The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Blog

Miracles, Myths, Mistakes and MattersSee Title Page and List of Contents

See: Project Rebuttal: What the West needs to know about Islam

Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam

Read: Background to the Project

List of all Issues | Summary 1 | Summary 2 | Summary 3

February 21st, 2014

“The True Succession”: Founding of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement a century ago

The month of March 2014 marks the centenary of the beginning of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore, which came about in March 1914 although this Anjuman formally came into existence at the beginning of May 1914.

Consisting to a large extent of new research, which has unearthed material that was forgotten or lying buried in archives, I have completed a book of almost 150 pages bearing the title The True Succession. The title indicates the theme and thesis of the book, namely, that the AAIIL represents the true succession to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and Hazrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din and the continuation of their real mission.

I thank Allah the Most High for enabling me to complete this book on time and provide a definitive and substantiated record of how and why the AAIIL came into being. The burden of debt we owe to the Lahore Ahmadiyya pioneers cannot be repaid, but I hope this book counts as a minisicule recognition of it.

Read the book at this link.

February 21st, 2014

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi’s views on claim of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Submitted by Dil Sooz

Respected Javed Ahmad Ghamidi is a noted contemporary Islamic Scholar. He is known for objective analysis of issues. Recently, I came across this video of Javed Ahmad Ghamidi Sahib where he explains that respected Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was "Sufi" and did not claim to be Prophet as he is accused of. He also clarifies that founders of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement did not consider him to be a Prophet.

I'm not a scholar of Mr Ghamidi stature, but I do want to humbly bring this to his kind attention that Respected Mirza Sahib claimed to be Mujadid or reformer of his team. So he was under naturally divine command to declare his mission Statement before the world and then get on with his works, despite immense  opposition. In contrast " Sufi" has one to to one with Allah and is not required to have broad spectrum of audience. I think Mr Ghamidi should not mix and match two different Job descriptions meant for two different persons.

February 17th, 2014

Valentine Day – A ghostly Love or ghastly Lust in the name of the Son or the Father?

Submitted by Ikram.

If one casts a glance on the recently transpired Valentine’s Day, a few things come to light. It is a day usually associated with love that is primarily focused, besides others, on the bonds between couples, married or otherwise. Based upon this ‘love’ the ever present commercialism comes into full gear with its special candy, flowers, attire, jewelry, gift wraps, songs, movies and numerous other trappings. The undertones of sin, sensuality and sexuality on that day are almost synonymous with the very term Valentine, the name and title of various early Christian Martyrs and Saints. The love on a Valentine Day somewhat reflects the God of Christianity which is summed up by Khwaja Kamaluddin:

“we read of God as the Possessor of love. But love has got its wicked side too, if we yield to the dictates of lust.”

(GOD AND HIS ATTRIBUTES by Khawaja Kamal-ud-din, The Woking Muslim Mission and Literary Trust, The Shah Jehan Mosque, Woking, England, 1936.)

If Christmas is a Christened Pagan festival of birth of a Sun God at winter solstice, so is the Valentine Day, a reliving of Hellenistic festival of Lupercalia, a drunken revel of fertility and love, though with a religious twist after the slaying of two separate men with similar name, three years apart by the same emperor, at least one of whom was later made into a Saint (see link).

While keeping the dynamics of Valentine Day in mind it becomes difficult to understand Christianity as to where does it’s doctored love in the name of the Son ends and when does its unbridled lust takes off and is there even a separation between the two? It thus behooves to read Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s (HMGA) reply to a Padre who raised objections against Islam. In his discourse HMGA shines with his mastery of the Scriptures – Quran and Bible, the life and works of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Christian myths ascribed to Jesus of Bible, Islam as a religion and Christianity as a formulated doctrine. He compares and contrasts these from angles that, unbeknownst to him, intersect with the above enumerated themes of a Valentine Day for their inherent insinuations that seem naturally embedded in the general Christian doctrine. In HMGA’s analysis, Christianity, which if from God, instead of acting as a bulwark against paganism, itself becomes the root cause of a dogma that is not too holy.

Read extract from Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's book Nur-ul-Quran

February 11th, 2014

Alexander Russell Webb

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri


On January 2, 2006 i along with marhoom Abdul Manan Omar sahib and his children visited final resting place of Muhammad Alexander Russell Webb, in Rutherford, New Jersy, USA. We offered Fatiah.

