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Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam

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Archive for the ‘Ahmadiyya issues’ Category

Qadiani Khalifa and ISIS Khalifa

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.


In 1914 Qadiani Khalifa 2 Mirza Mahmud Ahmad said that those who do NOT do his ba'it (pledge of allegiance) are KAFIR.

In 2014 ISIS Khalifa Baghdadi said that those who do NOT do his ba'it are KAFIR.

Today with what face Qadiani Khalifa 5 Mirza Masroor Ahmad, who holds belief that Qadiani Khalifa 2 was God's Divine Appointee, is criticizing ISIS Khalifa??????

Guardian article on Qadiani Khalifa 5 Mirza Masroor Ahmad, in which he is criticizing ISIS:

Council of Islamic Ideology, Pakistan

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

Submitted by Tariq.

The Council on Islamic Ideology (CII) a government body in Pakistan created to bring the laws in harmony with Quran and Sunnah, recently sent a list of recommendations to that country’s parliament labeled “Code of Conduct”. This code of conduct is what it wants the parliament to adopt. Among them is the following – a news report about it can be read at this link:

“It is an un-Islamic and condemnable act to declare any Muslim sect a disbeliever and deserving of death,”

Does it also apply to all of the members of the parliament from 1974 who declared Ahmadis to be non-Muslims? Does it apply to the members of the CII itself who declare Ahmadis to be non-Muslims? Of course not!! It only applies to some other people who declare other sects of Muslims as disbelievers. Whom they themselves declare as disbelievers are as such.

How ironic!

Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi on Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad defeating Christian missionaries

Sunday, September 28th, 2014

A quotation from the preface to the Urdu translation of the Holy Quran by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, published in 1934, occurs in our literature. When translating the book 'The Death of Jesus' by the learned Maulana Hafiz Sher Muhammad, I translated this quotation as follows:

"In that period, Bishop Lefroy gathered an army of missionaries and left England, promising that he would soon convert the whole of India to Christianity. Having collected a great amount of money from the people of England, and assurances from them of continuing assistance in the future, he entered India and raised a big storm. His attack on the teachings of Islam was a failure … But the attack based on the argument that Jesus was alive in heaven in his physical body, while all other prophets were buried in the earth, was in his view proving to be effective upon the general public. At that juncture, Maulvi Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani stood up and addressed Lefroy and his group, saying: ‘The Jesus you talk about is dead and buried like other mortals, and the Jesus whose coming is prophesied is myself, so you must accept me.’ By this means he made things so difficult for Lefroy that he could not shake him off. In this way, he defeated all the Christian missionaries from India to England." (page 30)

Recently I came across a copy of that Urdu translation of the Holy Quran by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi at the home of a friend in Suriname. I immediately had the relevant page scanned, and also some pages around it. You can read this passage in the original book at this link.

For greater context you can read pages 29-31 at this link.

Dealing with the history of Islam in India, the point he is raising is that, in his opinion, in modern times four men present "a bad example" of distorting Islamic teachings and causing sectarian rifts. These are the following:

  1. Maulana Nazir Husain of Delhi, the founder of the Ahl-i Hadith sect. He is condemned by Thanvi for rejecting the four schools of Fiqh.
  2. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. He is condemned for his rationalist interpretations of the Quran.
  3. Maulvi Abdullah Chakralvi, founder of the Ahl-i Quran tendency, who rejected all Hadith reports.
  4. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

After the extract quoted above, Ashraf Ali Thanvi writes that it was merely a ploy by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad against Christian missionaries to say that ‘The Jesus you talk about is dead and buried like other mortals, and the Jesus whose coming is prophesied is myself'. Having used this ploy, writes Thanvi, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was now stuck with adopting this as his actual belief, because he could not retract it: "Therefore till his death he adhered to this belief and kept on giving inappropriate interpretations of the Quran and Hadith".

He adds: "These four men have now died and have gone to the next world. The intention with which they did this work is known to Allah, and their accounting is with Him. But due to them it happened that ignorant Muslims were needlessly divided into factions. We wish these men had not done this, because it is possible to reply to your opponents while still maintaining the true beliefs…"

It is clear that Ashraf Ali Thanvi places Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in the same category as the other three men, as regards the rights and wrongs of what they were trying to do. He does not consider them as unbelievers and kafir, but as persons who tried to defend Islam although in the wrong way. Thanvi certainly does not say that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be a prophet and thereby went out of Islam.

