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Archive for the ‘Ahmadiyya issues’ Category

Did Jesus live to age 120 years?

Saturday, May 30th, 2009

Submitted by Bashir.

Is it possible that Jesus lived until age 120?  Why did HMGA write that this was true?  Do prophets live half the age of their predecessor?  What is Kanzulummal? 
Here is the so-called hadith that was used to prove that Jesus lived until the age of 120:
“The Holy prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Gabriel informed me that every successive has lived to half the age of his predecessor. And verily jesus, son of mary, lived to 120 years. Therefore, I think, I may reach the age of sixty. (Kanzulummal Vol. 11 page 479).
1.      Treasure of the Doers of Good Deeds(Arabic: Kanz al-Ummal fi sunan al-aqwal wa’l af`al is a known 8 volume set Islamic hadith collection, collected by Islamic Scholar Ala’Uddin Ali al-Muttaqi ibn Hisam-Uddin al-Hindi, Al Muttaqi was born 888AH, CE 1472 in Burhanpur which is a town situated in modern day Southern Madhya Pardesh on the banks of the river Tapti, India. 
This book of hadith was written almost 800 years after the death of the prophet.  Why is Kanzul-ummul given precedence to over the sahih and sunan books?  Prophets do not live half the years of their predecessor prophet, that’s totally irrational!  Why did HMGA use this hadith, I just cant understand it. 
Muslims cannot rely on any other books of hadith for theory.  Muslims must rely on the sahih and sunan books.  Muslims cannot rely on a book of tradition that was written some 800 years after the death of the HP. 
For the AMI, if the AMI believe that this hadith is true, then HMGA(assuming that he is a prophet), he should have lived to roughly 30 years of age.  The fact is that this tradition is totally false.  I don’t think that any scholar can prove that this is true.  If so, I would love to see it! 
HMGA has placed Kanzul-ummal above all the sahih and sunan books, not to mention the Koran.  I cant explain this action of his.  I hope that someone can explain this to me. 
Here are some other hadith books that the sunni adhere to:
Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal— 780-855
Sunan al-Darimi — 868
Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah — 923
Sahih Ibn Hibbaan — 965
Al-Mustadrak alaa al-Sahihain — 1014
Mawdu’at al-Kubra— 1128-1217
Riyadh as-Saaliheen— 1233 – 1278
Mishkat al-Masabih – 1340
Talkhis al-Mustadrak — 1274-1348
Majma al-Zawa’id — 1335-1405
Bulugh al-Maram — 1372-1449

Kanz al-Ummal — 1500s

Word ‘jizyah’ or ‘harb’ (war) in hadith in Bukhari?

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

Our friend Bashir has submitted the following post.

HMGA in his book “Jihad and the british government” argued that there was a hadith in Sahih Bukhari which narrated the HP as saying that when Jesus returned he would put an end to war (harb). HMGA argues that in another qiraat (arabic pronunciation style) this reading was permissable. But, HMGA didn’t provide any details past that.

I have found the hadith’s in Sahih Bukhari, none of them use this alternate qiraat. What was HMGA talking about?? This is a mystery. The references are provided below. I challenge all ahmadis to prove that there is an alternate reading of the arabic.

How is it possible that an alternate reading could change the meanings of something?? FYI: M. ali did not discuss this hadith in his book “The religion of Islam”. M. ali has a huge section on Jihad, but he never mentioned this hadith, very strange.

Volume 3, Book 34, Number 425:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah’s Apostle said, “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizya (a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the protection, of the Muslim government). Then there will be abundance of money and no-body will accept charitable gifts.

Volume 3, Book 43, Number 656:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts).

Volume 4, Book 55, Number 658:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah’s Apostle said “How will you be when the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you and he will judge people by the Law of the Quran and not by the law of Gospel (Fateh-ul Bari page 304 and 305 Vol 7)

Volume 4, Book 55, Number 657:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah’s Apostle said, “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill the pigs and there will be no Jizya (i.e. taxation taken from non Muslims). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it, and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it.” Abu Huraira added “If you wish, you can recite (this verse of the Holy Book): — ‘And there is none Of the people of the Scriptures (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (i.e Jesus as an Apostle of Allah and a human being) Before his death. And on the Day of Judgment He will be a witness Against them.” (4.159) (See Fateh Al Bari, Page 302 Vol 7)

Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din prevents Hazrat Mirza sahib from being jailed through judge’s malice

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Our friend Bashir has submitted the following. It is possible that some small points of details in it may be a litte inaccurate.

