The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Blog

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See: Project Rebuttal: What the West needs to know about Islam

Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam

Read: Background to the Project

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Archive for the ‘general’ Category

Muslim website against Dr Zakir Naik alleges he holds “Qadiani” beliefs

Friday, October 14th, 2011

I have come across the following website where some Muslims groups criticise and reject certain beliefs of Dr Zakir Naik:

I refer to the following section in this link:


In his speeches and writings Dr. Naik claims that advent of Prophet Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) has been mentioned in Hindu scriptures. He has made this claim thousands of time in his lectures.

People will be surprised to know that Dr. Naik’s rhetoric on this subject is a direct copy of the work titled “Mohammad (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم) in world scriptures” written by Abdul Haq Vidyarthi Qadiyani (1888 – 1977), a missionary of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement.”


To prove this, they say: “we have provided a summary of comparison between Dr. Naik’s works and that of the writing in Vidyarthi Qadiyani’s book; which is identical – word-by-word.”

Here they provide a link to a document (this document will open in Microsoft Word, so here is a local pdf copy I created).

This document consists of extracts from my article on this subject, to which they have given their own title as follows:

Comparison of work of Zakir Naik Salafi and Abdul Haq Vidyarthi Qadiyani By Zahid Aziz Qadiyani

Apart from misrepresenting us as “Qadiyani”, they have omitted those parts of my article which show that the Maulana rendered a very great service to Islam by his research into Hindu scriptures.

Wisdom of the Holy Quran and Steve Jobs

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

Submitted by Dil Sooz.

This past week two important things happened in my life. Steve Jobs died and I listened to his famous Stanford speech on you tube. Here is the link .

Secondly, I came across these Quranic verses- explained below. Mr. Jobs in his speech emphasized his earnest desire to do extraordinary good in technology, he believed in his “inner truth”. He endured extreme opposition – even getting fired from company he created. Then almost getting bankrupt and finally did not compromise on quality of his product -even if it meant overtaking the norm with extra effort. He also said `death is best invention” for success of man. This means every day we live is on borrowed time. (Islam tells that every prayer we offer should be considered as last—to encourage more good/success in short time span)

(Disclaimer: Holy Quran is NOT a textbook of Business Administration or Sciences. However it inspires man to seek out excellence in all areas of human development)

In Holy Quran Chapter 79 (Al Naziat) “Those Who Yearn”, first five verses give a description of the spiritual characteristics of the faithful who are destined to bring about a transformation in the world: (Interpretation by Maulana Muhammad Ali)

1. By those yearning vehemently! (There was a vehement yearning in the hearts of believers for their Maker. Be it developing technology or commerce, Mullah generally does not emphasize these aspects of Quranic inspiration as they are under-educated and cannot go against dictates of their neo colonial puppet masters template of angry foaming mouth Muslims, which in turn are needed for war industry )

2. And those going forth cheerfully! (It was this ardent desire that made them go forth in the way of Allah cheerfully in spite of the severest opposition)

3. And those running swiftly! (Early Muslims ran swiftly so that they traversed eastern and western lands in an incredibly short time; they were thus ahead of all those who ever carried the message of Truth to their fellow-man-just imagine short span of time in which Islam spread)

4. And those that are foremost going ahead!

5. And those regulating the Affair! (They regulated the affair of the spread of Truth in the world, so that the farthest east (China) and farthest west (Morocco and Spain) were lit with the light of Islam within a hundred years.)

In summary: Taking the words in a general sense, they indicate the various stages through which an affair is brought to a successful issue. The first stage is that of an ardent desire or yearning for it; the second is that of going forth cheerfully to accomplish it; the third is that of running swiftly for its accomplishment; the fourth is that of going ahead of others; and the fifth that of regulating it in the best possible way.

If I can make essence of these verses understandable to my own self in a simple way then I would say: During my high schools days I liked to participate in 1500 meters race. It required an earnest desire to get up from the chair and run for long haul. In contrast to many others who would sit on side and cheer. Then there has to be `cheerfulness” about running otherwise it becomes torture.Then keep running fast. Soon one finds majority of runners form a pack along inner most circle-as it is easiest. But the winners breakaway from them and go ahead. And finally they regulate their affair of running (energy,time, style: sprint versus long steps) and finish the race appropriately.