Sept 7, 1974 –Sept 7, 2014 Forty Years of Injustice to Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement.

Sunday, September 7th, 2014

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri

Sept 7, 1974 –Sept 7, 2014 Forty Years of Injustice to Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement.  Signs for those who have fear of Allah in their hearts.

Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement elders NEVER called any reciter of Kalima-Shahada a Kafir, neither by their tongues nor by their pen. LAM supported Pakistan freedom movement, after that never interfered or took sides in national politics. LAM had NO role in Rabwah railway station incident in summer of 1974. This is supported by LAM’s representatives’ testimony in proceedings published by Government of Pakistan in October 2012 under title: Proceedings Of The Special Committee Of The Whole House Held In Camera To Consider The Qadiani Issue. (The National Assembly of Pakistan 1974 Proceedings). This is evident by the fact that state prosecutor Attorney General of Pakistan NEVER raised accusation that questions beliefs and role of LAM. Still travesty of justice was done and LAM became innocent bystander victim of tussle between Qadiani-Khalifa Family, their followers and Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto & religious politicians. Below are some facts that shed light on Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (ZAB) personal life and condition of Pakistan, before and after 1974 Pakistan National Assembly 2nd Constitutional Amendment.

In 1971 ZAB took reign of power. Pakistan was dismembered, humiliated by India. Pakistani nation was demoralized. Pakistan armed forces were demoralized. One hundred thousand, perhaps largest number in military history of world, officers, soldiers, sailors and airmen were prisoners of war. Economy was in shambles. Within few weeks and months ZAB started turning around the country. He boosted the morale of civilians and military. Pacts were made with friendly countries to turn economy around, backbone industries were started, and military hardware was procured. In matter of months prisoners of war started coming home. Foundation of Pakistan’s Nuclear Program was laid. Stature of Pakistan rose in third word and Muslim countries in particular. Islamic Summit was hosted in Lahore, in February 1974. Only time when head of states of all Muslims countries gathered under one roof. ZAB's middle class comrades at helm of different departments and ministries were making steady strides in an effort to make Pakistan a leading country in the world.

After 1974 second amendment in Pakistan’s Constitution there was diametrically opposite change.  ZAB close comrades started leaving him one after the other.  Those who stayed in his party like Abdul Hafeez Pirzada (he was parliamentary affairs minister in 1974 and responsible for NA Proceedings,  contracted another marriage the day ZAB was hanged), Mumtaz Bhutto (was interested in marrying widow of ZAB to get control of his Pakistan People’s Party), Kausar Niazi who said, “Peoples Party is not property of Bhutto family”. None of them came to rescue ZAB from gallows. No wonder when ZAB daughter Benazir Bhutto returned to Pakistan from exile she said, “I don’t need uncles (referring to ZAB friends who did not quit PPP)”.

After 1974, in Pakistan religious extremism flourished, religious opposition to ZAB constantly increased, economy overall remained in decline, PPP popularity continue to decline, law and order situation overall remained in decline, image of Pakistan in international forums continue to remain in decline, unemployment and poverty increased. Street drugs addiction and terrorism increased.

Now let’s look at personal life of ZAB. ZAB as Prime Minister of Pakistan was a very powerful person domestically, he was charismatic, popular and intellectual leader loved by his fans. Internationally he was highly respected statesman, in particular Muslim countries. He was declared non-Muslim (Kafir) by Chief Justice of Lahore High Court. When he was put to death, he was constitutionally Prime Minister of Pakistan. The person who hanged him belonged to lowest socio-economic rank in Pakistan. He was Christian and was Choora (janitor who hand pick human waste and clean toilets and sweep streets). He was awarded Rupees 5 bonus for ‘job well done’ by Government of Pakistan. After ZAB's death photographs of his private parts were taken to find out if he was an uncircumcised Hindu.

People who have fear of Allah SWT in their hearts can find many signs in last 40 years in life of Pakistan and people who committed injustice with LAM.


