The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Blog

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See: Project Rebuttal: What the West needs to know about Islam

Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam

Read: Background to the Project

List of all Issues | Summary 1 | Summary 2 | Summary 3

Archive for the ‘general’ Category

Dr Zakir Naik

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

Rashid Jahangiri has submitted the following.

On ‘Pak Tea House’ blog an article on Dr. Zakir Naik is posted:

Muslims In Introspection Mode… Now a Fatwa on Dr. Zakir Naik
by Sadia Dehlvi

This is the Link

I wrote following comment that awaits moderation:
“Secret” of Dr. Zakir Naik’s “scholarship”.
From where Dr. Zakir Naik gets his “knowledge”?

ZN impresses Muslims and Hindus by Memorizing ONLY ONE BOOK. Actually he has TV program [on PeaceTV, UK] name based on this book.
Book name:
by Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi (in 3 volumes)
You can read it online here.

Actually, if you open the above book, on line, and listen to ZN speech (i have done it online) his quotes that impress listeners come in order from the same book. It is different thing that he lacks moral courage to acknowledge his source of knowledge.

You can see the original Urdu version:
by Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi

Online link

Do external symbols/dress/laws/state make people more Islamic?

Sunday, November 9th, 2008

At this link I have come across an article on a blog called Malaysia Today. (Page may be slow in loading.)

I have summed up what it discusses in the title above.

The writer, a prominent critic of the Malaysian government, blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin, has been freed from jail on the orders of a judge. He had been accused of causing ethnic tensions by ridiculing Islam. See the BBC News website. (It wasn’t for writing this article.)

Apostasy and Barack Obama?

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

Rashid Jahangiri has submitted the following.

Barack Hussain Obama.

Is he a ‘Murtad’?
Is he guilty of apostasy?
How Muslims, especially the Mulla Mafia deals with him?
Can Pakistani and Afghani Mullas can deliver a verdict about him?

It is very UNLIKELY that he will visit Pakistan now as US president or after he leaves White House and as former US President. But suppose some time in future he visits Pakistan. The question will arise that will Pakistani and Afghani Mullas will hold the same standard that they held for Sahibzada Abdul Latif Shaheed (follower of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib) and other cases, including couple of Muslims converts to Christianity in last few years?

Other questions come to my mind.

Muslims hold belief that every child born at birth is a Muslim and it is the society that makes him/ her Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist etc. so,
Are all non-Muslim people, nations of the world are ‘Murtad’ and are guilty of committing apostasy?
If they are ‘murtad’ then what Mulla-Mafia the “righteous” Muslims could do about it?

Answer to all the above questions is very simple for those who have read the literature produced by Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. For Mulla-Mafia the so-called “righteous” Muslims it is very difficult. I hope one day they (the Mulla-Mafia) realizes that their ‘Jazba-e-Imani’ (spirit of faith) was only against the physically weak and minority in numbers i.e. The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. Here I would add, Qadiani Khalifa 2 and his followers’ were/are no different than Mulla-Mafia of Pakistan when it comes to Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement.

Khutbaat Muhammad Ali come to an end

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

I had been avidly following the compilations, as they successively appeared, of the khutbaat of Maulana Muhammad Ali, in print as well as at By no means have I read them all, but I gained immense knowledge and inspiration from the many that I have read so far. Now that they have come to an end with the last volume, one feels deprived and wishes that they should have continued and carried on. That sense of loss is only mitigated by reading in the Quran that “everyone in the world passes away (is fani or finite) and there endures forever the person of your Lord, the Lord of glory and honour” (55:26-27).

In this case, this verse applies in another sense also. The passing away of the finite and the enduring of the person of the Lord are in this case not two separate, unconnected facts. The one who passed away after a finite span of life on earth also left behind the means by which the person of the Lord and His glory and honour will be recognised and known to the world for a long time to come.

India goes to the moon while Pakistanis try to see the new crescent

Monday, October 27th, 2008

I am a space exploration enthusiast since following the space race of the 1960s. Some of the science comes in my educational studies.

India has launched an (obviously) unmanned space mission which will place a space craft in orbit around the moon. You may like to visit this link. What is striking is the enormous contrast of this with the perennial, unending ruyat-i hilal controversies in Pakistan, and elsewhere in the Muslim world.

Non-Muslim countries of the world, even including poor countries, are reaching the moon while Muslims are discussing the issue of when the moon is new. Yet the same Muslims publish books not only on the marvellous scientific achievements of the Islamic world over 500 years ago, but also to tell the world that such and such modern scientific discovery is already confirmed by the Holy Quran. Why do they then object to the use of science for a practical purpose like determining the new moon?

As regards claiming that such and such modern scientific discovery is already mentioned in the Quran, it seems that others do the hard work, spend the money etc., to do the research, while Muslims simply sit and claim that this was already known to the Quran. The question to be asked is: Why don’t Muslims make the effort to discover those things themselves first and then tell the world that they were already in the Quran? There seems no shortage of funds since they are constructing buildings and hotels of record-breaking heights in Dubai.

Dr Israr Ahmad confirms that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad did service to Islam

Saturday, September 13th, 2008

Below is the link to a You Tube video clip of a discussion on ARY One TV. Participating are Dr Javaid Iqbal (son of Allama Iqbal), Prof. Mahdi Hasan and Dr Israr Ahmad.

Allama Iqbal’s praise of Hazrat Mirza sahib is mentioned and acknowledged.

Someone mentions that Abdul Majeed Salik was also an Ahmadi. But he was one of those whose being Ahmadi was not later provable. He wrote a brief life of Iqbal in the 1950s, Zikr-i Iqbal. Salik lived in Muslim Town, very close to Maulana Muhammad Ali’s house, and in the street where I was born. The street is now named after him.

They then discuss why Ahmadiyyat was admired by all these people. The reason they give is that Hazrat Mirza sahib stood up to confront Christian and Arya Samaj attacks on Islam. Dr Israr Ahmad mentions it with some stress and you can tell he is telling the turth from the heart.

Comments from anti-Ahmadiyya “Crankthatskunk”

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

An anti-Ahmadiyya writer has sent addressed to me a couple of comments using the above name and has wondered if I have the courage to publish them. I have inserted them as comments to this post. I wonder if he has the courage to disclose his identity

Ramadan Message by our Head

Friday, August 29th, 2008

The Ramadan message for this year by Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed can be read at this link (opens in new window).

Research on Israelite origin of Afghans

Friday, August 29th, 2008

You may be interested in an article by an Indian Muslim researcher entitled Medieval Persian References to the Putative Israelite Origin of Afridi Pashtuns/Pathans.

He briefly mentions Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in it as well.

Read it at this link (opens new window).

Collapsible comment feature

Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

I have introduced this new feature with comments which displays each comment (under a post) collapsed down to its first two lines. You can easily expand any of the comments and re-collapse them. I hope this is useful when the number of comments is large. If you prefer not to have this, please let me know.