Email to Professor Irshad Manji

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Professor Irshad Manji is a journalist, author and controversial personality in the Muslim world. Currently she holds directorship of ‘Moral Courage Project’ at New York University.

I sent her following email.

Dear Professor Irshad Manji:
Assalam Alaikum,

First a disclosure: I am member of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement (it is different from Qadiani-Ahmadiyya). Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement holds belief that Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWS was The Last Messenger and that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib of Qadian was only a REFORMER (Mujaddid) of 14th Islamic Century, and that ALL reciters of Kalima-Shahada are Muslims, and belief in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib is NOT a requirement for a Muslim.

After reading your book ‘The Trouble with Islam Today’ I developed an opinion about you. And actually I was planning to come to your talk on your book, in spring of 2004 in Jesuits University ‘University of San Francisco’ to have discussion with you. But after listening to your talk on your book ‘Allah Liberty and Love’, recorded on September 13, 2011 and aired on C-Span on September 17, 2011, I have formed a different opinion about you.

In your talk you made a comment that “Non-Muslims are forcing Muslims to reform”. This reminds me of reformer Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib, who faced opposition of a much bigger magnitude in 19th century India than you’re facing today in North America and Western Europe. MGA sahib was in great distress to see that his efforts to reform Muslims were not bearing fruit; he had a revelation “A Warner came to the world, but world did not heed him, but Allah will establish his truthfulness by heavy powerful attacks”. And this is what we are seeing today.

Prof. Manji, I think in last four hundred years 9/11 is the best thing that happened for Islam (please pay attention: I am using word Islam and NOT Muslims). Again 9/11 is the best thing that happened for Islam. My reason: In last four hundred years Islam has been the victim and perpetrators are both Muslims and Non-Muslims. Muslim perpetrators interpret Islam wrong and non-Muslim perpetrators slam Islam with wrong interpretation of Muslim perpetrators. In post 9/11 environment both perpetrators are getting weak. Muslim perpetrators are getting militarily weak and non-Muslim perpetrators are getting economically, morally and ethically weak. Now when both these perpetrators get weak, reformers voices and efforts will gain strength. And as peace takes hold, Islam will flourish. As by its nature Islam only flourishes in peace time. In war times, Islam only struggles to survive.

In reference to Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWS cartoons published by Danish newspapers and then in USA newspaper etc. City of Philadelphia held a discussion in February 2006. I attended and spoke in it and wrote a piece in Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement newspaper ‘The Light – London Edition’ June 2006. Please take a look. I am sure you will find something new and interesting:

A member of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement is writing an online book that answers bashing of Holy Quran, Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWS, and Islam in general by people at ‘Jihad Watch’. Please take a look and see if you could contribute your thoughts and suggestions:
Project Rebuttal – “Islam: What The West Needs To Know”:

Prof. Manji, I would like to meet you and have little discussion on your book ‘The Trouble with Islam Today’.

Link to Prof. Irshad Manji websites:

A live experiment in determining date of the coming Eid-ul-Fitr

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

In his comment at this link, Rizwan Jamil had suggested that the use of calculations for determining the new moon is prohibited in Islam and that “All the Muslims can (and infact they should) start/end their months together on the basis of the moon sighting reports of the countries of the whole world, not of their own country only.”

I had responded (see here) that this is not possible because, for example, if the new moon is first sighted worldwide in the far west (obviously at sunset) then in many countries including most Muslim countries the time would be almost the following morning.

So, let us try if this method would work at the forthcoming Eid-ul-Fitr. Please read under comments …

How Pakistan was created?

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Historian Jafar Hasan Zaidi authored new book in Urdu ‘How Pakistan was created?’ (Pakistan Kasay Banna?).

Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement members know very well that idea of Pakistan was conceived in the drawing room of Woking Muslim Mission (started by Khawaja Kamal ud Din sahib) in England. During the discussion Chaudhry Rehmat Ali sahib came up with idea and wrote a pamphlet.
Read article available on LAM official website:

Woking Muslim Mission’s Role in the Creation of Pakistan:
by Khwaja Salahuddin Ahmad (son of Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din)
Ch. Rehmat Ali got his spark of inspiration in the Drawing Room of the Mission House, Woking
The Light, 16th January 1966 / Reprinted in The Light & Islamic Review: Vol.74, No. 4, July-August 1997, pages 5-8

See also articles under:

Unfortunately, Pakistan’s history has been distorted ever since its creation, more so during the administration of military dictator General Zia ul Haq. History is distorted to make point that it was Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal who saw “dream of Pakistan”.