At this link I have given the relevant pages from Mujaddid-i Azam by Dr Basharat Ahmad (v. 2, pages 975-980)

There is yet another story that surrounds the life of Khwaja Kamaluddin sahib in connection with HMGA that has seemed to be forgotten by all ahmadis (Q and L). I don’t have the time to write a perfect article on this event, which has blown me away. I feel that KK sahib loved HMGA with all his heart and he proved it in 1904, the story will impress any reader, I am sure of that!

In 1904, HMGA was stuck in a court case which involved Maulvi Karam Din. The story of the court case is quite famous. From my knowledge HMGA only had two lawyers that served as his counsel, they were Muhammad Ali and Khwaja Kamaluddin.

The judge was an Arya Hindu, he wanted HMGA to suffer one way or the other. This case dragged on with adjournment after adjournment, then, the case was transferred to another Arya Hindu judge who really disliked HMGA. This judge would not allow HMGA the use of a chair or even a drink of water, HMGA was almost 70 years old, it was very hard for him to stand, let alone not have a drink of water. This Hindu judge had it out for HMGA, he was bent on giving HMGA some type of jail-time. These were the conditions that KK sahib and M. ali were given. It was very important for them to be steadfast and cognizant of the environment.

This Hindu judge had finally announced that he would give his judgement on a certain day, then he strategically changed it to a Saturday. He planned to give HMGA a hefty fine which HMGA would not be able to pay, HMGA would be forced to spend the weekend in jail. Somehow, KK and M. ali discovered the plan of the hindu judge, I am not sure how they figured this out, maybe good lawyers are able to anticipate things of this nature.

[Note inserted by Zahid Aziz: They did not know the magistrate’s plan in advance.]

On Saturday afternoon just before the court was to close the judge called HMGA forward and gave the police orders not to allow anyone in the court room. But HMGA’s lawyer (I’m not sure whether this was M. ali or KK) brushed past the police officer claiming that it was illegal for HMGA to stand in front of the judge without counsel.

[Note inserted by Zahid Aziz: It was KK.]

The lawyer (KK or m. ali) appeared just in the nick of time, the judge had ordered HMGA to pay a fine of 500 rupees, immediately the lawyer presented the money, thus saving HMGA from spending the weekend in jail.

[Note inserted by Zahid Aziz: The fine was 500 rupees for Hazrat Mirza sahib and 200 rupees for his co-defendant Hakim Fazl Din. By coincidence, before Khwaja Kamaluddin entered the court room, a former client who owed him 700 rupees handed him this money, which Khwaja sahib stuffed into his pocket in a hurry without thinking.]

I read this story in Ian Adamson’s book, “Ahmad the Guided One”. Ian Adamson did not mention the name of the lawyer who saved HMGA. There is not any other book that gives this story. I am not even sure where Ian got his data from, Ian doesn’t give any references whatsoever.

[Note inserted by Zahid Aziz: It is highly likely to be in some Urdu book of the Qadiani Jamaat. Please see my link above which shows the relevant pages about this event from Mujaddid-i Azam by Dr Basharat Ahmad.]

All praise belongs to Allah, I understand that, I surely do. Allah allowed KK to serve in this capacity. It was Allah’s will! I hope the reader doesnt get the impression that I am boasting about the accomplishments of a simple man.

The link is provided below: see pg. 306

Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din solves the case of the wall for Promised Messiah

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

Submitted by Bashir.

For some reason or the other Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din (KK) is not given the credit that he deserves in terms of a court case that he solved in 1901. I came across this information while researching a different matter. I was sifting through the pages of Tadhkirah where I found this:

“Then the time of judgment came and our lawyer Khwaja Kamaluddin thought of looking up the index of the record of the previous case. When he did so he discovered something entirely unexpected. The order in the previous case had found that the piece of land on which the wall was now constructed was in the possession not only of Imam-ud-Din but also of Mirza Ghulam Murtaza, my father. The lawyer realized at once that this was a crucial factor in our support which would win our case for us.” (Haqeeqatul Wahi, pp. 271-272).

Immediately, I checked Maulana Dard’s book “Life of Ahmad” for further details. Dard’s book is the most comprehensive book on the life of HMGA, he thoroughly explored almost every detail in the life of HMGA. I realized something, Dard had hidden the name of the person who solved the case. Dard appears to have a grudge against the aaiil. Dard writes:

“So in fulfilment of these words another record was incidently discovered by Ahmad’s representatives which proved that Imam Din was not in sole possession of the site under dispute.”