The late Colonel Mahmud Shaukat

Monday, June 23rd, 2014

It was with great pain and deep sadness that we learnt of the death of Colonel Mahmud Shaukat, which took place in Florida, USA, on 26th April 2014. Inna li-llahi wa inna ilai-hi rajioon. He was about 90 years of age.

There have been many people in the Lahore Ahmadiyya Jama‘at who served its cause quietly and unassumingly, while their names, qualities and sacrifices are not widely known or prominent. The late Colonel Shaukat sahib was one such man. I became acquainted with him during his stays at our London centre as Imam during the 1980s and then again in the mid-1990s. This short tribute is based on my contact and experiences with him.

A “man of God” would be the truest description of Shaukat sahib. The dhikr of Allah was ever on his lips, but silently and imperceptibly. I remember that he had a note book in which he had noted down various prayers and supplications. These, however, were not supplications by rote or recited as a custom and ritual, but they came from his heart.

Among his sacrifices for the Jama‘at, and that of his wife, Asma, was that they came to stay at our London Centre where Shaukat sahib served as Imam, giving up their own home and comforts. He did so in response to the request by his father-in-law Hazrat Dr Saeed Ahmad sahib, who was also Head of the Jama‘at at the time. Shaukat sahib worked as Imam in an honorary capacity, taking no recompense for his duties. In fact, he even offered to pay rent for his accommodation at the Centre.

His talks and khutbahs were simple but inspiring. He was most hospitable, warm, friendly, affectionate, social and courteous. When people visited our London Centre, he loved inviting them upstairs to the small flat where he and his wife lived, and entertaining them.

During the 1990s, at our London Centre we organised what were called ‘Young People Classes’ a number of times, run by myself and my wife Fauqia. Young people, whose ages ranged up to their early twenties, stayed at the Centre for two or three days receiving religious instruction and participating in educational and social activities. When Shaukat sahib was present as Imam in London, he gave to the class, and in fact to the teachers as well, the benefit of his Quranic knowledge as well as his paternal affection. I then realised the depth of his knowledge of the Quran and benefitted from it.

He recounted events of the past. If my memory serves me right, Shaukat sahib had met Mahatma Gandhi. I do clearly remember that he mentioned seeing Muhammad Asad, the Austrian Muslim convert who is known for his English translation of the Quran (The Message of the Quran). He said this was when Asad had come to Abbottabad to meet Hazrat Dr Saeed Ahmad Khan sahib. This would be in the 1940s.

Shaukat sahib had a close contact with Allah, and as a result he had great moral qualities as well as moral strength. Due to this spiritual strength, he made many sacrifices to serve the cause that he believed in. Shaukat sahib remained steadfastly loyal to Ahmadiyyat despite great pressure being brought to bear on him from certain close quarters around him to dissociate himself from the Jama‘at. He referred to this in speeches sometimes, saying that remaining within Ahmadiyyat was spiritual life, and abandoning it was spiritual death. When the UK Lahore Ahmadiyya Jama‘at held a convention in 2009, Shaukat sahib, who then lived in the USA, sent a speech to be read out. This speech was published in The Light, UK Edition, October 2009. It begins as follows:

“My speech is inspired by a small personal incident, and this incident, I believe, foretold of events in the future. It happened over 50 years ago when the late Syed Assadullah Shah sahib, a very pious Ahmadi and a recipient of ilham (Divine revelation), used to stay with the late Hazrat Ameer Dr Saeed Ahmad Khan. People went to Shah sahib for praying for them. My father also requested him to pray for his sons. The answer to his prayers was: “Two will also die”. The record of this ilham and of others is kept in the late Hazrat Ameer’s papers, with dates and signatures. This ilham was not about the physical death, an end which everyone will surely meet, but regarding the spiritual death. Later events con­firmed this, when in 1974 Ahmadis were declared non-Muslim by the government of Pakistan. My two brothers (I being the third) gave an advertise­ment in a leading English newspaper that they, the two of them, were Muslims and not Ahmadis etc. Mark the words of the ilham: “the two will die”. This is no slur on their decision because they did what they sincerely believed. But for me, when I believe in the rightness and genuineness of Hazrat Mirza sahib’s mission, a turning away from Ahmadiyyat would have been a total spiritual death. I am very thankful to God that He saved me from this very ignoble death. Shah sahib’s ilham was fulfilled and God’s decree and command was carried out.”