Today i came across a website that has written about him. Post about him says: "Although he was originally introduced to Islam through members of the unorthodox (and frankly, un-Islamic) Ahmadiyya Movement, he eventually found a path to mainstream Islam.". Of course author did not mention that he proofread/ edited Lahore Ahmadiyya Movment's publication 'Teachings of Islam'. This post is another example of damage caused by Qadianis Khalifa 2 Mirza Mahmud Ahmad. Where author does want to give credit to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam sahib, but then ends up calling his movement "Un-Islamic". Anyways following is complete post and link:

Alexander Russel Webb (1846-1916)

In late 19th century America, journalism was beginning to take off as an effective and influential medium for influencing the public. One of the men who helped spur this journalistic wave was Alexander Russell Webb. Unconvinced about his Christian religion, and being a well-read journalist, he began to read extensively about other religions, and was particularly interested in Islam. When he was appointed by the U.S. State Department to work in the American embassy in the Philippines in 1887, he took the opportunity to begin a correspondence with Muslims in India about Islam.

Although he was originally introduced to Islam through members of the unorthodox (and frankly, un-Islamic) Ahmadiyya Movement, he eventually found a path to mainstream Islam. He proceeded to travel throughout the Muslim world, studying Islam and meeting with scholars. In 1893, he resigned his post at the State Department and returned to America. Back in the United States, he published numerous books on Islam and started an Islamic newspaper explaining the religion to the American public. In the early decades of the 20th century, he continued to be a prominent voice for Islam in the United States, even being appointed an honorary Ottoman consul by Sultan Abdulhamid II. He died in 1916 and was buried outside Rutherford, New Jersey.

Lost Islamic History

February 7th, 2014

“Insult” to Jesus

This, as you know, is a common charge against Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, that in his writings he has used insulting language when speaking of Jesus.

I was reading the book Taqwiyyat-ul-Iman by Shah Ismail Shaheed (d. 1831), the right hand man of Syed Ahmad Barelvi, and found that commenting on the verse of the Quran "The Messiah, son of Mary, was only a messenger; messengers before him had indeed passed away. And his mother was a truthful woman. They both used to eat food" (5:75), he writes:

"At this point both Baidawi and the author of Jalalain [commentators of the Quran] have written that Jesus and Mary were like other animals, that just as animals are dependent on food, weak and helpless, so were these two venerable persons. By this statement, these two commentators did not mean to be insulting to their dignity and to ignore their high status. May Allah guard us from wrong understanding." (Urdu translation of Taqwiyyat-ul-Iman, p. 256-7).

Baidawi and Jalalain (the latter by Jalal-ud-Din Suyuti) are two well known, classical commentaries of the Quran, and are among the sources referred to by Maulana Muhammad Ali and other commentators of the Quran. This shows that classical Islamic works also contain statements which can be misread or misrepresented as insulting to Jesus. It is also possible that such accusations were actually made against these two renowned commentators and Shah Ismail Shaheed is writing in their defence.

February 1st, 2014

Prophecy of devastation of First World War by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Please refer to this brief document I have compiled on this subject. Its synopsis is as follows.

First I have translated (not necessarily all that well in poetic terms) some verses from a very long poem by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, written in 1905 and included in one of his books published posthumously in 1908, the verses which later on came to be regarded as a prophecy of the devastation of the First World War. But when later on? Only after the war? I have then quoted from the front page of Paigham Sulh of 13 August 1914, showing that followers of Hazrat Mirza sahib applied these verses to this war just as this war began that month of August 1914, before its horrors were known to anyone!

The centenary of the First World War is being commemorated in the UK and there are several TV documentaries on its various aspects being broadcast at present. One of the leading documentaries is Britain's Great War made by the BBC, whose first part was shown last Monday 27th January. Looking at the opening few minutes of this part, which give an overview of this war, I have compared the comments made in documentary about this war's key features with the prophesied description of this war in Hazrat Mirza sahib's pen. From this we see clearly that his prophecy was so lucidly fulfilled.

At the end I have provided the original Urdu text of these verses.

January 26th, 2014

Efforts of Damage Control by Qadianis Caused by Answers of QK3 Mirza Nasir Ahmad in 1974 NA Special Committee

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.


