The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Blog

Miracles, Myths, Mistakes and MattersSee Title Page and List of Contents

See: Project Rebuttal: What the West needs to know about Islam

Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam

Read: Background to the Project

List of all Issues | Summary 1 | Summary 2 | Summary 3

February 11th, 2012

Criticism of European atheist natural scientists by Pakistani religious social scientist

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

I came across a video on topic of ‘Science and Muslim Civilization’. Symposium was held in Iqbal Academy, Lahore. On November 04, 2007.

Dr. Basit Koshul, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Lahore University of Management Sciences delivered speech in which he criticized atheist scientist such as Richard Dawkins and Pakistani Physicist Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy. He criticizes sciences that they are based on presuppositions that that particular science cannot prove. Thus he justifies basic beliefs in a religion that cannot be proved. As he is talking in context of Islam, so instead of answering criticism by atheist scientists on religion, and virtually on Islam, he criticizes their sciences. In other words, he is answering questions by asking questions, and answer is nowhere. This is because Dr. Basit Koshul himself believes that Islam is based on presuppositions. Hollowness of Dr. Koshul arguments become evident in his reply to a question asked by audience member at exactly 43 minutes of video. Please must watch video at 43 minutes. I would like to read comments by readers, especially by Dr. Zahid Aziz.

February 7th, 2012

Photo on billboard

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

HMGA photo on a billboard, in USA.

Qadianis website have put HMGA photo on a billboard on some cheap location in USA. I wonder if this is to preach HMGA message or some tactic to convince the poor Qadiani chanda payers that “Your Tax Dollars At Work”

January 23rd, 2012

Radio program about Maulana Abdul Manan Omar sahib

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

‘Dictionary of Holy Quran’ authored by Maulana Abdul Manan Omar sahib is very popular among Black American Muslims belonging to Imam Warith Deen Muhammad organization. It is used in their Holy Quran teaching classes and in their Arabic Language teaching classes. In their organ ‘Muslim Journal’ a weekly section based on this dictionary is published. Recently this organization did a blog talk radio interview of Maulana Abdul Manan sahib’s son Professor Hibbatul-Manan Omar, Ph.D. (alias Khalid Omar). This interview is about life and academic works of Abdul Manan Omar sahib. Hopefully readers of this blog will find this interview informative. It is in English.

Please copy-paste the following link in your browser window:

January 16th, 2012

Story of Sweet Water Well in Rabwah

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Story of Sweet Water Well in Qadianis Headquarter, Rabwah, Pakistan.

In journal ‘The Muslim World’ Volume 45, Issue 2, Pages 145-171, April 1955, an article by S.E.Brush ‘Ahmadiyyat in Pakistan’; author interviewed Qadiani Khalifa 2 (QK 2) Mirza Mahmud Ahmad. In this article couple of statements got my attention that I want to comment on.

Paragraph 4:
and support the government in power.6 Bashir-ud-Din took a similar stand, and criticized the important Ahmadi missionary to Great Britain, Kwaja Kamal-ud-Din, for becoming involved in these political issues. The result was that, after the election, Kamal-ud-Din and Muhammad Ali, the editor of the Ahmadi journal, The Review of Religions, left Qadian with a group of their own supporters, and established a new organization in Lahore.”

I would leave it to Dr. Zahid Aziz to comment on this preposterous feed given by Qadianis to Mr. Brush.

I would like to comment on another statement.

Paragraph 10:

“Since coming to Rabwah, one important vision dealt with the matter of water supply. The precise location of the only successful tube well in the town was revealed to him.”

