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Archive for the ‘Ahmadiyya issues’ Category

Ikhtalayfaat-e-Silsilaa-e-Ahmadiyya kay Usbaab: by Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din

Saturday, November 26th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Opponent of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement has translated this Khwaja sahib book into English. I neither read original book in Urdu or its English translation ‘Causes of the internal dissensions in the Ahmadiyya Movement’. Someone who has read original book may also read its translation. If translation turns out to accurate then, with permission of translator, it can be posted on LAM official website:

Link to Original Book in Urdu:

Link English translation:

In-camera proceedings on Qadiani issue: Speaker releases report

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

BUSINESS RECORDER (Pakistan’s Financial Daily) November 15, 2011

In-camera proceedings on Qadiani issue: Speaker releases report
November 15, 2011

The Federal Government Monday unveiled 37-year-old secret proceedings of joint sitting of the Parliament of 1974 that put Qadianis outside the pale of Islam.

The Speaker of the National Assembly released a 21-volume official report on the proceedings of the Special Committee of the whole House held in-camera to consider the Qadiani issue.

The first in-camera joint sitting was convened in 1974 by the then Prime Minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, to discuss the situation after anti-Qadiani riots.

Business Recorder already has published an exclusive story on August 19, 2011, informing its readers that the Federal Government may unveil 37-year-old secret proceedings of the Parliament.

Two volumes of this report are available with Business Recorder.
Well-placed sources in the National Assembly told Business Recorder that the House is likely to debate on the report.

The Sources said that only the Speaker of the National Assembly has the authority to declassify secret proceedings of the Parliament.

The outcome of the discussions of joint sitting of the Parliament in 1974 was the passage of the constitutional amendment Article 260(3)(b).” A look on these documents shows arguments of various members including Chairman of the Special Committee of the Whole House, Sahibzada Farooq Ali.

A delegation of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed took part in the proceedings to answer queries.

Speaking on behalf of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, Mirza Nasir Ahmed gave answers to many questions from the members in the first sitting of the session.


Response to a challenge

Monday, October 31st, 2011

Note by Admin: Jamal submitted the following as a comment on an existing thread. I have made it a new post.


Here is the reference you requested:

سو یہ بات کہ اسؔ کو اُمّتی بھی کہا اورنبی بھی۔ اس بات کی طرف اشارہ ہے کہ دونوں شانیں اُمتیت اور نبوت کی اُس میں پائی جائیں گی
“Thus, the fact that he is called “Ummati” and also “Nabi” indicates that both the qualities of “Ummatiyyat” and “Nubuwwat” will be found in him.” (Ruhani Khaza’in, Volume: 3, Page: 386, Book: Izala Auham)

Now, can I get my $1000, or are you going to insist in a childish way on the fact that the two words must be attached together? Just like the Jews and Christians laugh at the Qur’an when it mentions in surah 48 the signs of Muslims as they are supposedly written in the Torah and Injil, but which do not exist in exactly those words in either the Torah or the Gospels? I hope that you will not be so stubborn, and that you will accept that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad has said here that he is both “Ummati” and “Nabi” in the same sentence.

Let’s see how ready you are to give away those $1000. Personally, I think you are just bluffing. After such a clear reference, how can anyone with a sincere heart and who fears Allah claim that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad did not write that he is both Ummati and Nabi? If anyone asked him: “Are you an Ummati Nabi?” He would reply: “Yes, as I had written in Izala Auham.”

You will probably not even let this post go through. I am not expecting you will have the sincerity to allow people to see the truth and to see the flaws in your views exposed.

Who is the Judge?

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Opponents of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (HMGA) keep challenging Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement (LAM) members to provide reference from the Holy Quran to the point which he referred. And if we can provide proofs we will get so much monetary reward.

Other times these opponents allege that HMGA wrote such and such statement, and this is what he meant by his statement. They accuse LAM members to distort meaning of HMGA statement.

For many years i use to debate with these opponents after reading few pages before and after the quote to better understand the context of HMGA quotes. Many times those quotes were not from HMGA books. They were either from writings of HMGA opponent, or were from Malfoozat (NOT writings of HMGA), Tazkara (NOT a book written by HMGA), newspapers articles (reported by listeners in Badar, Al Hakam). After I spent many hours these opponents without acknowledging their mistake would just vanish and then reappear under different usernames on internet forums and again start making allegations. It was obvious these opponents are not sincere in opposition and not honest enough to admit their misunderstanding. Finally I came up with following strategy:

1- If opponents of HMGA want me to answer their allegation then they must provide HMGA quotes from his published books that he himself authored.