Rind Malik, a Canada based Qadiani has sent me a link to youtube video in which two Qadianis make effort to control damage caused by Qadiani Khalifa 3 Mirza Nasir Ahmad replies in 1974 Pakistan National Assembly Special Committee.

Both participants in the program very easily forgot to answer questions raised by myself in the following link. These Qadianis feel no shame in beating around the bush and not commenting on their QK3 Mirza Nasir Ahmad replies.

In the beginning minutes of youtube video participants made an effort to paint the picture of Qadianis as a peaceful citizens of Pakistan. This is exactly opposite to what Qadianis were in the days leading to Rabwah Railway Station incident in which Qadianis as preplanned operation assaulted the Nishtar Medical College students on their return from excursion tour of Northern Pakistan.

Professor Hibbatul-Manan-Omar (alias Khalid Omar), Ph.D son of Abdul Manan Omar sahib and grandson of Khalifa-tul-Massih Hazart Maulana Noor-ud-Din RA, is currently professor of Business at Goldey-Beacom College, Wilmington, DE. Professor Hibbi Omar profile on college website:

Professor Hibbi Omar was engineering student in UET (University of Engineering and Technology), Lahore in 1974. He personally narrated to me in detail, in the days before Rabwah Railway Station incident, Mirza Tahir Ahmad, who later became Qadiani Khalifa 4, visited UET and addressed Qadiani students in the university. Mirza Tahir Ahmad did not know about him and he was also in that gathering. In fact it was Professor Hibbi Omar who recited Holy Quran in the start of meeting. Anyways, in meeting Mirza Tahir Ahmad went over the plan in which operation was to be conducted by Qadiani students, in which they were to wear turbans (like worn by Qadiani Khalifa 3,4, 5) carry 303 rifles, and containers of gasoline (patrol), run on two sides of street in famous market Anarkali Bazaar, Lahore and torch the bazaar. For whatever reasons operation was not put into action, but the fact remains that Qadianis were NOT peaceful citizens of Pakistan as the following youtube video by two Qadianis try to convey.

January 21st, 2014

A much needed “New World Economic Order”

Submitted by Ikram.

Our message to the World Economic Forum at Davos and our answer to Oxfam

Just before the Davos World Economic Forum (link) annual summit meeting on January 22-24, 2014, Oxfam has come out with a report (see link) which concludes that “The 85 richest people own the same wealth as the 3.5 billion poorest people.” The report in its summary states:

In November 2013, the World Economic Forum released its ‘Outlook on the Global Agenda 2014’, in which it ranked widening income disparities as the second greatest worldwide risk in the coming 12 to 18 months. Based on those surveyed, inequality is ‘impacting social stability within countries and threatening security on a global scale.’ Oxfam shares its analysis, and wants to see the 2014 World Economic Forum make the commitments needed to counter the growing tide of inequality. Some economic inequality is essential to drive growth and progress, rewarding those with talent, hard earned skills, and the ambition to innovate and take entrepreneurial risks. However, the extreme levels of wealth concentration occurring today threaten to exclude hundreds of millions of people from realizing the benefits of their talents and hard work.

Extreme economic inequality is damaging and worrying for many reasons: it is morally questionable; it can have negative impacts on economic growth and poverty reduction; and it can multiply social problems. It compounds other inequalities, such as those between women and men. In many countries, extreme economic inequality is worrying because of the pernicious impact that wealth concentrations can have on equal political representation. When wealth captures government policymaking, the rules bend to favor the rich, often to the detriment of everyone else. The consequences include the erosion of democratic governance, the pulling apart of social cohesion, and the vanishing of equal opportunities for all. Unless bold political solutions are instituted to curb the influence of wealth on politics, governments will work for the interests of the rich, while economic and political inequalities continue to rise. As US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously said, ‘We may have democracy, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of the few, but we cannot have both.’

Oxfam is concerned that, left unchecked, the effects are potentially immutable, and will lead to ‘opportunity capture’ – in which the lowest tax rates, the best education, and the best healthcare are claimed by the children of the rich. This creates dynamic and mutually reinforcing cycles of advantage that are transmitted across generations.

Given the scale of rising wealth concentrations, opportunity capture and unequal political representation are a serious and worrying trend. For instance:

* Almost half of the world’s wealth is now owned by just one percent of the population.

* The wealth of the one percent richest people in the world amounts to $110 trillion. That’s 65 times the total wealth of the bottom half of the world’s population.

