentially lower stages of humanity – the ‘Nafs-e-Amara,’15 the animal-self in Quran that is akin to ‘Id’ of Freud:

5:57. O you who believe! do not make those who take your religion lightly and consider it worthless, from among those who were given the Scripture before you and the other infidels, your allies. And keep your duty to Allâh if you are (true) believers.

5:58. And when you call (the people) to Prayer, they take it lightly and consider it worthless. They do so because they are a people who do not understand.

5:59. Say, `O People of the Scripture! do you find fault with us only because we believe in Allâh and in that which has been revealed to us, and in that which was revealed before (us)? Whereas most of you are disobedient (to God).'

5:60. Say, `Shall I inform you of those who shall receive from Allâh a recompense worse than that of those (who try to find fault with Us)? They are those whom Allâh has deprived of His blessings and upon whom He brought His displeasure and indignation and of whom He has made (as) apes and swine and who serve the transgressor (- the devil). It is these who are indeed worse-placed and farther astray from the right path.'

These verses equally apply to the modern day Muslims who undoubtedly take religion and prayers lightly and consider them worthless, thus falling into the same category as all those who have been made apes and swine and who serve the transgressor. In the Muslim world many believers of ‘Kalima Shahada’16 are brazenly victimized even though they believe in Allâh and in that which has been revealed to us, and in that which was revealed before. These are the very attributes that turn a nation into apes and swine.

Eila or Eilat, the Jewish town, is situated on the shores of the Red Sea. Like Muslims who are prohibited from conducting business during Friday prayers, the followers of Moses in Eila were prohibited from conducting their business, mainly fishing, on Saturdays, which was ordained a day of respite and spiritual focus.

7:163. And ask them as to (what happened to the people of) the township (- Eila) which was on the seashore (of the Red Sea) when they profaned the Sabbath. On the day of their Sabbath their fish appeared to them in shoals upon shoals on the surface (of the water), but on the day when they did not observe the Sabbath (and fishing was open), it did not appear to them. Thus did We go on making a distinction between the good [–those pursuing spiritual path on a Sabbath] and the evil ones [–those on the materialistic pursuits during a Sabbath] of them by means of their acts of disobedience.

7:164. And (ask them what happened to those people) when a section from amongst them said (to another section), `Why do you admonish a people whom Allâh is going to destroy completely, or whom He is going to punish with a severe punishment?' They answered, `We do it so that it may serve as an excuse (to be absolved from blame) before your Lord and that they may become secure (against the punishment).'

7:165. But when they disregarded the warning that had been given them, We saved those who forbade evil and We seized those who did wrong, with a serious punishment of extreme destitution because they were exceeding the bounds of obedience.

7:166. So when they insolently refused to keep away from that which they were forbidden, We condemned them to be (as) apes despised.

These verses are not limited to the followers of Moses but are equally applicable to the followers of Prophet Muhammad. The Muslim world is openly and fully immersed in this ‘apish’ behavior by not observing the injunctions of Quran in their daily living, thinking and conduct. Its consequent outcome is predicted in the following verses that equally apply to the modern day Muslims:

7:167. And (imagine the time) when your Lord proclaimed (to the Children of Israel) that He would certainly continue to subject them, till the Day of Resurrection, to the people who would afflict them with the worst torment. Verily, your Lord is Quick to punish the evil but He is (all the same) Great Protector, Ever Merciful.

7:168. And We broke them up into (separate) sections of peoples on the earth, of which some are the righteous and some otherwise, and We went on distinguishing the good among them from the evil ones, through prosperity and adversity (both) so that they might turn (to Us).

7:169. Then there succeeded them an evil generation who having inherited the Scripture (of Moses), go on taking the paltry goods of this base (life) and say, `We shall surely be protected.' And if the like of these goods (again) come their way, they will take them (and sin persistently). Were they not bound to the covenant mentioned in the Scripture that they would not say of Allâh anything but the truth? And they have read for themselves what it (- the Scripture) contains. And the abode of the Hereafter is better only for those who become secure against evil. Have you then no sense?

7:170. And (as to) those who hold fast to the Scripture and establish worship, (let them bear in mind that) We will not at all allow the reward of those who set things right to be lost.

Like the Jewish of past, the Muslims societies continue to be subjected to torment at the hands of colonial powers, dictators and tyrants for decades who – continue to subject them, till the Day of Resurrection, to the people who would afflict them with the worst torment. Like Jewish, Muslims are subjected for centuries in the past and possibly till the time of Resurrection under the clergy which preaches falsehood in the name of Allah – Were they not bound to the covenant mentioned in the Scripture that they would not say of Allâh anything but the truth? In the name of Allah the clergy is selling snake oil to the masses.

Sabbath breakers, a lesson unlearnt by Muslims – If we compare the current state of Muslim societies to Sabbath breakers of Eila and the Jews of Medina, we see certain similarities to which Quran draws our attention. History stands witness that spiritual decline with its corresponding emergence of hedonism leads to destruction of many civilizations. Quran similarly testifies to a section of Israelites who turned polytheistic and forged lies to the Scriptures and made tall claims of their fanciful self-righteousness.

4:47. O you who have been given the Scripture! believe in (the Qur’ân) which We have now revealed fulfilling such (prophecies) as you have, before We make extinct and destroy some of your leaders and deprive them of their glory or We condemn them as We condemned the people of the Sabbath (breakers); and (remember) the decree of Allâh is bound to be executed.