His making this statement openly in a speech, with reference to his close family members, shows the height of courage and the greatest sense of truth and justice that he possessed. Shaukat sahib suffered material and worldly loss, which he cheerfully accepted, in the path of remaining loyal and true to the Lahore Ahmadiyya Jama‘at.

Shaukat sahib was widely read and was always reading some latest book. One subject he was greatly interested in was research on Afghans and Pathans being descended from the Israelites. He gave me an Urdu book on this topic, which I have just located in my books. It is an 80 page historical research book entitled Afghanon Ki Nasli Tarikh written by Khan Roshan Khan, published in Karachi, 1981. The book concludes: “Afghans who are in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, are in fact remnants of the exiled tribes of the Israelites”, and the author adds “just as our ancient ancestors were granted by Allah to follow the law of Moses and the guidance of Jesus, He graced us and our forefathers with the blessing of the religion of Islam after the appearance of the Holy Prophet Muhammad”.

I have also just located manuscripts of three articles by Shaukat sahib which he sent me for future publication, when he was Imam here in UK, but which I have been remiss so far in publishing.

Shaukat sahib was a man of high spiritual standing, who received true dreams and communications from Allah. He was a man of the utmost sincerity and humility, who was self-effaced in Allah. And now he has returned to his beloved Allah. May Allah grant him forgiveness and protection, admit him into His mercy, raise his grades in the hereafter, and join him with His righteous servants, ameen.

 Zahid Aziz

Reply to allegation that Maulana Muhammad Ali brought Jamaat funds from Qadian to Lahore in 1914

Thursday, May 1st, 2014

It is a common allegation by members of the Qadiani Jamaat that when Maulana Muhammad Ali migrated from Qadian to Lahore at the time of the Split, he took with him to Lahore all the funds of the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya, of which he was Secretary.

It so happened that looking in the issues of the Urdu edition of the Review of Religions, I found that every issue contains at the end accounts of the income and expenditure of the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya for the previous month. Looking at some issues prior to the Split, I noticed that the accounts are signed off by the muhasib (accountant or auditor) whose name is given as Khalifa Rashid-udDin. This gentleman was father-in-law of Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, and after the Split he was in the Qadiani Jamaat. So here we find a prominent Qadiani keeping an eye on the accounts of the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya even long before the Split!

The April 1914 issue does not present the accounts for March 1914, but the May 1914 issue (under control of the Qadiani Jamaat) presents accounts for both March 1914 and April 1914. I have extracted pages 193-194 and 195-196 of that issue showing these accounts for March and April. See this link.

The monthly accounts carry several headings such as education, the poor, school, propagation of Islam, etc. Under these headings there is a figure for the total of funds carried forward from the previous month (sabiqa baqaya), and then, after income and expenditure, the remaining total for the current month (baqaya).

In the end of March accounts I have marked in red all the baqaya entries, which are eight in all. In the end of April accounts I have marked in red all the eight sabiqa baqaya entries, i.e. the totals carried forward from end of March accounts to end of April accounts.

As far as I can see, each of these totals as it was at the end of March 1914, when Maulana Muhammad Ali was in Qadian, is exactly the same as the corresponding "carried forward" total at the end of April, by which time Maulana Muhammad Ali had left Qadian and these funds were in the hands of the Qadiani Jamaat!

This, if I am right, is absolute and positive proof, coming from a Qadiani Jamaat publication, that all the funds of the Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya remained with the Qadiani Jamaat after Maulana Muhammad Ali left Qadian, and he took nothing. Praise be to Allah, that He enabled us to find such clear proof!

Zahid Aziz

Qadiani Jamaat forsakes its beliefs and adopts Lahori beliefs

Sunday, April 20th, 2014

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri


In newspaper advertisements last week the Qadiani Jamaat placed full page advertisements giving their beliefs. In those advertisements they clearly said the Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a Reformer.

They did not mention their real beliefs that they believe him to be a Prophet and every person who recites the kalima but refuses to take an oath of allegiance on the hand of their khalifa is out of the fold of Islam.

In this video we will explain the real belief of the Qadiani Jamaat and provide evidence of what they are trying to hide from the mainstream.