* The bottom half of the world’s population owns the same as the richest 85 people in the world.

* Seven out of ten people live in countries where economic inequality has increased in the last 30 years.

* The richest one percent increased their share of income in 24 out of 26 countries for which we have data between 1980 and 2012.

* In the US, the wealthiest one percent captured 95 percent of post-financial crisis growth since 2009, while the bottom 90 percent became poorer.

This massive concentration of economic resources in the hands of fewer people presents a significant threat to inclusive political and economic systems. Instead of moving forward together, people are increasingly separated by economic and political power, inevitably heightening social tensions and increasing the risk of societal breakdown.

Oxfam’s polling from across the world captures the belief of many that laws and regulations are now designed to benefit the rich. A survey in six countries (Spain, Brazil, India, South Africa, the UK and the US) showed that a majority of people believe that laws are skewed in favor of the rich – in Spain eight out of 10 people agreed with this statement. Another recent Oxfam poll of low-wage earners in the US reveals that 65 percent believe that Congress passes laws that predominantly benefit the wealthy.

The impact of political capture is striking. Rich and poor countries alike are affected. Financial deregulation, skewed tax systems and rules facilitating evasion, austerity economics, policies that disproportionately harm women, and captured oil and mineral revenues are all examples given in this paper. The short cases included are each intended to offer a sense of how political capture produces ill-gotten wealth, which perpetuates economic inequality.

This dangerous trend can be reversed. The good news is that there are clear examples of success, both historical and current. The US and Europe in the three decades after World War II reduced inequality while growing prosperous. Latin America has significantly reduced inequality in the last decade – through more progressive taxation, public services, social protection and decent work. Central to this progress has been popular politics that represent the majority, instead of being captured by a tiny minority. This has benefited all, both rich and poor.

The report then makes the following recommendations which essentially are a pipedream in current economic mind set, i.e. Capitalism. The recommendations are no more than a wish list and without any ideological basis:

Those gathered at Davos for the World Economic Forum have the power to turn around the rapid increase in inequality. Oxfam is calling on them to pledge that they will:

* Not dodge taxes in their own countries or in countries where they invest and operate, by using tax havens;

* Not use their economic wealth to seek political favors that undermine the democratic will of their fellow citizens;

* Make public all the investments in companies and trusts for which they are the ultimate beneficial owners;

* Support progressive taxation on wealth and income;

* Challenge governments to use their tax revenue to provide universal healthcare, education and social protection for citizens;

* Demand a living wage in all the companies they own or control;

* Challenge other economic elites to join them in these pledges.

Oxfam has recommended policies in multiple contexts to strengthen the political representation of the poor and middle classes to achieve greater equity. These policies include:

* A global goal to end extreme economic inequality in every country. This should be a major element of the post-2015 framework, including consistent monitoring in every country of the share of wealth going to the richest one percent.

* Stronger regulation of markets to promote sustainable and equitable growth; and

* Curbing the power of the rich to influence political processes and policies that best suit their interests.

The particular combination of policies required to reverse rising economic inequalities should be tailored to each national context. But developing and developed countries that have successfully reduced economic inequality provide some suggested starting points, notably:

* Cracking down on financial secrecy and tax dodging;

* Redistributive transfers; and strengthening of social protection schemes;

* Investment in universal access to healthcare and education;

* Progressive taxation;

* Strengthening wage floors and worker rights;

* Removing the barriers to equal rights and opportunities for women.

If we do the math, on the average each of the richest has more in his pocket than almost 42 million poor combined (to be exact 41,176,470.59). Further, on its page 9, the report states:

According to Credit Suisse, 10 percent of the global population holds 86 percent of all the assets in the world, while the poorest 70 percent (more than 3 billion adults) hold just 3 percent. By some measure, the riches of billionaires are now unparalleled in history. The Mexican Carlos Slim, owner of large monopolies in Mexico and elsewhere, could pay the yearly wages of 440,000 Mexicans with income derived from his wealth.

