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December 14th, 2015

The Exegesis of The Holy Qur’an: Commentary and Reflections by Allamah Nooruddin

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

A few weeks ago, a much awaited English Tafseer of Holy Quran by Allamah Nooruddin is published by Noor Foundation. It has two parts.

Part I: Reflections-Selected Pearls.

This part has 259 pages essays on different topics. Topics include:

Who is Allah? The Divine Essence. Self-Disclosure of the veiled reality. “We-ness”, “He-ness” and “I-ness” of Allah. Monotheism in its absolute purity. Four divine graces of mercy. Attributive names of Allah. “Light upon light”. Glorification of the All-sustained Lord. All praise reverts to Allah. What is worship and servitude? Supplications and its blessings. Ritual prayers of Muslims. Invocation and “Remembrance” of God. What is trust in God? Sainthood in Islam. Source of morality and the origin of evil. The Qur’anic concept of paradise. Divine punishment and concept of “Hell”. Notions of the Doctrine of “Atonement”. Dogmas of trinity and divinity. Dogmas of the “sonship” of God. Jesus of the Holy Qur’an. An invitation to the purification of souls.

Part II: Commentary-Selected Verses.

This part has 818 pages of commentary on selected verses of the Holy Qur’an. When a Qur’anic verse is quoted, only the relevant part of the verse is presented with its English translation. For complete verse and its translation into English, the reader is recommended to refer to the English Translation of the Holy Qur’an by Ms. Amatul Rahman Omar and Abdul Mannan Omar. 

7 Responses to “The Exegesis of The Holy Qur’an: Commentary and Reflections by Allamah Nooruddin”

  1. December 15th, 2015 at 12:32 pm
    From Rashid Jahangiri:

    Some information on Holy Quran translations and commentaries published, and to be published by Noor Foundation

    Allama Nooruddin use to give Dars (lectures) on Holy Quran. His students use to transcribe them and some of them even got published, under his name, in his life time. Eighteen different complete transcribed versions (hand written notes) and at least one complete published version (from Hyderabad Deccan) of his lectures were handed down by Allama Nooruddin students to his son marhoom Abdul Mannan Omar sahib. These are the original sources of Holy Quran translations and commentaries published and in process of publication by Noor Foundation International. Website:

    English Translation of Holy Quran (published)

    This was rendered into English by Ms. Amatul Rahman Omar and Abdul Mannan Omar. This translation is available in audio online. Read by Imam Benjamin Bilal.

    English Commentary of Holy Quran (published)

    Essays in part I was written by Abdul Mannan Omar sahib, and reviewed by his son Lutfatul Mannan Omar, M.D., Ph.D. (alias Dr. Osama Omar). Commentary compiled in part II by marhoom Abdul Mannan Omar sahib. It is about 3000 pages. His son Dr. Osama Omar reviewed and abridged it. In this form it is 818 pages.

    Urdu Translation of Holy Quran

    Translation compiled by Abdul Mannan Omar. This is complete in pdf form, and will be made available online. Depending upon resources it will be published in India. Complete translation in audio is available online. Read by his son Hibbatul Mannan Omar, Ph.D. (alias Dr. Khalid Omar).

    Urdu Commentary of Holy Quran

    This is 3000 pages comprehensive commentary compiled by Abdul Mannan Omar sahib. Commentary on 15 chapters is typeset. Unfortunately, typist has passed away. Search for new typist is on.

    Arabic Commentary of Holy Quran

    Allama Nooruddin did commentary on Holy Quran in Arabic. He wrote it himself. He had good Arabic handwriting. His grandchildren plan to scan it and make it available as it is online. It is in possession of Dr. Osama Omar. It is matter of when he can find it, in his library, still packed, after move from Germany to USA.

    Link to Noor Foundation International:

  2. In the Preface to his 1917 edition of the English translation of the Holy Quran, Maulana Muhammad Ali makes mention of the Arabic commentary by Maulana Nur-ud-Din as follows:

    "It is a pity that his valuable Arabic commentary has not yet been given to the world, but when that manuscript sees the light, it will reveal that he was one of the master minds."

  3. Here is the link to Haqaiq al Furqan a 4 volume commentary based on Hadhrat Maulvi Noorudin's (ra)  discouces and sermons:

  4. Interestingly, the definition of Khatam in the English translation of the Quran rendered to English by Amatul Rahman Omar Sahiba and Abdul Mannan Omar sahib on is as follows:

    Khâtam: Seal; the best; the Most Perfect; last; the embellishment and ornament (R. L. T.). The difference between Khâtim and Khâtam is that the meaning of khâtim is last part or portion but the word khatâm means that last part or portion of a thing that is the best. Thus it indicates finality combined with perfection and continuation of its blessings (L.T.R. Zurqânî, Asâs).

    Here is the url: (p.857-858)

  5. This contradicts  Hadhrat Maulvi Noorudin's (ra) completley. Manan sahib has had many different views on the subject but put the one that not only opposed his father but the Promised Messiah (as) aswell.

  6. Saad: You allege that Manan sahib opposed his father, Nooruddin sahib with regards to the meaning of the term ‘Khatam’. Please provide a specific link from Haqaiq ul Furqan in support of your statement. Even in the same book, Nooruddin sahib also gives the same spectrum of usage of meanings of ‘Khatam’ that Manan sahib gives. Link:

    The following link from the same Haqaiq ul Furqan might be of interest to you in which Nooruddin sahib under verse 9:77 states “I have read Al-Wasiat (“The Will” by HMGA) in detail. Surely, fourteen people (-members of the Sadar-Anjuman, the Senate) were declared Khalifatul-Masih (i.e. successors of HMGA).” I am wondering which Khilafat are you mistaken about? Link:

    In the meanwhile, ’Khatam’ as mentioned in verse 33:41 in the 5 volume English Commentary of the Holy Quran from your Jamaat (link) has been addressed on this blog under – “Seal Of The Prophets? – No Gabriel, No Prophethood!” (link).

  7. In his book Izala Auham (p. 614), the Promised Messiah has quoted the Khatam-un-Nabiyyin verse of the Quran and translated it into Urdu. He has translated the term Khatam-un-Nabiyyin into Urdu as “khatam karnai wala hai nabiyon ka”, meaning "the one to end the prophets".

    He also wrote:

    “I firmly believe that our Holy Prophet Muhammad is the Khatam-ul-anbiya, and after him no prophet shall come for this Muslim people, neither new nor old.” (Nishan Asmani, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 4, p. 30).

    “The actual fact, to which I testify with the highest testimony, is that our Holy Prophet is the Khatam-ul-anbiya, and after him no prophet will come, neither any old one nor any new one.” (Anjam Atham, p. 27, footnote. Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 11, p. 27)

    So that's what Khatam-un-Nabiyyin means according to the Promised Messiah: one after whom there is no prophet, neither new nor old.