Please watch video on following link:

Qadiani Jamaat Needs Khalifa Like Pope Francis

Sunday, March 16th, 2014

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri


When Qadiani Khalifa 2 Mirza Mahmud Ahmad envisioned his organization to work the way Vatican City and its cardinals, bishops, and priests inside and outside Vatican worked, he meant it to work beyond election of Qadiani Khalifa and role of Cardinals to keep Qadiani Khalifa in power for life.

Recently PBS TV, USA telecast an investigative show in Frontline series. Title and link to episode is provided at the bottom of this post. People who have read the literature produced by former Qadianis in last 100 years such as Miyan Zahid of Mubailiah Group, Mazhar-ud-Din Multani, Haqqiqat Passand Party members (many), Mirza Shafeeq (author of ‘Sher-e-Sadoom’. Translation: ‘City of Sodomy’), Munir-ud-Din Ahmad (author of ‘Dhaltay Saey’), Tahir Rafiq (author of ‘Rabwah-Ka-Rasputin’. Translation: ‘Rasputin of Rabwah’), photographer Abdul Razaq etc can find many similarities between Vatican Church, from Pope to common priest; and Qadiani Organization from Khalifa to common Murrabi and Qadiani teachers of Murrabi Training Schools.

I hope not too far in future Qadiani Organization can show another similarity like Vatican Church and elect a Qadiani Khalifa like Pope Francis. And he starts cleaning Qadiani organization from Moral Corruption, Financial Corruption and Religious Corruption just the way Pope Francis is doing.

It will be a real miracle if an impartial TV company can make a documentary exposing Qadiani Organization the way PBS exposed Vatican.

Secrets of Vatican
(Frontline program)
Feb 25, 2014


Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

Death news of Maulana Nur-ud-Din

Hazrat Maulana Nur-ud-Din passed away on 13th March 1914 — may Allah raise his grades to the highest level!

To mark this centenary I have collected some articles about his life. Please see this link.

Three of these are news published in Ahmadiyya organs at the time (one English, two Urdu). The image above is the head of one of these.

Maulana Muhammad Ali recounted in later years:

“It was my good fortune that I had the opportunity to learn the Quran from him even in those days when he was on his death bed. I used to read out to him notes from my English translation of the Holy Quran. He was seriously ill, but even in that state he used to be waiting for when Muhammad Ali would come. And when I came to his pres­ence, that same critically ailing Nur-ud-Din would turn into a young man. The service of the Quran that I have done is just the result of his love for the Holy Quran.”

What must have been Maulana Nur-ud-Din’s last letter to Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din (who was then in England) is translated below:

Qadian. 21 January 1914.

Respected and honoured Khwaja sahib, assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu-hu.

I am now old and have lived long. Whenever I placed reliance on people, I suffered. I don’t need to explain the details to you. When you have the money, only then expand the magazine. Do not start some venture based on hope, and then find yourself ridiculed. God has many assistants. When someone does worthwhile work, it will be a sincere person who does it. Those who do it for payment don’t work successfully. All those who worked for the Holy Prophet Muhammad were honorary. That is how the work was done. As soon as honorary work was replaced by paid work, everything perished. Do not work beyond your strength. … There are very few who are willing to sacrifice themselves. These days I don’t order anyone. Self-sacrifice is a very great quality, which a person only possesses through the grace of God.

— Paigham Sulh, 3 March 1914, p. 1.

The Real Seventh Day Advent, the Adventist, the Messiah

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

Submitted by Ikram.

The Real Seventh Day Advent, the Adventist, the Messiah

There are seven dispensational period of human civilization based upon Old and New Testaments.

The seven dispensational periods

Dispensationalism seeks to address what many see as opposing theologies between the Old Testament and New Testament. Its name comes from the fact that it sees biblical history as best understood in light of a series of dispensations in the Bible. Most dispensationalists cite seven dispensations although this is not a critical or foundational factor to the theology:

1. the dispensation of innocence (Gen 1:1–3:7), prior to Adam's fall,

2. of conscience (Gen 3:8–8:22), Adam to Noah,

3. of government (Gen 9:1–11:32), Noah to Abraham,

4. of patriarchal rule (Gen 12:1–Exod 19:25), Abraham to Moses,

5. of the Mosaic Law (Exod 20:1–Acts 2:4), Moses to Christ,

6. of grace (Acts 2:4–Rev 20:3—except for Hyperdispensationalists and Ultradispensationalists), the current church age, and

7. of a literal, earthly 1,000-year Millennial Kingdom that has yet to come but soon will (Rev 20:4–20:6). [Wikipedia, see also “What are the Seven Dispensations?”]

