The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Blog

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See: Project Rebuttal: What the West needs to know about Islam

Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam

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Archive for the ‘Ahmadiyya issues’ Category

Are Qadiani Jamaat Friends in violation of teachings of their “Musleh-Mauood”?

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Qadiani Jamaat people believe their Qadiani Khalifa 2 Mirza Mahmud Ahmad was the “Musleh-Mauood”.

For Qadianis practice in teachings of their QK 2 is matter of their belief. This is the reason they cite when they decide not to offer Namaz-e-Janazah (funeral prayer) of Lahore Ahmadiyya Jamaat members. Please remember LAM members do not consider any reciter of Kalima-Shahada as Kafir (non-Muslim) regardless of how aberrant their beliefs and practices of Islam are. This is the reason LAM members do not consider Qadianis as Kafir. My point is that in practice of their beliefs Qadianis don’t give a hoot to blood relations, close family ties and the hurt that they cause by showing disrespect to the deceased and his survivors.

QK 2 in his famous book ‘Anwar-e-Khilafat’ from page 124 to 127 has written following statements:

“I say there shall be thousands of prophets”

“I say even now there can be a prophet”

“Even if someone placed a sword on my neck and ask me to say there cannot be any nabi after Rasul Allah, I will say you’re a liar, and nabi can come after and they will come.”

Now given the teachings of QK 2 that “thousands of prophets” can come after Holy Prophet Muhammad Rasool Allah (SAWS), it is incumbent upon Qadianis that should accept at least the following new prophet in Germany, especially when he endorses Qadianis belief that HMGA was “prophet” and invites Qadiani-Ahmadis to pledge to him:

The New Claimant of Prophethood Zahid Ali Khan:

Kanal von khanverlag

Khan’s Rede und die Gegenveranstaltung der Muslime

Here I ask question to Qadiani Jamaat friends:

Don’t you think you people are in violation of QK 2 teachings by delaying in accepting Zahid Ali Khan as NEW prophet??

Thanks in advance for answering.

Dreams and spirituality

Saturday, March 17th, 2012

Pakistani Islamic scholar Nilofar Ahmed sahiba has written an article under above title, in Dawn.

She wrote:

“The Prophet said that after him nothing would be left of prophecy, except for a true dream. He also said that dreams are one in 46 parts of prophethood (Bukhari)”

Javed Ahmad Ghamdi sahib is also of the opinion that after Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWS, people and saints can only receive prophecies in form of true dream.

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib made claims of receiving divine communications in forms beside dreams.

Sigmund Freud and other psychoanalytics have never attracted me towards their theories, may be because I had read HMGA book ‘Islmaee Usool Kee Philosphy’.

I will appreciate if anyone who has read HMGA writings on the subject of Dreams and Spirituality, can give us gist of what he wrote. I will forward that reply to Nilofar Ahmed sahiba. Thanks.

Dawn article:

Myths minus the Logos in Quranic Interpretations

Monday, February 27th, 2012

Submitted by Ikram.

An ongoing project on this site is the Project Rebuttal, which is a rebuttal of the documentary “Islam: What the West needs to know.” This documentary is primarily based upon theological distortions of Islam both from within and without Islam. The Islam haters of the said documentary frequently quote the translation of Quran by Mushin and Hilali to make their case for a violent Islam. Dr. Aziz in his comments on a previous thread has pointed out the short comings of these translators. Obviously, these translators instead of using Quran as the starting point of discussion, make it the end point of a discussion originated elsewhere and then parenthetically use Quran to prove their theological view.

One such angle is their belief of a mythical advent of a violent Jesus/Mehdi etc. Since their belief is already jaded, they will never be able to bring out the purpose and message of Quran and the secular peaceful principles (beside moral and spiritual spheres) that made Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the most successful secular figure in history.

The world view of Mr. A.S. Shaikh and these translators is to begin with mythological and repugnant to human reason, so is their translations, interpretations and reading of Quran. The Islam hating vultures such as Robert Spencer, Serge Tifkovic and others hover around such carcasses of ideas to swoop down on every morsel of conjecture. They then quite successfully make a case to the ignorant and vulnerable about Islam as a carrion of a religion.

Such interpretations of Quran from Muhsin/Hilali that Dr. Zahid Aziz points out, create contradictions within Quran. How can these translators and the HMGA hating protagonists reconcile their violent Jesus and his mission with the following excerpted verses of Quran, taken from Issue 29b of the Rebuttal?

