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Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam

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Archive for the ‘Ahmadiyya issues’ Category

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

Friday, July 8th, 2011

Submitted by Ikram.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

13:03. Verily, in all this there are messages indeed for people who think.

7:179 And certainly We have created for hell many of the jinn and the people —they have hearts with which they do not understand, and they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. They are as cattle; rather, they are more astray. These are the heedless ones.

The above verses emphasize that any divine system has to pass the test of human intelligence and reasoning, else following such a system would be a blind fellowship of a dogma. By stating these verses Quran exposes itself and Islam to this challenge first and foremost. Thus any institution that is developed in the name of Islam, must pass the secular standards first before any spirituality could be attributed to it.

Contrary to general religious views, secularism is the underpinning of Islam i.e.

“Secularism is a code of duty pertaining to this life, founded on considerations purely human, and intended mainly for those who find theology indefinite or inadequate, unreliable or unbelievable. Its essential principles are three: (1) The improvement of this life by material means. (2) That science is the available Providence of man. (3) That it is good to do good. Whether there be other good or not, the good of the present life is good, and it is good to seek that good.” [George Jacob Holyoake]

For example, humbleness, hard work, love, kindness, sincerity, truthfulness, honesty, accountability etc. are all secular values, which Quran encourages, nurtures and guides to. In doing so, Quran takes the secularism to next level of spirituality and outlines the moral laws governing those values. Not only that, Allah Himself becomes the guarantor of such laws and their outcomes which are both secular and spiritual in their nature e.g. the hard work:

79:1. I call to witness those groups of beings, who perform their duties (towards their Lord and mankind and themselves) with intense zeal and to the best of their capacity,
79:2. And those who exert themselves vigorously,
79:3. And those who steer their course swiftly and skillfully,
79:4. Then those who going foremost greatly excel (all others and attain the topmost positions),
79:5. Then those who administer the affairs in an excellent manner (shall reap the fruit of their striving).

Similarly, to manage an organization, Quran sets the following secular standards:

4:58. Surely, Allâh commands you to make over the trusts (such as the affairs of the state) to those who are competent to it, and that when you judge between the people you should judge with justice. That which Allâh exhorts you to do is best indeed. Allâh is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

In context to the recent posts on this blog, any Divine and his mission has to have the amalgam of both i.e. spiritualism that emanates from the foundations of pristine secularism. HMGA passes these standards with highest honors. Like any decent society or government he established an independent Senate i.e. Anjuman as the governing body to manage the secular aspect of his mission, while he remained the spiritual head. So did Noourddin sahib. [Read details…]

Then came the coup of QK-2, which is no different than that of Zia-ul-Haq or other dictators who claim to be the greatest democrats that were ever born and in doing so trample the very basic institutions that assures the secular goodness of the society i.e. the Senate and all representative bodies. The word of the dictator is final over all decisions and yet the dictators darn the garb of pseudo-democracy and pack the Senate with their cronies and rubber-stampers. While monopolizing the control over all national resources, they make every rule and effort to stay above accountability. It is their utmost effort to convert their rule into a dynasty. For public display, they make speeches in front of rent-a-crowd and in the process do actually become popular to some extent that they may even walk in full view of the public naked, but no one in the audience has the guts to yell “Emperor has no clothes.”

This is what the QK-2 onwards did [-read details…] and that is what the Qadiani members believed and rode the bandwagon for a century. Hopefully they enjoyed the ride of non-accountability, ignominy, extortion, bigotry, ridicule, ostracism, pseudo-representation, pseudo-spirituality, pseudo-piety in the pope-mobile. The first step in recovery is to admit the wrong. Maybe its time for them to stand up to their khalifas and yell at the top of their lungs:

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

More accrately: its the fifth khalifa i.e. “…fool me fourth (QK-5), shame on me.”

Interview with Maulana Abdul Mannan Omar

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

This article has been written and submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Qadiani Khalifa V Friday, June 10, 2011 sermon on subject of Mujaddid.

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Qadiani Khalifa 2 Mirza Mahmud Ahmad has written in his books that thousands of prophets WILL COME after Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib, till the Day of Judgment.

In his Friday, June 10, 2011 sermon Qadiani Khalifa 5 Mirza Masroor Ahmad said that current millennium is the last millennium; and HMGA was sent as Mujjaddid for the whole millennium. QK 5 builds the case that after HMGA revival of Islam will ONLY be done by Qadiani Khalifas. He further says that Qadiani Khalifa status is superior to status of Mujjaddid.

Opponents of HMGA in order to nullify HMGA claim (that Mujjaddid which is ‘mamur-min-Allah’ (appointee of Allah) has to himself make claim of appointment) say Mujjaddid does not make claim in his life, rather people after his death give him the status of Mujjaddid.

QK 5 uses this argument of anti-HMGA people to support his point that Qadiani Khalifas could also be a Mujjaddid whether he claims or does not claim to be a Mujjaddid in future centuries.