Adventist is someone who lives in our current times with the belief of Second coming of Jesus.

Definition of Adventist:

n. A member of any of several Christian denominations that believe Jesus's Second Coming and the end of the world are near. [thefreedictionary]

Seventh-Day Adventist is the one who believes that the humainty is at the threshold of the approaching seventh dispensational period.

Definition of Seventh-Day Adventist:

n. (Protestantism) Protestant theol a member of that branch of the Adventists which constituted itself as a separate body after the expected Second Coming of Christ failed to be realized in 1844. They are strongly Protestant, believe that Christ's coming is imminent, and observe Saturday instead of Sunday as their Sabbath. [thefreedictionary]

It is with this impending seventh dispensation that a school of thought took its origin in United States just after the birth of Hirzat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in 1835 in India.

Founding of the Seventh-day Adventist Church:

William Miller (1782-1849), a Baptist preacher, forecast the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in 1843. When that did not come to pass, Samuel Snow, a follower, did further calculations and advanced the date to 1844. After the event did not occur, Miller withdrew from leadership of the group and died in 1849. Ellen White, her husband James White, Joseph Bates and other Adventists formed a group in Washington, New Hampshire, which officially became the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1863. J.N. Andrews became the first official missionary in 1874, traveling from the United States to Switzerland, and from that time the church became worldwide. []

The irony is that Christians alike the Muslims believe in bodily return of Jesus i.e. “the Lord” for the former and “son of Mary” for the latter. Unbeknownst to most of both, Jesus returned and went who identified his advent with the Seventh-Day spanning a thousand years of the current social evolutionary stage of human cycle on the earth, which we read in his writings. The relevant portion and the declaration of the Messiah is excerpted below that he delivered as a lecture in an inter-faith setting:

Lecture Lahore (link):

…because the world is not to be destroyed yet, and thousands of years are left, the world's current development, inventions and comforts which the prevalent industries have introduced also indicate that God, the Great, has desired that human beings may be given material comforts and ease so that man may have a chance to progress and reform himself materially.

The spiritual condition of man has so deteriorated that it can provoke God's wrath. Sins are on the increase and human faculties have become very weak so logic demands that as in the physical domain whenever darkness wraps the earth, a heavenly light is kindled to dispel the darkness, likewise in the spiritual domain heavenly light descends from the heavens to enlighten the hearts. Because God has created man, His law is that to bring unity among human beings He raises a person from among themselves and enlightens him with the complete light of gnosis and honours him with His word and dialogue and gives him a cup of His complete love, and guides him to His agreeable path so that other persons may link up with him, and He injects a special strive in the heart of that person so that he draws others to him and thus others forge a special link with him to such an extent that they become a part of his body, and counted as such take God's gnosis through him and are saved from sins and grow in God's consciousness.

Because of this law, God Almighty has sent information through His prophets of yore that when, from the time of Adam, six thousand years will be nearing their end and the earth will be covered with the darkness of sins and God's love diminishes in the hearts of the masses of human beings, then God, from His heavens and without any earthly factors, would blow His spirit of truth and love in a person who would be called Messiah because God with His hands would anoint his soul with His personal love and he would be the Messiah of promises who has been called in God's books the Promised Messiah. The Masih-Maoud [The Promised Messiah] would be raised against the devil and there would be a last war between the entire forces of the devil and the Messiah. The devil with all his powers and progeny and manoeuvres will come prepared for this last spiritual encounter. There had never been such a conflict between virtue and evil in this world as it would be on that day, because on that day the devil's knowledge and trickery deceptions would be at their zenith, as he would bring forth all those cunnings with which he can lead human beings astray. Then after a terrible battle the Messiah would be victorious and the devil's powers would be annihilated and for some time God's awe, immaculateness and theistic glory would keep spreading on the earth, and that period would be for one thousand years which would be called the seventh day, and thereafter the world would end. And know ye all that that Messiah is myself. If you want, you may accept. [emphasis added]

The Promised Messiah continues from the above in the same essay where he outlines the seven dispensations and identifies the current, the Seventh Day, as follows:

…And at a place the Holy Quran has mentioned a sign for the age of the Promised Messiah, stating that:

"The day of thy Lord as one thousand years duration which you count" (22:47).