Jafar Hasan Zaidi has given interview to BBC online. At time 5 minutes he tells that it is a lie that Dr. Muhammad Iqbal conceived the idea of Pakistan. Rather he was against it. And it was Chaudhry Rehmat Ali who conceived idea of Pakistan.

Link to BBC on line interview of Jafar Hasan Zaidi:

Ramadan Message from Dr A.K. Saeed, Head of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement

Sunday, July 31st, 2011

Read the 2011 Ramadan Message from Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed, along with his translation of some verses of poetry by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in praise of the Holy Quran.

Starting Ramadan / holding Eid on same day across Muslim world

Sunday, July 24th, 2011

Rizwan Jamil has asked for the following question to be posted.

Can you please open a new thread with the topic relating to moon sighting? I want to inquire what is Ahmadiyyah’s stance regarding this controversy i.e. Should the Muslims of the whole world start Ramadhan and celebrate Eid on the same day on the testimony of the sighting of the moon anywhere in the world? Or that the Muslims should respect the borders of their countries or nation states (created by the Non-Muslims by ending the Ottoman Caliphate on the basis of their “divide-and-rule” policy) and start Ramadhan and celebrate Eid on the testimony of the sighting of the moon in their own country only, irrespective of its sighting anywhere else in the world?

Advantages of a Muslim burial

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Growing up in densely and over populated country Pakistan, where graveyards and tombs have created traffic congestions. Lives in this world for living has become “hell” in some way for those who live near the dead. I was of the opinion that only solution for this problem is cremation and Muslims should adopt it. About couple of decades ago I discussed it with Mian Abdul Mannan Omar sahib (marhoom). He gave me reasons and advantages of Muslim burial along with stating that Islam does not prohibit leveling of Muslim graveyard every few years and reusing it as fresh place of burial. I can appreciate what he said then more after watching following report on Al Jazeera English website:

‘Ecofunerals’ on the rise in the US
Environmentally conscious Americans are opting for ecofriendly “green” funerals.

A question about words in the Quran

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

An esteemed friend has sent the following question.

I was participating in a discussion and i suggested that cure for all social ills, result of serving other-than-Him, is to get a clear understanding about Tauheed.

the argument in response to it was – get us the word ‘tauheed’ from Quran. I do not know if that term is used in Quran or not. I used this term to refer to the phenomenon of Unity of God, His excellence above all in all regards.

That argument did not make sense because if that term is itself not mentioned but the concept then what term should be used to refer to it?

i was asked – I dont know what you mean by tauheed or unity of Allah, is the word tauheed used for the unity of Allah in the Quran?
…if the term tauheed is not used in the Quran, not as a description of the “concept of oneness”, then who thought its nessecary to find a word out of the Quran, to describe the “oneness of Allah”?

what does oneness of Allah mean?

It is a non quranic term which would also make it’s “concept” non quranic as well. Those who came up with the term are also the ones who provide the definition of that term. So, I believe the first thing we should do is ask ourselves if the quran agrees with the concept that has been assigned to this term “Tauheed”.

Did the Quran allowed anyone to make up concepts about Allah which are not in the Quran?

Tauheed is a concept, is Is Allah’s oneness a hypothesis or an actual practical reality?

ANYTHING said about Allah, his Deen, His Rusools must be proven throught the Quran itself, otherwise anyone can come up with stories and concepts as they like.

My question is – what is meaning of this arabic term Tauheed. We are asked to believe in His superiority – saves us from slavery to man and from man made ideas about Him. i ve been using this term in this context – Tauheed furnished us with knowledge which can stand against any other-than-Him.

If you could comment on it. Thanks.

‘My fellow Americans’ website

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

I have received the following e-mail.

As I’m sure you are aware, America has always been a melting pot, but in the post-9/11 world the environment can be downright hostile. Recent mosque protests and congressional hearings on American Muslims are all unfortunate examples of a rising tide of fear towards our fellow Americans. To address this, we’ve put together a video response which I believe you and the readers of The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Blog will be interested in sharing, watching, and discussing:

I would love it if you could post or tweet about this and share the video. If you can, please let me know. I am here if you have any questions. Thank you so much.


Elizabeth Potter,
Unity Productions Foundation