I checked various other books to see if KK had ever been given credit for solving this case, I couldn’t find anything to affirm this. I checked the book by Ian Adamson, I checked HMBMA’s book about the life of HMGA, I also checked M. ali’s book about the founder.

I didn’t check Tehrik-e-Ahmadiyya, the one by M. ali and the one by Dost Muhammad. The data should be there.

My conclusion is that the AMI writers have suppressed this information in an attempt to hide the glory of KK. Maulana Dard referred to the person who solved the case as a representative. I think that this may have been the first case where KK had exhibited his expertise, after this KK represented HMGA in most of his court cases.

Unfortunately the aaiil hasn’t glorified this achievement by KK either. Maybe it was overlooked by them as it has been overlooked by all Ahmadis. This information only appears in one English book. I hope the aaiil researches this matter further and publishes a detailed article that appropriately gives KK the credit that he deserves.

Khalid Hasan

Thursday, February 12th, 2009

Post submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

The famous Pakistani journalist, columnist, press secretary of former Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and author of many books has recently passed away. Articles and comments are posted on blog ‘All Things Pakistan’:

I posted my comments that await moderation.

My email exchange with Khalid Hasan.

In October 2008, after reading Khalid Hasan column ‘Return to 1954’ (Friday Times 9/19/2008.
I asked him if he could use his pen, and ask Government of Pakistan to make public 1974 summer Pakistan National Assembly session proceedings that resulted in 2nd amendment in 1973 constitution. Declaring Ahmadis (both groups i.e. Lahori Ahmadis and Qadiani Ahmadis) as non-Muslims. Now especially when even the Justice Hamud Ur Rehman commission report on fall of Dhaka, which contains national security issues, has been made public. It has been more that 34 years and 1974 trial of Ahmadis in Pakistan National Assembly, which acted as “judge and jury, should be made public at least in the name of justice. In this re I had few emails exchange. Here is couple of them:

Dear Dr Jahangiri,
I have read your note (addressed originally to Nusrat Javid, it seems) but I am not sure what I, a reporter and a column writer, can do. The 1974 constitutional amendment declaring the Ahmediys non-Muslim will have to reversed and must be reversed but given what has become of our country, what hope in hell is there that it will happen. The Talibanisation of Pakistan is not a fictional but a real possibility. In my own limited way, I always try to examine things from a liberal, sectarian and tolerant viewpoint. Our two publications – Daily Times and The Friday Times – are the only truly liberal publications in Pakistan and we have often been under threat from extremists because of our advocacy of liberal causes, something we will continue to do.
Khalid Hasan

Dear Dr Jahangiri,
I am not really qualified to write about this issue except in a general sense. Accordingly, I have forwarded the email and links you sent to my friend and colleague Khaled Ahmed at Daily Times, Lahore who is be the best qualified person to do justice to this issue.
Khalid Hasan

I would say late Khalid Hasan is lucky in the sense that he did not witness ‘Talibanisation of Pakistan’ as he feared, but did witness that when travesty of justice was done in the highest court of the land i.e. Pakistan National Assembly it finally trickled down to the lowest level in Pakistani society. Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and his attorney general Yaya Bakhtiar could not deliver justice when it was expected from them, and then they could not get it when their turn came.

1904 court case statement

Saturday, January 31st, 2009

The following has been submitted by Bashir.

This short article discusses a topic of the split which was divulged by Qazi Muhammad Nazir in a book entitled Truth Prevails.

He writes on page 4:

In 1904, Maulvi Karamdin of Jehlum had a law suit of libel against the Promised Messiah that the latter had defamed him by calling him a ‘Kazzab’. In this suit Maulvi Karamdin cited Maulvi Mohammad Ali as a Prosecution
witness in the court on a solemn oath, Maulvi Mohammad Ali deposed:

1. “In regard to a man who claims to be a Nabi (Prophet), where a man denies this claim, he becomes, thereby a ‘ Kazzab ’. The Mirza Sahib claims he is a Prophet.”

2. “The Mirza Sahib, in many of his works, puts forth this claim which is to the effect that he is a Prophet from God, though he is not the bearer of a new Sharia. Where a man denies a claim of this kind, he becomes, thereby, a ‘ Kazzab ’.” (File of the law-suit, page 362)

M. ali wrote an article in which he explained the court case. I don’t have that article off-hand. Maybe ZA can post that for us, and maybe even translate it into English. In summary, M.ali mentioned in this court case that HMGA claimed to be a “wali-type of prophet” and there was another statement which he gave to the same effect.