The report brings to light the failure of Capitalism for humanity. Capitalism was sold in the name of a common man but was aimed for exploitation by a few because fundamentally moral compunctions are anti-Capitalistic. The recommendations of the report are for sure to fall on deaf ears for rich to voluntarily give up their possessions, or pay their fair share of taxes, as there is no incentive for them to do so. The system of government in Capitalism is fundamentally a rigged system. These riches are built upon the back bone of compound interest in banking systems and the speculations on the Wall Street, which the rich thrive on and ironically the poor are made to believe and depend upon. Obamas, Camerons and Merkels are in place only because of the same very 'special interests' to begin with that the said report is trying to mollify. On the other hand, Vatican by its core divine mandate has no economic policy to offer; rather it is too busy building its own coffers by selling God. Communism has already proved itself to be a failed experiment. China turned out to be more capitalistic than what Capitalism envisioned for itself. Gandhis and Martin Luther Kings may now try to circle the globe as many times they may want with their peaceful marches, but that will not make the 85 to give up that they believe to have acquired legally, and why should they? Even If these 85 are removed, there are many more waiting in the wings to replace them as the speculative engines of the world economic system are deeply rigged to keep the greed flowing.

What options does the world population have, including the richest 85, to get away from this moral precipice that societies are already falling over? How can the world stop digging the hole, which is only getting deeper with each passing second? Europe has been the breeding ground of isms, Catholicism, Colonialism, Fascism, Nazism, Racism, Communism to count a few. Each of them literally left millions dead in its wake. The latest and greatest surviving ism, the Capitalism in only surviving a little longer and this report is one of its early obituaries. In the words of Gordon Gecko (the character in the movie, Wall Street, link) – Greed is Good. To put it differently, Greed is the God of Capitalism. All this was highlighted in a weekly newspaper in earlier part of last century:

“The West may rightly be described as a continent of “isms”. Capitalism, Socialism, Bolshevism, Facism, Communism — these are the so many manifestations of a restless soul seeking after some true solution of a social system…Europe in quest of a social order has tried so many isms, each having landed it in deeper social bogs. Will it not give a trial to the one “ism” that sprang from the soil of Arabia and which combines all that is best and is free from all that is evil in all the “isms” it has so far tried, viz., Islamism?” [The Light, Lahore India, 8 April 1933 – link]

The above report was preemptively discussed and solutions provided for by Maulana Muhammad Ali in his book – “The New World Order” (Urdu: 1942, English: 1944 – link) that gives a fundamental correction to economic system that the world is only un-proud of now. This book is our message to the World Economic Forum and our answer to Oxfam.

P.S. The said report specifically mentions rigged economic systems of India (page 13) and Pakistan (page 14).

January 13th, 2014

Defending the Holy Prophet Muhammad against Western attacks: how LAM set true example in 1934

I refer Blog readers to this latest interesting addition on, of the above title, which is highly relevant today. See link.

January 12th, 2014

Validity of Pakistan’s 1973 Constitution

It is reported in the Express Tribune (see link) that ex-President Pervez Musharraf's legal team "has actually challenged the authenticity of the 1973 Constitution that the former army chief is facing trial for abrogating, subverting and suspending." Their argument is given as follows:

"The argument here is that the promulgation of the document that we know and treat as the Constitution is a mere act of parliament and nothing more. Ostensibly, the reason being given is that the 1973 Constitution was passed only by the West Pakistan Assembly – ie, what was left of the combined Constituent Assembly of East and West Pakistan elected originally in 1970. If one follows this argument, after these elections, the Eastern Wing, along with half the assembly, seceded to become Bangladesh in 1971, but the West Pakistan parliamentarians remained in place. And though they remained in place, the basis of their election was the 1970 polls – and based on that, they numbered only half of the assembly.

Moreover, Musharraf contends that a majority of the members of the constituent assembly did not participate in the framing of the interim constitution of 1972 and the present “1973 Constitution”.

Hence, it is argued, the document (what we regard as the constitution) is an act of parliament and its violation technically does not amount to high treason."

Blog readers, I have for long raised this point in connection with the 1974 anti-Ahmadiyya amendment by the National Assembly, namely, that it was in fact elected in 1970 as a part of the whole National Assembly of Pakistan.

Note however that the post-1971 "Pakistan National Assembly"  was not a half of the whole NA as elected in 1970 (as assumed in the argument quoted above) but it was less than a half. Seats given to each province were in proportion to its population. It appears that out of the total of 300 seats, 162 were for East Pakistan and 138 were for West Pakistan. So the post-1971 "Pakistan National Assembly"  was a clear minority of the real national Assembly elected in 1970.