“God Consciousness” is mandated for a Muslim at any given time. There is no right of superiority for a Muslim over any other race for the mere fact that – “And (all) people are but a single nation…” (10:19). No Muslim can ridicule anyone, be it a non-Muslim because – “O you who believe, do not let a people laugh at (another) people, perhaps they may be better than they…(49:11). Quran even goes further, it forbids aggression based upon hate – “And do not let hatred of a people … incite you to transgress. And help one another in righteousness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and aggression, and keep your duty to Allah. Surely Allah is Severe in retribution.” (5:2).

Difference in faiths is not a basis for aggression because for a Muslim the same Allah is source spring of all religions, books and prophets – “The Messenger believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and (so do) the believers. They all believe in Allah and His angels and His Books and His messengers. We make no distinction between any of His messengers…”(2:285). No wonder, there are no caricatures of Moses and Jesus nor Torah or Bible burnings in Muslims communities.

Even idols are to be respected – “And do not abuse those whom they call upon besides Allah, in case, exceeding the limits, they abuse Allah through ignorance.”(6:108) To cap it all, a Muslim does not monopolize the concept of God for his own faith because for him Allah is – “…the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind, the God of mankind” (114:1-3).

Quran thus brings the whole humanity under one God and leaves no room for anyone to be children of a lesser God. Quran thus identifies the sources of hate, which are race, religion, Books, prophets, deities and obliterates the instigating tendencies, one by one, and eliminates them altogether by inculcating God Consciousness in Muslims – “Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him.” (49:13 – Asad)

Muhammad said – “Help and not fight, assimilation and not destruction, harmony and peace and not dissension.” In his final Hajj sermon he left for the world the magna charta of world peace “”Remember you are all brothers. All men are equal in the eye of God, and your honours, your lives and your properties are all sacred and in no case should you attack each other’s life and property. Today I trample under my feet all distinctions of caste, colour and nationality. All men are sons of Adam and Adam was of dust.” [Islam’s Contribution to Peace of the World, by S.A. Haq, p.52, p.20]

It behoves Muhsin/Hilali and others to ponder on the following verse when they interject their violent view on Quran and Islam:

4:82. Will they not then meditate on the Quran? And if it were from any other than Allah, they would have found in it many a discrepancy.

Footnote: The Quran was not written out and given on one occasion, but it continued to be delivered in small portions during twenty-three years under the most varying circumstances. But what is striking throughout the entire revelation is that it keeps up one and the same strain — absolute submission to Allah, entire trust in Him, perfect confidence of future success, a liberal view of humanity, an attitude of charity towards all nations and religions, and goodness to all alike. The spirit of the revelations to the solitary, persecuted, and rejected preacher of Makkah does not differ in these and a hundred other particulars from the spirit of the revelations to the sole temporal and spiritual monarch of Arabia.

The key word in above verses is discrepancy that these translators inevitably create in their interpretation of Quran. While Quran emphasizes till the Day of Judgment “2:256. There is no compulsion in religion”, Muhsin/Hilali preach “8:39. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism, i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah alone [in the whole world]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly Allah is All-Seer of what they do.”

With Muhsin and Hilali among our midst who need Spencer and Trifkovic?

While trying to tarnish HMGA’s view of Jihad which is congruent to the Message of Quran, Tahir states:

“However, when it comes to the writings on Jihad they put a certain twist on it and trick the reader or researcher. The truth of the matter is that Jihad or fighting in the name of Allah is incumbent on all Muslims. However, certain conditions must be met…”

Obviously, Tahir seems to have identified one of the obligations of Muslims, that is, to engage in “Jihad or fighting in the name of Allah” and makes the Jihad “incumbent on all Muslims.”

Let us, try to see through the lens of Quran as to how and when is a Muslim obligated to strive and/or fight “in the name of Allah”, Thus:

29:69. And those who strive hard for Us, We shall certainly guide them in Our ways. And Allah is surely with the doers of good.