2- Before making allegation opponent should read ten pages before and after the HMGA quote under discussion.

3- Opponent should state under oath with invitation of Allah’s wrath on his children, family and himself, that whatever objection/ allegation he is making, he is convinced in his heart after reading the ten pages before and after the HMGA quote to fully understand the context, and he is writing with all honesty what he believes in his heart.

4- All I wanted was to hold opponents words against themselves. If they were honest in their assertion then they should have no problem stating their statement under oath that they were making otherwise.

5- As it became clear that either these opponents were making false statement or after reading the context of quote they were convinced that it does not mean what they previously thought. Instead of accepting their mistakes they like JEWS OF JESUS TIME, keep on repeating their false statements, without taking oath and inviting Allah’s writ to punish liars.

6- Many times these opponents of HMGA are also “moderators” of the anti-HMGA forum, and blogs. But instead of showing the honesty and bravery by clearly stating that poster and moderator is the same person, they use different user names. These moderators keep deleting my posts and banning me on their forums and blogs.

7- When I remind them that Allah SWT says in Holy Quran when there is no witness or judge to decide between the two parties then take oath and invite Allah to decide between them and punish the liars. These opponents delete my posts and ban me.

8- I keep reminding these opponents, as there is no court and judge on internet with temporal powers to punish the liars, as was the case in South African courts in 1980s between LAM and anti-HMGA people. There Judgments were issued in favor of LAM and anti-HMGA people were punished. Unfortunately, anti-HMGA posters on internet are not willing to invite Allah SWT to judge between them and LAM member. The most notorious in this regard are Akbar Ahmad Chaudhry (spokesman for Khatam-e-Nabuwat Academy, UK) he acts as poster and moderator under different names on, and Shahid Ahmad Kamal (speaker of Khatam-e-Nabuwat Academy, UK) poster and moderator of

Now these opponents of HMGA have adopted another strategy, of announcing a monetary reward to those who can provide proof and/or answer their questions. These anti-HMGA people understand very well that unless there is judge with temporal powers in this world there is no way to extract monetary reward from them nor they can be punished for making false accusations. So they can make as much false statements as they wish, and nobody in this world is there to stop them. Again they are not willing to invite Allah SWT to act as a judge. But there is limit to Allah’s patience and signs of Allah’s patience running out are evident. It is evident from the statement at the bottom of home page of anti-HMGA website based in UK. These opponents of HMGA who are willing to murder follower of HMGA on the drop of the hat in Pakistan are forced to write on ‘Second Hand Islam’:

“We, at Secondhand Islam, reject all forms of violence that may be directed towards innocent members of the Qadiani Cult. As Muslims we believe that no individual/organisation has the right to take the law into their own hands and harm another creation of Allah.”

These ‘Second Hand Islam’ people have given ‘Five Challenges’. Being member of LAM, I am willing to take their challenge, ONLY IF they can point out the judge with temporal powers who can extract money from them and reward it to me.

I am emailing this post to ‘Second Hand Islam’ people through their ‘Contact Us’.

“Land of the Pure” (Pakistan) and its historical parallels

Sunday, October 9th, 2011

Submitted by Ikram.

Usman rightly pointed out the problem in Pakistan. It is the disease in mindsets that is the source of its ills. There are close parallels of HMGA in Pakistan and Moses in Egypt, besides Noah, Ad and Thamud. Amongst the former it is the Mujaddid of the last century hijrah and in the latter was a Prophet:

7:13. But when Our eye-opening signs [-messages] were shown to them (- Pharaoh and his people) they said, `This is plain witchcraft (to cause disruption among the people).’

Quran further depicts the response of the arrogant people to the Divine arguments:

27:14. And they strongly rejected them (- the signs) out of spite and arrogance, although their minds were convinced of (the truth in) them. Look, then how (evil) was the end of those who acted corruptly.

Pay close attention to the wording and the reason for the strong rejection above – out of spite and arrogance, although their minds were convinced of (the truth in) them. This is exactly what has and is happening in Pakistan. They will reject the same message when attributed to HMGA whereas accept it without questioning when they hear Ghamdi or others.