That is, God's one day is like a thousand of your years. So, because there are seven days, hence the age of this world has been given in this verse as seven thousand years. But this age is with reference to Adam's, whose progeny we are, as from God's word it appears that before (our) Adam the world was in existence we cannot say who were those people and of what sort were they. It appears that every cycle of this world is of seven thousand years duration, and to convey this idea a sign was affixed by restricting the week to the seven days, that every single day may refer to one thousand years. We are not aware as to how many periods have elapsed on this world and how many Adams have appeared in their own times. But God is Creator since time immemorial. We believe that in this context the world is ancient, by its own nature and right.

Alas, the Christians believe that God created the world and prior to that God was inactive and in a state of suspension and was as such since time immemorial. This belief is such that no rational mind can accept it. But the belief that the Holy Quran has taught us that God was ever since a creator, is rational. If He so desires He may destroy the heavens and the earth a million times and create it again.

The Holy Quran has informed us that Adam who came after many generations had been destroyed, was our father, the human race had been in existence much before his advent on earth and this is the chain, the age of which period has been fixed approximately seven thousand years. These seven thousand years, in God's reckoning, are just as seven days of human counting. It may be remembered in Divine law every human cycle has been fixed as seven thousand years. Therefore the age of our human race has been fixed as seven thousand years. When our Lord, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, appeared in human history five thousand years had passed. The chapter on Time was revealed to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, which according to alphabetical calculations showed the time that had elapsed since Adam's creation and the Prophet’s appearance on earth.

According to the chapter referred to in the foregoing lines, we are living now in the fag end years period of six thousand, not only in the form of the Holy Quran but also in previous scriptures it is written that the last messenger who would be raised in the form of Adam and name Messiah, would appear at the end of six thousand years as Adam was born on the sixth day of the week. All these signs are such that they are sufficient to convince a thinking mind. The division of these seven thousand years according to the Holy Quran and God's other books is that first thousand years is the growth and spread of virtues, and the second one thousand years is the devil's supremacy and the third one thousand years is spread of virtue and the fourth one thousand years is again devil's age, which is succeeded by the fifth one thousand years which is of virtue and goodness. This is the fifth thousand years when our Lord, Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, appeared and the devil was chained, the sixth thousand was the devil's release which started three centuries after the death of the Holy Prophet (qarun-sulasa), and ends at the advent of fourteenth century Hijrah. The seventh thousand years period is for God and His Messiah when all the virtues and good deeds would prevail. This is the period when we are living at the head of the epoch; no other Messiah dares to step up at this age. There are only seven epochs which have been divided in period of virtue and period of evil.

This division has been mentioned by all the prophets. Some have only mentioned towards thousand and some have mentioned in detail and this detail is given in the Holy Quran and the prophesy about the Promised Messiah is clearly inferable from the Holy Quran. It is surprising that all the prophets have mentioned the Messiah's epoch in one form or another in their books and also mentioned the Antichrist. There is no other prophesy in the world which has so forcefully and consistently been narrated as that of the last Messiah yet there are persons in our age who deny its authenticity. Some demand proof of the existence of such a prophesy from the Holy Quran. Alas, if they had only looked deeply into the Holy Quran they would have discovered how explicitly it is narrated in the Holy Quran that, for an intelligent person, no further explanation is needed.

After reading the above by the Promised Messiah, please read the article about Seventh-Day Adventists from Encyclopedia Britannica (link) to compare and contrast what Adventists have missed for a century while Messiah and his Seventh Day has been in their plain sight. Before it were the Israelites who missed the Messiah because they were awaiting the bodily return of Eliah, now in turn, both Christian and Muslims missed the Messiah while awaiting his bodily return. To them, we quote the Messiah from the same essay of his:

“Open your eyes and open your ears. I am surprised at your wisdom, you have targeted the bow's arrow at a distance while the prey is close to you.”