QK 5 gave this sermon after some Qadiani student of Tajdeed-e-Nau asked him question about next/ future Mujjaddid based on Hadith of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWS. From his sermon it was clear that QK 5 did not like the question and equated such query as form of weakness in faith and sign of conspiracy against Qadiani Khilafat system. He blamed elders in such homes who talk about new Mujjaddid or as a mischief when they intentionally ask question like these through the young pupil in disguise of seeking knowledge. Of course QK 5 conveniently ignored to mention that young Qadianis get these questions on Internet and most probably on websites of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement.

I hope some other pupil can ask QK 5 that when he says in future only Qadiani Khalifas will revive Islam, then by such statements does he mean that QK 2 was WRONG when he asserted that thousands of Prophets can come in future centuries?

It will be nice if head of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Dr. Pasha sahib can also give a Friday Khutaba in near future so that young Qadianis can hear/ read both sides arguments, and make an informed decision to whom to believe. It is quite clear young Qadianis in Europe and North America do surf and read LAM literature on internet.

Link to QK 5 sermon:

Incitement to kill Ahmadis in Pakistan

Friday, June 10th, 2011

Submitted by Muhammad Ali

A pamphlet identifying the members of Ahmadiyyah community in Faisalabad has been distributed. People have been provoked to kill those people listed or any Ahmadi to achieve the status of martyrdom. Further details can be read in the following article on BBC (Urdu) website.

1974 Pakistan N.A. Proceedings that Declared Ahmadis as Non-Muslims is to be made public

Saturday, May 28th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

According to Jamaat-I-Islami Urdu newspaper ‘Daily Ummat’ May 28, 2011, current speaker of Pakistan National Assembly Dr. Fahmida Mirza has ordered 1974 Pakistan National Assembly proceedings that resulted in 2nd amendment to 1973 constitution of Pakistan and declared Ahmadis (both Qadiani-Ahmadis and Lahori-Ahmadis) as non-Muslim is to be made public.

I hope this news turns out to be true and transcriptions of statements of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement representatives are accurate. I hope booklet produced by LAM and given to every member of National Assembly is also made available.

I also hope that Justice Samdani Commission Inquiry is also made public.

Question about a revelation and answer

Sunday, May 22nd, 2011

Mr Arshad Khan has submitted the following question:

I have a simple question…what is the Lahori interpretation on this revelation of HMGA (as):

Arabic] O Adam, O Maryam [Mary],101 O Ahmad dwell you and your companion in the jannat—that is, into attaining the means of true salvation. I have breathed into you the spirit of righteousness from Myself.

Our principle of interpretation of any revelation of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is based on the fact that his revelation is wahy wilayat, not wahy nubuwwat. As he wrote in 1897 in reply to Maulvi Ghulam Dastgir about his revelation:

“And it is not wahy nubuwwat but wahy wilayat received by the saints (auliya) through the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet Muhammad due to their perfect following of him, which is what we believe in. If anyone accuses us of going beyond this, he departs from honesty and fear of God.”

The interpretation of any wahy wilayat is subject to the authority of Quranic revelation and the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s). Moreover, there should also be support for that interpretation by earlier saints of Islam. Wahy wilayat cannot set any new standard in its own right, rather it is subject to the standard set by the Quran and the Holy Prophet.

Throughout Islamic history, there are examples of Muslim saints receiving revelation in which they are called by names of prophets. It means they display certain qualities of those prophets and conduct their missions in accordance with those qualities. As Anne Marie Schimmel writes in her book Mystical Dimensions of Islam:

“According to some sufi orders, on the higher levels of his path the mystic ascends through the stations of the Islamic prophets, from Adam to Jesus; many Sufis remain in one of these stages, but the perfect shaikh is he who has become annihilated in the Prophet Muhammad. United with the haqiqa Muhammadiyya, he becomes the Perfect Man and thus leads his disciples with a guidance granted directly by God.” (p. 237)

“The Sufis particularly loved Mary. … She is often taken as the symbol of the spirit that receives divine inspiration and thus becomes pregnant with the divine light.” (p. 429)

Regarding the “means of true salvation” mentioned above in the quote from Hazrat Mirza sahib, Muslims had come to believe that merely acting in a mechanical and ritualistic manner on the commands of Islam leads to salvation. Hazrat Mirza sahib gave them the message that salvation lies in acting on these commands from the heart, with suppression of one’s lower desires. That is how he showed the true means of salvation to people, by unveiling again the true spirit of the teachings of Islam. True means of salvation is not to become a follower of Mirza sahib in a formal sense. In his booklet Kishti-i Nuh you can read about the high Islamic moral standard to be followed to attain salvation.

Regarding the breathing into him of the spirit of righeousness, you can find his own explanation in Barahin Ahmadiyya, Part 4, where he first published this revelation:

“This breathing of spirit in the real sense is confined to the prophets, and then certain special persons from among the Umma of the Holy Prophet Muhammad are granted this blessing due to their obedience and as inheritance.” (Ruhani Khaza’in, v. 1, p. 591)

These persons who, while not being prophets, inherit from prophets due to being their followers, include Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Govt of India Documentary on Jesus in Kashmir!

Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib said, if Eisa AS (Jesus)’s grave is excavated, some evidence to prove it to be his (Jesus) grave will be found. I hope some day, DNA analysis from Roza-Mubarik (grave) of Eisa AS can be done. Anyways, here is a documentary on him available on youtube:

What happened to 79.9 million Qadianis in India?

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Professor Emeritus C.M. Naim at University of Chicago in his op-ed ‘Learn From Pakistan’ published in ‘Out Look India’ has talked about opposition to Qadianis by Muslims in India. He also talked about Qadiani Jamaat population in India. He writes:

“Qadian, described as a class III town in the census, must be a backwater place. Its total population as reported in the 2001 census was 22,001. Perhaps they are all Ahmadis, peaceably living in a place that is of significance to them. There is no reasonable estimate of the total number of Indian Ahmadis, but it cannot be more than one lac (100,000).”

I vividly remember Qadiani Jamaat Khalifa 4 Mirza Tahir Ahmad announced his followers, in India alone had increased to more than 80 MILLION. And our Qadiani friends use to boast about their successful propagation. I remember reading their taunts on Internet. They use to make fun of “Lahoris” (LAM members) (by picking on this writer) population in the world.

Now reading about Qadiani population in India, in a reputable newspaper in an op-ed of a respectable professor who is fighting for Qadianis makes me worry about Qadianis in India. May be some Qadiani friend updates us about well being of Qadiani followers of HMGA in India. And if Professor C.M. Naim wrote a blatant lie and intentionally discredited Qadiani Khalifa 4 Mirza Tahir Ahmad and his followers, then it is incumbent on Qadianis to take Professor Naim to court of law in USA, where he resides.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farah Khan announced they had ‘1 Million Man March’ in 1995, in Washington DC. And National Park Service gave their estimate of only 400 Thousand. Louis Farah Khan organization threatened to sue National Park Service.

Link to Out Look India:

Indian guru Sai Baba

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

While going through online news reports about death of Indian guru Sai Baba. One thing that caught my attention was claim that his birth was result of “immaculate” conception just like Jesus (BBC Urdu online).

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib in absence of any divine guidance regarding birth of Jesus continued to keep the belief held by rest of Muslims. He held belief that Jesus had “immaculate” conception. In his opinion, which is absolutely justified, proving human intervention in birth of Jesus does not defeat propagation of Christianity. Where as proving death of Jesus does stop propagation of Christianity. But at the same time HMGA did not stop his followers for holding belief that a human fathered Jesus.

My question to opponents of Maulana Muhammad Ali sahib and other Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement elders and members, who criticize us for holding such belief:

What stops you from accepting Indian guru Sai Baba birth as result of Immaculate Conception?? Remember Sai Baba had millions of followers (including Muslims) in his life that believed in his claim, unlike Jesus who had only few followers during his stay in his native land.

If God allowed Immaculate Conception in case of Jesus then why can’t He allow it in case of Sai Baba??
BBC Urdu online link:

Al Jazeera English online link:
(Please pay attention to photo of Muslim follower of Sai Baba)

The Ark of Noah

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

Submitted by Ikram.

The Ark of Noah – by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Briefly, this book is a reflection of a purified mind that speaks genuinely from personal Divine experience and its consequent conviction in tauheed and righteousness. These feelings of the author gush forth in an unstoppable ecstasy out of his love for the Divine Source – Allah, respect and recognition of the Last Divine Messenger – Muhammad (PBUH) and the authority of the Last Divine Book – Quran. The author cannot hide his yearn for the reader to connect with these three sources of Islam. In doing so he is speaking from his heart rather than preaching from a pulpit.

Our generation is almost fifteen hundred years removed from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and as a consumer of faith, its an inevitable ecstatic craving to be in company of some kind of a divine source or mind that one can connect with our contemporary times, else the spiritual grandeur of the past remains folklore and campfire stories. Is there anyone out there who can share his cup from the Divine Fountain that he has already drank from? This book gives one such opportunity to wet ones lips to such an original inspiration. Recognition of the author as manifestation of Messiah is definitely an advantage but not a requirement of faith of Islam. If one recognizes the Messiah-hood of the author, then it naturally opens ones mind to the authors spiritual connections that one can read in his extensive writings.

While putting to pen his inspirations, the author constantly reminds and even admonishes the reader that the focus of the book is not the author himself but God and fervently tries to hand carry the reader to God. In doing so he constantly addresses the in born intelligence of the reader and poses direct questions as to what keeps the reader from going to the Divine Source in the first place.

This book is a must read for anyone to experience what it means to feel the pain of someone who sees and discerns the communal spiritual void around himself. Only a divinely infused can carry this extent of anguish and this kind of pristine teaching in his heart. This book serves as a vessel to take the faithful out of sea of moral dross to the Mount Judis of Islam i.e. Allah, Quran, Muhammad.