According to Quran, ignorance, arrogance and injustice cannot pervade in the land beyond a certain number of generations. Forewarned is forearmed. Read the following in light of 27:14.

7:130. And We, surely, seized Pharaoh’s followers with years of drought and scarcity of fruits [-food] and children [-with any future] so that they might take heed.

7:131. But when something good came their way, they said, `This is ours (as we deserved it),’ and if something adverse befell them they would attribute their ill luck to Moses and his companions. Beware! surely, their deeds are (recorded) with Allâh but most of them do not know (this).

7:132. And they said (to Moses), `Whatsoever sign you may bring to us to cast a spell upon us with it, we will not be believers in you at all.’

7:133. Then We sent upon them widespread death and destruction (caused by storms [-Ad], floods [-Noah], epidemics, earthquakes [-Thamud]) and the locusts, the lice, the frogs [-pestilence, Dengue] and the blood (-wars); signs (all) distinct and well defined, but they continued to behave arrogantly for they were a people who had cut off their ties (with God).

7:134. And whenever a punishment fell upon them they said, `O Moses! pray for us to your Lord invoking the promise He has made to you. If you avert the punishment from us we will certainly believe in you, and we will let the Children of Israel go with you.’

7:135. But no sooner did We avert that punishment from them upto a (scheduled) term which they were to reach (in all events) than they at once broke their promise.

7:136. We then inflicted (the last) punishment on them; We drowned them in the sea for they had cried lies to Our Messages and were heedless of them.

7:137. And We made the people who were deemed weak (and were oppressed) inherit the eastern and western parts of the (promised) land which We had blessed. Thus was fulfilled the most gracious word of your Lord in favour of the Children of Israel, for they had patiently persevered; and We annihilated all that Pharaoh and his people had wrought and what they had erected.

Next time when one hears the mass catastrophes one after another inflicting only Pakistan and shaking it to its core, while sparing its neighbors e.g. India, China, Iran, Nepal, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kirghistan – drought and scarcity of fruits [-food] and children [-with any future] widespread death and destruction (caused by storms [-Ad], floods [-Noah], epidemics, earthquakes [-Thamud]) and the locusts, the lice, the frogs [-pestilence, Dengue] and the blood (-wars); signs (all) distinct and well defined, maybe it is the Divine retribution. The law of retribution in Quran states – We annihilated all that Pharaoh and his people had wrought and what they had erected. Does it mean annihilation of Pakistan as a country or annihilation of its institutions? Lord have mercy on us, unlike:

11:68. …Behold! Thamûd behaved ungratefully to their Lord (denying His favours upon them). So away with (the tribe of) Thamûd!

Note: Afghanistan was not listed above. It is in the grips of its own prophecy.

“Shakir” donated money for distribution of Maulana Muhammad Ali’s books

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

Please see this link for an interesting discovery.

It has also been confirmed to me on behalf of a grand-daughter of Maulana Muhammad Ali who lived in Karachi that Habib (i.e. M.H. Shakir) had great respect for Maulana Muhammad Ali.

If we count M.H. Shakir as a “translator” of the Holy Quran (which is what millions think anyway!), then the following translators of the Quran into English had high regard for Maulana Muhammad Ali:

Marmaduke Pickthall
Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Muhammad Asad
M.H. Shakir

Chief Justice of Pakistan Dr Naseem Hassan Shah

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Justice Naseem Hassan Shah was among Pakistan Supreme Court judges who upheld death penalty of former Pakistan’s Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1979.

In his autobiography in Urdu ‘Kuch Yadain Aur Kuch Tasurat’ (Some Memories and Some Comments) has written some things that I want to share with readers. Hopefully anti-HMGA people will pay some attention:

He was born April 15, 1929.
On page 14 he writes:

My admission to Cathedral School, [Lahore] was helped by my Christian auntie Afroza, who had married my uncle (mamoon). My uncle use to teach at F.C. College [Lahore] and he had converted to Christianity AFTER his marriage to auntie Afroza.

On page 156 he writes:
It is fact that many Anglo-Saxon laws are in sync with Human Rights Principles in Islam.

On page 162 he writes:
A person who recites Kalima-Shahada is a Muslim, regardless whether he follows Islam in his life or not.