4:48. Surely, Allâh does not forgive (unless the sinner turns to Him with repentance) that a partner be associated with Him but He forgives everything short of it to whomsoever He will. And whoso associates a partner with Allâh has indeed committed a very great sin.

4:49. Have you not considered those who assert themselves to be pure? Nay, only Allâh purifies whom He will; and they shall not be treated unjustly, not even a whit.

4:50. Behold! how they forge lies [when they ‘They tear the words from their context’ 4:46; ‘those amongst them who were unjust changed the word to something different from that which they were told’ 7:162] against Allâh, and sufficient is that as a very flagrant sin (to prove their sinfulness).

4:51. Have you not considered the case of those who were given a portion of the Scripture? They believe in nonsense things devoid of good and follow those who transgress, and they say of those who disbelieve, `These are better guided in the (right) way than those who believe (in Islam).’

An example of those who tear the words from their context (4:46) and those amongst them who were unjust changed the word to something different from that which they were told (7:162) is Judaism, which tore the spirit of religion from God to a soulless ritualism and its exegesis. Below is an excerpt from ‘Activities prohibited on Shabbat.’17 This shows how a religion from God of Moses decayed into petty nitpicking of minute details leading to pointless and absurd debates. If these debates have any value this brings into question the intelligence of God Himself. We see parallels of this soulless ideology in Islam preached from the modern pulpits.

Trapping18 [Hebrew: צד]. Definition: Forcible confinement of any living creature.

The Mishna does not just write "trapping"; rather, the Mishna says "trapping deer". According to at least one interpretation, this teaches that to violate the Torah's prohibition of Trapping, two conditions must be met.

1. The animal being trapped must be a non-domesticated animal.

2. The "trapping" action must not legally confine the animal. For example, closing one's front door, thereby confining insects in one's house is not considered trapping as no difference to the insect's 'trappable' status has occurred. I.e. it's as easy or difficult to trap it now as it was when the door was open.

This creates questions in practical Halakha such as: "May one trap a fly under a cup on Shabbat?" The Meno Netziv says that an animal that is not normally trapped (e.g. a fly, or a lizard) is not covered under the Torah prohibition of trapping. It is however, a Rabbinic prohibition to do so, therefore one is not allowed to trap the animal. However, if one is afraid of the animal because of its venomous nature or that it might have rabies, one may trap it. If it poses a threat to life or limb, one may trap it and even kill it if absolutely necessary.

Animals which are considered too slow moving to be 'free' are not included in this category, as trapping them doesn't change their legal status of being able to grab them in 'one hand swoop' (a term used by the Rambam to define this law). One is therefore allowed to confine a snail or tortoise, etc. as you can grab them just as easily whether they are in an enclosure or unhindered in the wild. For these purposes trapping them serves no change to their legal status regarding their ease of capture, and they are termed legally pre-trapped due to their nature. Trapping is therefore seen not as a 'removal of liberty', which caging even such a slow moving creature would be, but rather the confining of a creature to make it easier to capture in one's hand.

Laying traps violates a Rabbinic prohibition regardless of what the trap is, as this is a normal method of trapping a creature.

Such trickery to what to ‘trap’ is against the basic sense and purpose of Sabbath. It is this bending of rules of spirituality only to preserve the outward shell of a religion while killing its soul that Quran alludes to above i.e. They tear the words from their context and say, ‘We hear and we disobey (4:46), those amongst them who were unjust changed the word to something different from that which they were told (7:162), They believe in nonsense things devoid of good and follow those who transgress (4:51). It is such behaviors which is characteristic of those who are judaised (4:46).This is how Quran admonishes Muslims against their own decay into Judaism, which they apparently have.

If the Muslim readers of Quran have even an iota of intelligence, then such readers will vividly see the thousand pound Gorillas, the apes and swine, among their own echelons, on the pulpits of their mosques, who spew hate and venom, who propagate ancient myths and who base their religion on lore of the ancient, and the coattail followers of such ignorance who are captured, usually after their self-immolation, in the headlines of daily news.

Objectively, in the present day Muslim world we see abundance of the Swine who hedonistically rule from palatial quarters while their people are drenched in poverty and illiteracy; and the all too gibbering Apes from Muslim pulpits who only teach their parish how to resoundingly beat their chests. 

4 Al-Hajj – The Pilgrimage: Nooruddin
6 Ar-Rad – The Thunder: Muhammad Asad
7 Speaking of Animals: A Dictionary of Animal Metaphors.
10 Quran 18.32 – "And relate to these (opponents of yours) the parable (and description of the conditions) of two men. We had provided to one of them two vine-gardens which We fenced with date-palms and We placed cornfields between the two."
Quran 22.73 – "O people! here is a parable, so listen to it. Those whom you call upon apart from Allah cannot create even a fly, though they may all join hands for it. And if the fly should snatch away something from them, they cannot recover it from it. Feeble indeed is the seeker (- the worshippers) and (feeble) the sought after (- the worshipped one)."
Quran 25.33 – "They bring you no parable (by way of an objection) but We have provided you with the true fact and perfect interpretation (of it, in answer to the objection beforehand)."
Quran 36.13 – "And set forth to them for their good a parable of a people of the town when the Messengers (of God) came to them."
15 12:53. `Yet I do not hold myself to be free from weakness, for human nature is surely prone to enjoin evil, except on whom my Lord has mercy. My Lord is of course Protector (against sins), Ever Merciful.' (Yûsuf – Joseph: Nooruddin)
16 La ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammad-ur rasul-ullah – "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah"
** All  verses of Quran are quoted from English Translation of the Holy Quran by Allamah Nooruddin