I am going to share story that marhoom Abdul Manan Omar sahib, son of Maulana Noor-ud-Din sahib narrated to me in last year or so of his life. To establish veracity of my statement, I state it under oath, keeping Allah SWT as my witness. Per Abdul Manan Omar sahib:

“When land in Rabwah was acquired by [Qadiani] Jamaat, Khalifa sahib (QK 2) asked me to go there and make arrangements for upcoming annual Jalsa [annual gathering of Qadianis in month of December in Pakistan]. I asked Khalifa sahib that it is not feasible to hold such gathering as it is arid land and it will be difficult to find sweet water source there. Khalifa sahib said, “I don’t know just go and make arrangements”. [Manan Omar sahib was in charge of annual jalsa for many years since days in Qadian, so he had to perform his duty–RJ]. First thing was to find a suitable place for Langar-Khana (large size kitchen for attendees of jalsa). Tenets were placed. Then problem came up where to dig for well. Where I was standing, I asked well diggers to dig here. It just happened that by chance well was successful and water was sweet. This story reached Khalifa sahib, in Lahore and in his speech he (QK 2) made the whole story of his “revelation” of only sweet water well”.

Please remember: It was practice of QK 2 to make statements after the facts, and tell his audience that he had revelation regarding this event before it took place, and he told his vision/ revelation to his wife Murriam-Sadiqa. QK 2 never published his prophecy or announced in public before its fulfillment. He also knew no body will go and verify with QK 2 wife Murriam-Sadiqa, anyways.

QK 2 had resources to publish his side of ‘Sweet Water Well’ story. Qadianis believe in QK 2 version. At the same time many people, including myself, know very well that QK 2 was repeatedly accused of sexual immorality in his life time. Some victims accused him personally; others testified that QK 2’s biological daughters and sons have accused QK 2 in their presence. It is historical fact that QK 2 never made an effort to exonerate him from such extreme accusations. It is also historical fact that neither of QK 2 daughters and nor his sons have denied accusations made on him with reference to them. Given these realities, I would accept marhoom Abdul Manan Omar sahib’s version.

Footnote: Abdul Manan Omar sahib passed away in end of July 2006, and was buried in Lahore, Pakistan. His son Khalid Omar, Ph.D. was staying at their family home in J-block, Model Town, Lahore. People came to pay their condolences and offer Fatiah prayer. A group of bearded people from Al-Hadith Jamaat visited and offered Fatiah. Among them there was a person who was one of the well diggers, he narrated his first interaction with Manan sahib in Rabwah on occasion of well digging. He narrated the story there.

Ahmadiyyat In Pakistan

December 31st, 2011

Polite question to all members of the Qadiani Jamaat. Am I right or your member Bashir Shah?

Dear members of the Qadiani Jamaat,
assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu-hu

A member of your Jamaat, Bashir Shah, has been arguing on this blog regarding the book Siraj Munir by the Promised Messiah that:

HMGA (as), began writing Siraj Munir before 1891, he didnt edit it when it was finally published in 1897. I havent read that book. However, its a wonderful example.


On our website,, there is a book which briefly touches on all of the books of HMGA (as). They have confirmed that Siraj Munir was began in 1888. See, PAGE 186. It seems like the pupil has taught the teacher.

(I understand that by pupil he means himself and by teacher he means me.)

He presents this book as an example of a book by the Promised Messiah written many years before its first publication, and then published bearing the current date of publication, which could still be reflecting beliefs he held when he wrote it years ago, even though they might not be current at the time of publication. So, he says, that while Tiryaq-ul-Qulub was first published in October 1902, it could still contain his claims from earlier years which were not current in October 1902.

Siraj Munir is in Ruhani Khazai’n, v. 12, and has exactly 100 pages (in the 1984 edition these are numbered 1 to 100 at the bottom, in the latest edition these are numbered 3 to 102 at the top).

Dear members of the Qadiani Jamaat: If you were to pick any one of those 100 pages, I can show evidence from just that page alone, taken individually on its own, that it was written after 1891. (It is possible that in a few cases I may need to go to the page before or after the one that you select.)

My question is: Do you believe that I am correct that each and every page of Siraj Munir was written after 1891, many of them in 1897, and your member Bashir Shah is wrong? Would you like to test my claim by selecting any page from this book?

Zahid Aziz

December 29th, 2011

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan on finality of prophethood

In his recent speech at the annual gathering of the AAIIL in Lahore, the General Secretary dealt with a view expressed by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan of India on the finality of prophethood. A friend from Lahore has summarised it below for our blog readers.