On page 271 he writes about ‘Anjuman-Himayat-Islam’:

Anjuman started its activities in 1884, when five honorable leaders gathered in Lahore to form an organization that can fight against Christian Missionaries and Arya Samaajies attacks on Islam. …..
In the beginning organization founders’ efforts did not get much praise. So much that first president of organization wrote: To make our movement more effective we invited different people for discussion. We accept that in the beginning our efforts did not succeed. People did not welcome it. It won’t be wrong to say that people were least interested. We had to listen painful comments of some invitees. Our objectives were made fun of. One critic said situation is irreversible.

Roots of Pakistani Christians

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

The British Empire after militarily conquering India and taking power from Muslims changed its tactics to rule her subjects, especially Muslims. In order to rule India perpetually in a peaceful manner they launched missionary efforts with aim to convert Muslims of India to Christianity. It was good luck of Indian Muslims that Allah SWT appointed his Mujaddid of 14th Islamic Hijra Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib, who with power of his pen, and employing tactics introduced to India by missionaries i.e. debates, discussions, publications, announcements, seminars prevented Christians missionaries to have significant success in converting Muslims to Christians. Had it not been the case, today, a high proportion of Pakistani Muslims, especially in Punjab, would be Christians.
As Christian Missionaries failed in their mission they turned their focus on Hindus.

Dil Nawaz, a researcher on religion and minorities’ rights at the National University of Ireland writes in his article, published on Pak Tea House blog:
“Pakistan’s approximately 2.8 million Christians constitute about 2 percent of the country’s 180 million people and are most concentrated in the province of Punjab. Christians are split evenly between Catholics and Protestants. Almost all embraced Christianity in mass conversions from Hinduism in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in an effort to escape their status as “untouchables” (now referred to as Dalits).”

I hope opponents of HMGA, who accuse him of failing in his mission of preventing Muslims conversion to Christianity, can learn truth from Mr. Dil Nawaz.

Link to Dil Nawaz article:
Pakistani Christians and the Myth of Clash of Civilizations

Ahmadiyya on Al Jazeera English

Thursday, July 28th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Opponents of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib (mostly former Qadianis) and current Qadianis had debate on Al Jazeera English program ‘The Stream’. Since members of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement believe that both anti-HMGA and Qadianis are WRONG about status, mission and teachings of HMGA, so to make the picture more clear to the viewer LAM representative needs to contact ‘The Stream’ management and ask for a chance to present our beliefs.
Link to ‘The Stream’ program online:

Qadiani Khalifa 5 Mirza Masroor Ahmad visits Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Mosque in Berlin, Germany

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

According to the news:

“Mirza Masroor Ahmed, Khalifa 5 of Qadiani Jamaat visited Berlin Mosque that belongs to Lahori Jamaat on 29th June 2011. Mirza Masroor Ahmed is the firstever Khalifa to visit a Lahori Jamaat Mosque in last 96 year after the death of Hazrat Hakim Noor-ud-Din, Khalifatul-Masih in March 1914. The details of his 15 minutes visit with about 50-60 people in his entourage shall be given soon.”

According to another information, Qadiani Khalifa 5 asked LAM member present in mosque to “Come and join them (i.e. Qadiani Cult)”.

I wish I were there. I would have replied:

“Khalifa sahib, I will join your jamaat at this very moment, just help me answer one objection of opponents of your jamaat: While in presence of your entourage, standing in mosque, holding Holy Quran in your hands could you please say on oath that your maternal Grandfather Khalifa (QK2) Mirza Mahmud Ahmad NEVER said–

“All muslims who are not included in the bai`at of Maseeh Mauood, even if they have not heard the name of Maseeh Mauood, they are Kafir and out of the fold of Islam. I admit that these are my beliefs.”;

“Non-Ahmadis [here Ahmadis means Qadianis i.e. Non-Qadianis] are the disbelievers therefore their funeral prayers should not be offered, but if you ask: an infant of non-ahmadi [Non-Qadiani] dies, why should we not pray his funeral prayer, he is not a disbeliever of Maseeh Mauood? I ask the inquirer, that if this is true than why don’t we offer funeral prayer of a Hindu or a Christian child? How many people offer their funeral prayer?”;

“It is our obligation that we do not consider non-ahmadis [non-Qadianis] as muslims and do not pray behind them, because for us they have rejected one prophet (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) of God. This is a religious matter and no one has any right to do anything in it.” ”

I am sure QK5 would have NEVER answered request, but it would have certainly educated the TRUE BELIEFS OF QADIANIS to his 50-60 stooges who escorted him to show off his “majesty”.