QMN shows the reader that there weren’t any other statements that were made by M. ali of any significance in terms of the prophethood of HMGA. He presented only the part that would prove his point. He knew about M. Ali’s book “How I used the word prophet in my writings”. He knew about the reference from ROR 1904, where M. Ali described Nabi=muhaddas. But he still presented this story in a biased manner.

QMN only repeated what the AMI had been saying one-sidedly for years, without referring to or dealing with the replies given by M. Ali and others. That is a sad state of affairs for a book entitled Truth Prevails.

Khwaja Ghulam Farid of Chachran Shareef

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri

On ‘All Things Pakistan’ blog there is an artilce:
Khawaja Ghulam Farid: The Mystical Voice of Southern Punjab.
I posted my comments:


Those who have not read books of Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam Fareed may not know, but those who have read his books AND ARE HONEST AND COURAGEOUS know that this saint (pir) was in fact disciple (mureed) of another saint of his time. Does anyone know name of this other saint?
Well his name was Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the MUJADDID (reformer/ revivalist) of 14th Islamic Hijra Century. Not only that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib in his books published the correspondence of Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam Fareed in which he revered the Mujaddid of 14th hijra century; but also in his own books Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam Fareed revered the Mujaddid of 14th hijra century.

Once ruler (Nawab) of Bahawalpur, asked his pir Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam Fareed sahib, what ever you demand I will fulfill. Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam Fareed replied: I will be impressed if you can, convince Hazrat Maulana Hakim Noor ud Din (a mureed of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) to move to state of Bahawalpur from Qadian. This shows how much reverence Hazrat Khawaja Ghulam Fareed even had for the companion of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib.

Link to the article:

Khatim and Khatam in the Holy Quran (abridged version)

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

The following has been submitted by our friend Bashir.

This is a research study on the occurrence of these two words in the Holy Quran. My research is based on the premise that the Holy Quran is perfect, complete and consistent. This study shows that Allah does not use words differently.

Understanding the Quran has been a blessed effort of many reseachers before me. I will attempt with all solidarity intended to impress upon my reader the “Rosetta Stone” of Quranic understanding. In this case the “Rosetta Stone” is in terms of decoding the word khatam. This type of research has never been presented in essay or book format. Most of my research revolves around the book of M. ali entitled, “The Last Prophet”.

I searched the occurrence of the letters Kha-Ta-Meem in the Holy Quran(via also, in english it would K-T-M. This study focuses on the occurrence of three words only when they are joined together. My research shows 8 matches of the above mentioned letters. There is some variation in Arabic spelling, but meanings are always the same.

The words seal/sealed/sealing occur in the Koran 19 times. But, the letters KHA-TA-MEEM weren’t used exclusively by ALLAH when describing the sealing off of something. There is another Arabic word that translates into the english word seal/sealed/sealing. That word also has variations. It uses the root of TA-BA or T-B, with 2 variations. YUT-BA and NUT-BA are the variations. The English equivalent would be Y-T-B or N-T-B.


My research shows that Allah used the word Khatam 4 times. Chapter 45 Verse 24, Chapter 6 Verse 47, Chapter 2 Verse 8 and the famous Chapter 33 Verse 41.

Every time this word was used it meant seal. There was absolutely no other meaning. A better definition would be “sealed off”. An even better definition would be “finishing touch”. Allah put the finishing touch on their hearts, or Allah put the finishing touch on prophethood.

I think the best translation is the word “enclosed”. Enclosed means to surround on all sides. This fits best into the 8 instances mentioned above. Enclosed is the perfect word that describes the picture of khatam in the Holy Quran. Picture ALLAH wrapping someones heart into an unbreakable lamenant. Then picture ALLAH lamenating prophethood.

In 3 out of 4 instances Allah mentions sealing off the hearts/ears/mouths of men. This is a seal that is unbreakable. The one other instance is in terms of prophethood. Allah does not differentiate between the prophets. Allah never differentiated between them. The Quran never specifies in terms of law-bearing and non-law bearing. Prophets are all the same, they all brought a book, i.e. revelation, they all received prophetic revelation through the agency of Gabriel.

The final occurrence of the word Khatam in the Holy Quran appears in the famous Chapter 33 Verse 41. I have to understand the word in contrast with the other occurrences. In other words, I think that the word khatam was used universally. Each and every occurrence depicts the same action. Whenever this word appeared, in whatever variation, it meant enclosed.

Khatim appears in the Quran 2 times. Chapter 42 Verse 25 and Chapter 36 Verse 66.