Maulana Wahiddudin Khan of India, a noted Islamic Scholar, wrote the following in an article on “Khatm-e-Nubuwwat” in the October 2011 issue of Al-Risala Magazine. The translation is mine. For the original Urdu please see the last paragraph on page 12 continuing onto page 13 at

“Similarly it is said that two individuals were born in the present age who claimed to be Prophets. Bahaullah Khan (died: 1892) and Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani (died: 1908); but this assertion is not correct according to historical records. Bahaullah merely stated that he is “Mazhar-e-Haq.” He never said that he is a Prophet of God. Similarly Mirza Ghluam Ahmed Qadiani never said from his own tongue that he is a Prophet of God. He merely stated that he is “Zill-e-Nabi”, meaning shadow of the Prophet. Such a statement may be called a type of madness, but it cannot be called a claim to Prophethood.”

It appears that when an objective study is done of historical records with an unbiased mind, the truth becomes clear!

December 23rd, 2011

Is Shariah (Islamic Law) in Destiny of USA?

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Simple answer is YES. Before I make my case that USA has already or is without realizing implementing Shariah, I would refer to following article published in NY Times:

In Islamic Law, Gingrich Sees a Mortal Threat to U.S.


Published: December 21, 201

My reasons:

1- In early part of 2010, an American CIA contractor murdered two Pakistanis in Lahore. Murderer life was spared as American administration people themselves or their friends on American’s behalf paid ‘Blood Money’ to victims’ families as part of compensation. This is an example of Americans at the highest level practicing a provision of Shariah. Given the economic and social problems caused by United States overflowing prison population and failing prison system, I am confident in due time, this provision of Shariah will be implemented within United States.

2- Communist Economic system has failed, and Capitalist Economic system is in tatters. Americans are protesting to move away from Capitalist economic system, towards the middle ground, which fosters entrepreneurship, individual incentive, safety nets in society and securities. This is an example of Americans yearning for provision of Shariah.

3- In early twentieth century in USA there was prohibition on alcohol. Now with advancement in knowledge of negative effects of alcohol consumption, numbers of Americans despising alcohol is increasing. And time will come when prohibition will again be placed and majority of Americans will accept that. This will be another example of Americans adopting another provision of Shariah.

4- Today in USA books (‘Love Times Three’ are written and reality TV shows (TLC show ‘Sister Wives’) are produced on lives of polygamists. Three to four wives of one husband. Polygamists make their case that there is nothing odd or abnormal to live in a polygamous relationship, although it is not for everyone. More interestingly law enforcement agencies are not enforcing law against these open polygamists. Americans tolerance is increasing towards polygamy. Time will come in USA when under ‘freedom of religion’ and ‘in pursuit of happiness’ as guaranteed by US constitution law against polygamy in US will go into trashcan of history as many other laws in this country has already gone. When Americans will strike down law against polygamy, they infect will be implementing one more provision of Shariah.

December 21st, 2011

Holy Prophet Muhammad’s bowl

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) bowl.

People who ridicule Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by sketching his cartoons or otherwise are unable to comprehend Love of Muslims for him. Similarly, Qadianis should also understand why Muslims hate them when they use words reserved for Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his wives and his family, for their Qadiani Khalifas II-V.

Youtube video on Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) bowl:

December 18th, 2011

Woking Muslim Mission history website

I have been adding further material recently to this website (, and would like to refer our readers in the USA to the excellent account from 1935 by a very scholarly man from the USA, Col. Donald S. Rockwell, of why he embraced Islam.

The direct link is:

December 16th, 2011

“My Fellow American” website

Elizabeth Potter from has sent me the following e-mail.

Hello again

I thought that you and the readers of The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Blog would be interested to know that last week Lowe’s Home Improvement pulled its ads from the TLC show All-American Muslim in response to an organization claiming the show “falsely humanized Muslims in America.” The Lowe’s controversy has exposed more Islamophobia in America. This issue falls directly in line with what the My Fellow American project is trying to prevent and overcome in America.

As a supporter of the project, would you please visit to share what this controversy means to you? I encourage you to ask your readers to do the same to help spread the message of tolerance to fight back against intolerance and fear-mongering. We’ve just posted a host of new content from various entertainers and faith leaders on this topic.