One thing is obvious from Quran that Our ways can only be tread by doers of good, e.g. the Christian rule of Nijashi in Ethopia where Muslims first migrated to. Can Tahir quote us any significant example where a Mullah or a jagirdar, or a nawab or a king in India was more doer of good than the British rule? Start with Punjab University, King Edwards Medical College, all the colleges, schools, hospitals, courts, railway stations, post offices, telegraph, phone exchanges, roads etc. etc. at province, division, district and tehsil level, to name a few of the goods done by British, that has yet to be matched qualitatively by any government since creation of Pakistan. Even in hindsight, these zealot Jihadists blurred by the cataract of imaginative grandiosity, might prefer Sikh rule over the Muslims when a simple call to prayer (Azan) was punishable and the Badshahi Mosque Lahore was turned into a stable for the Sikh army. They forget that it was the British that restored the religious freedom to Muslims and they were finally able to even secure a separate homeland for themselves.

One of the ways and acts of goodness can be seen in the following verses:

22:39 Permission (to fight) is given to those on whom war is made, because they are oppressed. And surely Allah is Able to assist them —

22:40. Those who are driven from their homes without a just cause except that they say: Our Lord is Allah. And if Allah did not repel some people by others, surely cloisters and churches and synagogues, and mosques in which Allah’s name is much remembered, would have been pulled down. And surely Allah will help him who helps Him. Surely Allah is Strong, Mighty.

Footnote: The religious freedom established by Islam has not yet been surpassed by the most civilized and tolerant of nations. It deserves to be noted that the lives of Muslims are to be sacrificed not only to stop their own persecution by their opponents and to save their own mosques, but to save churches, synagogues and cloisters as well — in fact, to establish perfect religious freedom. Mosques, though they are the places where the name of Allah is remembered most of all, are mentioned after churches and synagogues. Early Muslims closely followed these directions, and every commander of an army had express orders to respect all houses of worship, and even the cloisters of monks, along with their inmates.

Thus, it is incumbent on Tahir to pick up a “sword” in his Jihad when he obligatorily stands guard for the sanctity of the churches, synagogues, cloisters, imambargah’s, Ismaili Jamaat Khanas, mosques of Ahmedis (both Qadiani and Lahoris) in whichever land and country he dwells in. With such a rightful act, he will be someone who helps Him. Did any government before or after British guarantee the sanctity of the houses of of worship in which Allah’s name is much remembered? Answer is plain no. It was only the British that guaranteed the safety of worshipers and the houses of worship.

Further, it is incumbent on him to come to defense of a non-subversive minority point of view in Muslim countries no matter how hateful it may be to him:

5:3. … And do not let hatred of a people — because they hindered you from the Sacred Mosque — incite you to transgress

[Footnote: The principle laid down here requires from Muslims equal treatment for all nations, for those whom we hate as well as for those whom we love. Only this principle of Islam can serve as the basis for an international code for the modern world and an international law.].

And help one another in righteousness and piety, and do not help one another in sin and aggression, and keep your duty to Allah

[Editor’s note: Muslims ought only to cooperate with one another in matters of goodness, and are forbidden to help each other in wrongdoing against others. This injunction prohibits the evils of blind patriotism and unconditional support for one’s own people even when they commit injustices against others.].

Surely Allah is Severe in retribution.

Finally, he is expected to standup for the weak among the men and the women, with Asia Bibi as case in point :

4:75. And what reason have you not to fight in the way of Allah, and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, who say: Our Lord, take us out of this town, whose people are oppressors, and grant us from Yourself a friend, and grant us from Yourself a helper!

4:76. Those who believe fight in the way of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the way of the devil. So fight against the friends of the devil; surely the struggle of the devil is ever weak.

The above are some of the examples of true Jihad where one acts as a friend and helper of Allah in His cause. I am not sure if Mr. Shaikh or Mr. Tahir will do some of these acts in the way of Allah, but history of India tells us that British government did each of the good things that these verses enjoin on Muslims to do. Contrary to what Mr. Shaikh and Mr. Tahir expect one to depreciate, any person with sense of reason and fairness cannot but appreciate those doers and guarantors of good, namely the British Government in India.

Note: Unless indicated otherwise, all verses above are from the translation and commentary of Holy Quran – Muhammad Ali, edited by Dr. Zahid Aziz.

Jihad — Wordings of Divine Revelation?

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012

Note by Rashid Jahangiri:

Opponent of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib, and of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement and hero, sweetheart of Khatam-e-Nabuwat-Academy-UK, creator, owner of Ahmad Karim Shaikh of Mississauga, Canada has written an article under the the above title on his website. Article is translated into English, and has even mentioned ‘Lahori-Group’ name in it. I am copy pasting his article here. Let’s have some discussion on his article. This will provide opportunity to him and everyone to learn some thing.