Both times it means sealed, or sealed off. It appears that Allah used the word khatim and khatam as interchangeable. They both mean seal.


A third variation exists, this variation appears in Chapter 83 Verse 26&27. It appears as MUKTUM and KHI-TA-MO. Both of these mean seal.

My research proves that ALLAH always used these words the same way. It doesn’t matter what variation was used. Every time the KHA-TA and MEEM appear in the Holy Quran, it always means SEAL.

Some charges against Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Sunday, December 14th, 2008

I have decided to convert a comment that was submitted under another topic into a new post, so that the discussion is clearer to follow. The comment sent by a Mr Ali is quoted below.

OK, something I find very difficult to understand about ahmadis (both groups) is that they are claim that they are the ‘true muslims’ who are defending Islam against the onslaught from Christian missionaries. (The AMI ofcourse are forever flip flopping on the status of ghair Ahmadis depending on who is asking the question. Sometimes, when confronted with the fact that their MGA is a prophet, they will tell the truth and say that Ghair Ahmadis are non-muslims because they deny a prophet , other times they will claim that ghair ahamdis are kafir within the four walls of Islam, whatever that means)

Another claim they make is that the Dajjal is the western civillisation. Yet according to the Lahoris the messiah of Islam, and according to the Qadianis, a PROPHET of Allah offered his allegiance to the the then Queen of England, a country that was at the fore front of many of these Christian missionary activities that defamed the prophet Muhammad a.s pbuh.

Also even if you argue along the lines that the British were not harming him and were providing safety to Muslims in India from the Sikhs etc, how can you justify a PROPHET raising money for the British army to fight the Boer war in South Africa? That is in my opinion aiding the Dajjal.

Before we go of at tangents by the Lahoris pointing out that main stream muslims benefitted from British largesse in the shape of Regents Park mosque, it could be pointed out that the present day Qadiani benefitted by an order of magnitude more if you take into account their numbers.
Tha Qadianis had missions in British controlled Palestine, spreading the word of the new Prophet about a century ago. There is little doubt in my mind that the British goverment at the time had a hand in aiding the movement in a similar way to the Bahai movement.

Error by A.R. Dard in Ismu-hu Ahmad prophecy

Saturday, December 13th, 2008

The following has been submitted by our friend Bashir.

There are many controversies that exist between the AMI and the AAIIL. One of these are in terms of Ismuhu Ahmad (IA).

M. Ali clearly wrote in over 7 books that this prophecy which occurs in the Quran (61:6) refers to the Holy Prophet Muhammad in totality and in a certain sense refers to HMGA as well. HMBMA wrote the opposite, or at least it appeared that he wrote the opposite. Later in 1954 HMBMA explained 61:6 just as M. Ali did. Very strange I must say. In HMBMA’s commentary on the Holy Quran he did not translate chapter 61, Malik Ghulam Farid translated that portion of the Quran.

Qazi Muhammad Nazir (1965, Truth Prevails) explained this contradiction:
“Between this passage (Anwar Khilafat) and the statement before the Inquiry Commission, on the surface, there appears to be a slight difference more in words, than in the meaning and sense. There is no real difference between the two.”

I can’t say that I agree with this explanation. QMN admitted that there was a difference in words. At least he admitted that there was in fact a contradiction.

I found another contradiction. Last night I was reading Life of Ahmad by Maulana A.R. Dard. This book is the most comprehensive book on the life of HMGA. Dard was commenting on the era of 1891. This is in Chapter 21, the title of the chapter is ‘Claims to be the Messiah’.

Dard writes on pg. 235-236:

Ahmad (as) also explained that his advent was foretold in the Holy Quran (Al-Fatihah 1:7; Al-Nur 24:56, Al-Muzzammil 73:16).
The following verse of the Holy Book refers clearly to Ahmad (as): ‘And remember when Jesus, son of Mary, said, O children of Israel, I am Allah’s messenger unto you, fulfilling that which is before me of the Torah, and giving glad tidings of a Messenger who will come after me. His name will be Ahmad (as). And when he will come to them with clear proofs, they will say “This is a clear fraud”‘ (61:7).

This book was published in 1948. Why was Dard claiming that HMGA was IA? Maybe he got the same impression as me. Maybe Dard read HMBMA’s books from 1914 to 1922. HMBMA hadn’t commented on IA since 1922.

HMGA did not claim to be IA, both groups agree on this concept. But DARD is claiming that in 1891 HMGA claimed to be IA. Where did Dard get this from? This appears to be a major error by Dard.