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June 3rd, 2011

“Rewards” in life after death

An esteemed friend and contributor, whom we had missed very much for a while, has submitted the following post.

Following video may be of interest to the blog readers who want to know more about the “rewards” of the afterlife as explained by a Mullah; in particular the “hoors”. Due to the graphic language used viewer discretion is advised.

(Admin: The video can take some time loading after the above page opens.)

5 Responses to ““Rewards” in life after death”

  1. Looks like imam sahib in video is sketching “hoor” from his Pakistani Muslim male perspective. I guess he does not know that Chinese Muslim males like women who have small eyes (choti choti ankian), as their perspective of beauties are different than imam sahibs. So I guess Chinese Muslim males will be shortchanged! Similarly, in Africa a beautiful woman is one who has dark skin (kali rangat walian). Again African Muslim male will be short changed. I guess imam sahib’s God is quite unfair!
    Holy Quran tells us garments enhance beauty as it covers blemishes. But according to imam sahib, garments that don’t serve their purpose of covering body parts enhance beauty. May be imam sahib knows more than what Allah is telling.
    Imam sahib is practicing sexism.
    It seems imam sahib has some inside information on what is available in paradise. He knows availability of some thing more potent than Pfzier’s Vitamin V (as in Vee)……

    This video is circulating around in the emails and with each forwarding angry comments are added by decent people, who are asking a simple question as to “What is this guy smoking?” or in “Whose name is he smoking?”
    The video clip opens with degrading the (pious) wives of the Muslims and then entices the male believers to their enhanced libido and perverse sexual orgies between a man and several women in his imaginative heaven, yet at the same time tries to dissuade believers from such behaviors in the present life. The dichotomy of his preaching is reflective of a confused mind. He wants to indulge but wants to defer it to the promised time. His scenarios beget a fundamental question i.e. “How does he know?” He is using Prophet Muhammad as a crutch for his obscene imagination or may be experiences.
    What he missed in his sermon, remember he is speaking from pulpit, is that half of the world population is female. He has no rewards for them. What will become of them? How many hunks they have waiting for them or Not? If none awaits them, then should they indulge now?
    Now compare this video about “Hooris” from Islamic pulpit with that of a secular stage that was posted by Rashid Jahangiri in another post. Any decent audience will stand in awe of inquisitive scholarship of Lesley Hazleton the “agnostic Jew”. She has my respect.
    No wonder Quran is for people who think (13:3), otherwise, a nonthinking mind can create the unimaginable like this Mullah.
    On a lighter note, for Punjabi speaking audience, the poet Anwar Masood is also talking about Heaven and Hooris in this video @ 1:45-4:45 but with a different angle, the punchline is towards end.

  3. Thank God among Muslims we have people like Naif Al-Mutawa. And it is not left only to preachers like in video in the original post in this thread to explain Islam and sketch scenes of paradise in their words.
    Please watch following TED video:
    Naif Al-Mutawa: Superheroes inspired by Islam
    Thank God my toddler will have good comic superheroes to enjoy while growing up.
    Thank you Naif Al-Mutawa.

  4. Ms. Nilofar Ahmad has written an op-ed in Dawn on subject of ‘hoor’:

    Are all ‘houris’ female?

  5. June 11th, 2011 at 5:32 pm
    From Zahid Aziz:

    I once compiled together those notes in Maulana Muhammad Ali’s commentary of the Holy Quran where the meaning of hur is explained. Here is the link:

    This compilation did not include his note on 2:25, which is mentioned by Ms. Nilofar Ahmad in her article. So for completion, here is the text of the Maulana’s note on that particular point of 2:25:

    “The pure mates or companions may be the believing wives of the faithful, as elsewhere we have: “They and their wives are in shades, reclining on raised couches” (36:56). But more probably these are among the blessings of the heavenly life to which men and women are equally entitled. The true nature of these blessings is pointed out elsewhere under the word hur in 52:20a, but it may be remarked here that all the blessings of heavenly life are according to a saying of the Holy Prophet “things which no eye has seen and no ear has heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man to conceive of them” (Bukhari, 59:8). The words in which these blessings are depicted in the Holy Qur’an, therefore, should not be taken literally.”