Link to article:

(Note: Per my information A.S. Khan is the same person A. K. Shaikh i.e. Ahmad Karim Shaikh — Rashid Jahangiri)

Wording of The Divine Revelation?
By A.K. Shaikh

The commandment of Allah is: “Jihad (fighting in the cause of Allah) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing, which is actually good for you and that you like a thing, which is actually bad for you. Only Allah has the absolute knowledge but you do not know.” [2:216]

This commandment of Allah is obligatory on every Muslim and is valid for all times – just like none of the commandments of Prayer, Fasting, Hajj and Zakat (obligatory alms) are temporary. There are certain conditions, however, like Hajj will only be performed during the days of Hajj; fasting will be in Ramadan; prayers during prescribed timings and Jihad (Qitaal) [fighting by sword] when it becomes obligatory etc.

Now, Mirza Sahib’s declaration is:

“But this commandment (i.e. Jihad) was temporary and time-specific – it (Jihad) wasn’t meant for all times.” [Collection of Advertisements, vol. 3, page 223]

“We have written time and again that the Noble Qur’an absolutely does not teach Jihad.”
[Collection of Advertisements, vol. 3, page 250]

The following words of Mirza Mahmood Sahib, the 2nd Gaddi Nasheen [hereditary successor] of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib, would not be without much interest:

“I am not denying that some of the directives were changed during the time of the Prophethood (of Muhammad s.a.w.), but I do not find any proof with regard to any of the Qur’anic commandments that originally it was something else but it was changed later on. In my opinion, all those commandments that were temporary in nature were sent through non-Qur’anic revelations and did not get inscribed in the Noble Qur’an. That is why it was not required to alter the Qur’an.” [by Mirza Mahmood – reference preserved (available upon request)]

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib has repeatedly written in his books that he used to receive Wahi [Divine Revelation]. And he has also written samples of his Ilhamat [inspirations] and Wahi in his books with which his mental and intellectual level can be ascertained. But some of his claims in his books are such that they clearly repeal the basic tenets of the Qur’an. And Mirza Sahib presents these claims as the Divine Commandments of God.

Whereas, the Divine Decree is: “This day, I have perfected your religion for you” [5:3]

Mirza Sahib explains it in his own words as follows:

And it is not worthy for Allah to send a Prophet after the Khatam-un-Nabiyyeen [The Seal of the Prophets], and it is not worthy for Him to revive the lineage of Prophethood in spite of having terminated it, and to abrogate some of the Qur’anic commandments or add to them.” [Roohani Khazain, vol. 5, page 377]

Dear Readers! We all know that Allah revealed the Qur’an to His Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh), and the Prophet also attests and vouches that he himself does not have any authority to amend, alter or transpose the Qur’an.

Now, Mirza Sahib says, “It was written in the Ahadith earlier that fighting in the name of religion would be made Haraam [unlawful] when Masih would come.” [Collection of Advertisements, vol. 3, page 284]. Here, Mirza Sahib has cited a very feeble thing to abrogate a tenet of Deen.

Now, the Divine Revelation is sent down to Mirza Sahib with which he declares the fighting for the religious cause as Haraam [unlawful].

“From today, the human “Jihad” that used to be performed with sword has been abolished by Allah’s orders”. (Majmooa Ishteharat, vol. 3, p. 295).

A Question to Ahmadiyya Movement!

The abovementioned Divine Injunction, which according to the advertisement of 28th May 1900, was sent down to Mirza Sahib. Then, what were the original words of that Divine Revelation or Injunction?

Does this (alleged) revelation of Mirza Sahib not repeal this Qur’anic commandment? “Jihad (fighting in Allah’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it.” [2:216]

Does any human, even though he might be a Prophet, possess the authority to abolish the Words of Allah (Divine Commandments)?

The question to Ahmadiyya Movement is: what are the original words of the Wahi or Divine Injunction by which the Jihad with sword was abrogated (by Mirza Sahib)?

A. K.Shaikh

Note: website’s challenge to Ahmadiyya Movement is: if the Movement provides the original wording of the Divine Revelation (about abolishment of Jihad) sent down to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib, then this website will give a reward of USD 50,000 (fifty thousand US Dollars) to the Gaddi Nasheen [hereditary successor] of the Movement. In this regard, the Movement may also seek assistance from its Non-Pledging Group, viz. Lahori Group. announces unequivocally to both groups of Ahmadiyya Movement that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad never received any such Divine Injunction. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad stated lies and wrote lies – and he was also false in this claim (about the abrogation of Jihad).

A.S. Khan
Translated by: Bashir Ahmed

Deobandis and Barelvis denounce each other

Friday, February 17th, 2012

Our opponents either live in a fantasy world, or deliberately misrepresent the true situation, when they claim that all other sects of Muslims are living in peace and harmony with each other, tolerating their mutual differences in a brotherly spirit, and this was the situation in which Mirza Ghulam Ahmad arose and he ruined this atmosphere of unity by founding the Ahmadiyya movement, a group at loggerheads with all other Muslims.

I therefore refer readers to the following two websites: – Anti-Barelvi material produced by Deobandis. – Anti-Deobandi material produced by Barelvis. (Note: You may need to try two or three times before this link opens the website.)

On the first website, Deobandis write about Barelvis:

“This movement arose for the purpose of entrapping the Muslim nation in a fabricated religion in order to serve the political aims of an enemy of Islam like the British”

“They are deceiving people by presenting their kufr and shirk under the name of Islam”.

On the second website, Barelvis write about Deobandis:

“The basic difference with Deobandis is not in secondary matters but in the essentials of faith. … The difference in principle is that the Deobandi leaders have written countless statements which are insolent and insulting to the high dignity of the Holy Prophet. On this basis, the leaders of Islam have declared them as kafir.”

Photo on billboard

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

HMGA photo on a billboard, in USA.

Qadianis website have put HMGA photo on a billboard on some cheap location in USA. I wonder if this is to preach HMGA message or some tactic to convince the poor Qadiani chanda payers that “Your Tax Dollars At Work”

Story of Sweet Water Well in Rabwah

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Story of Sweet Water Well in Qadianis Headquarter, Rabwah, Pakistan.

In journal ‘The Muslim World’ Volume 45, Issue 2, Pages 145-171, April 1955, an article by S.E.Brush ‘Ahmadiyyat in Pakistan’; author interviewed Qadiani Khalifa 2 (QK 2) Mirza Mahmud Ahmad. In this article couple of statements got my attention that I want to comment on.

Paragraph 4:
and support the government in power.6 Bashir-ud-Din took a similar stand, and criticized the important Ahmadi missionary to Great Britain, Kwaja Kamal-ud-Din, for becoming involved in these political issues. The result was that, after the election, Kamal-ud-Din and Muhammad Ali, the editor of the Ahmadi journal, The Review of Religions, left Qadian with a group of their own supporters, and established a new organization in Lahore.”

I would leave it to Dr. Zahid Aziz to comment on this preposterous feed given by Qadianis to Mr. Brush.

I would like to comment on another statement.

Paragraph 10:

“Since coming to Rabwah, one important vision dealt with the matter of water supply. The precise location of the only successful tube well in the town was revealed to him.”

I am going to share story that marhoom Abdul Manan Omar sahib, son of Maulana Noor-ud-Din sahib narrated to me in last year or so of his life. To establish veracity of my statement, I state it under oath, keeping Allah SWT as my witness. Per Abdul Manan Omar sahib:

“When land in Rabwah was acquired by [Qadiani] Jamaat, Khalifa sahib (QK 2) asked me to go there and make arrangements for upcoming annual Jalsa [annual gathering of Qadianis in month of December in Pakistan]. I asked Khalifa sahib that it is not feasible to hold such gathering as it is arid land and it will be difficult to find sweet water source there. Khalifa sahib said, “I don’t know just go and make arrangements”. [Manan Omar sahib was in charge of annual jalsa for many years since days in Qadian, so he had to perform his duty–RJ]. First thing was to find a suitable place for Langar-Khana (large size kitchen for attendees of jalsa). Tenets were placed. Then problem came up where to dig for well. Where I was standing, I asked well diggers to dig here. It just happened that by chance well was successful and water was sweet. This story reached Khalifa sahib, in Lahore and in his speech he (QK 2) made the whole story of his “revelation” of only sweet water well”.

Please remember: It was practice of QK 2 to make statements after the facts, and tell his audience that he had revelation regarding this event before it took place, and he told his vision/ revelation to his wife Murriam-Sadiqa. QK 2 never published his prophecy or announced in public before its fulfillment. He also knew no body will go and verify with QK 2 wife Murriam-Sadiqa, anyways.

QK 2 had resources to publish his side of ‘Sweet Water Well’ story. Qadianis believe in QK 2 version. At the same time many people, including myself, know very well that QK 2 was repeatedly accused of sexual immorality in his life time. Some victims accused him personally; others testified that QK 2’s biological daughters and sons have accused QK 2 in their presence. It is historical fact that QK 2 never made an effort to exonerate him from such extreme accusations. It is also historical fact that neither of QK 2 daughters and nor his sons have denied accusations made on him with reference to them. Given these realities, I would accept marhoom Abdul Manan Omar sahib’s version.

Footnote: Abdul Manan Omar sahib passed away in end of July 2006, and was buried in Lahore, Pakistan. His son Khalid Omar, Ph.D. was staying at their family home in J-block, Model Town, Lahore. People came to pay their condolences and offer Fatiah prayer. A group of bearded people from Al-Hadith Jamaat visited and offered Fatiah. Among them there was a person who was one of the well diggers, he narrated his first interaction with Manan sahib in Rabwah on occasion of well digging. He narrated the story there.

Ahmadiyyat In Pakistan

Polite question to all members of the Qadiani Jamaat. Am I right or your member Bashir Shah?

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

Dear members of the Qadiani Jamaat,
assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu-hu

A member of your Jamaat, Bashir Shah, has been arguing on this blog regarding the book Siraj Munir by the Promised Messiah that:

HMGA (as), began writing Siraj Munir before 1891, he didnt edit it when it was finally published in 1897. I havent read that book. However, its a wonderful example.


On our website,, there is a book which briefly touches on all of the books of HMGA (as). They have confirmed that Siraj Munir was began in 1888. See, PAGE 186. It seems like the pupil has taught the teacher.

(I understand that by pupil he means himself and by teacher he means me.)

He presents this book as an example of a book by the Promised Messiah written many years before its first publication, and then published bearing the current date of publication, which could still be reflecting beliefs he held when he wrote it years ago, even though they might not be current at the time of publication. So, he says, that while Tiryaq-ul-Qulub was first published in October 1902, it could still contain his claims from earlier years which were not current in October 1902.

Siraj Munir is in Ruhani Khazai’n, v. 12, and has exactly 100 pages (in the 1984 edition these are numbered 1 to 100 at the bottom, in the latest edition these are numbered 3 to 102 at the top).

Dear members of the Qadiani Jamaat: If you were to pick any one of those 100 pages, I can show evidence from just that page alone, taken individually on its own, that it was written after 1891. (It is possible that in a few cases I may need to go to the page before or after the one that you select.)

My question is: Do you believe that I am correct that each and every page of Siraj Munir was written after 1891, many of them in 1897, and your member Bashir Shah is wrong? Would you like to test my claim by selecting any page from this book?

Zahid Aziz

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan on finality of prophethood

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

In his recent speech at the annual gathering of the AAIIL in Lahore, the General Secretary dealt with a view expressed by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan of India on the finality of prophethood. A friend from Lahore has summarised it below for our blog readers.

Maulana Wahiddudin Khan of India, a noted Islamic Scholar, wrote the following in an article on “Khatm-e-Nubuwwat” in the October 2011 issue of Al-Risala Magazine. The translation is mine. For the original Urdu please see the last paragraph on page 12 continuing onto page 13 at

“Similarly it is said that two individuals were born in the present age who claimed to be Prophets. Bahaullah Khan (died: 1892) and Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani (died: 1908); but this assertion is not correct according to historical records. Bahaullah merely stated that he is “Mazhar-e-Haq.” He never said that he is a Prophet of God. Similarly Mirza Ghluam Ahmed Qadiani never said from his own tongue that he is a Prophet of God. He merely stated that he is “Zill-e-Nabi”, meaning shadow of the Prophet. Such a statement may be called a type of madness, but it cannot be called a claim to Prophethood.”

It appears that when an objective study is done of historical records with an unbiased mind, the truth becomes clear!

New, revised and enlarged edition of “A Mighty Striving”

Monday, November 28th, 2011

I have pleasure in presenting to you the new, second edition of “A Mighty Striving”, the biography of Maulana Muhammad Ali, translated from the Urdu book Mujahid-i Kabir, with extra material added.

Here is the link.

Zahid Aziz