“Supernatural” and “Archeological” aspects of Islam
Submitted by Ikram.
One of the persons while debating on this blog has relied on and emphasized the necessity of “Supernatural” and “Archeological” aspects of Islam. It is unacceptable to him for Muhammad Ali to refute that Abraham was not thrown into fire and cites the following verses:
21:68 They said: Burn him, and help your gods, if you are going to do (anything).
21:69 We said: O fire, be coolness and peace for Abraham:
21:70 And they intended a plan against him, but We made them the greater losers.
21:71 And We delivered him and Lot (directing them) to the land which We had blessed for the nations.[Muhammad Ali]
Many a times the readers of Quran do not read the text of Quran and instead they gloss over and read their own fanciful minds. Any plain reader has to ask as to where in these verses is the actual exposure of Abraham (PBUH) to the flame? Clearly throwing of Abraham into fire is a “fill in the blanks” by some storyteller.
Seems that sources of information for such advocates are different from actual spoken words of Allah above. From secular point of view, does it even matter in today’s globalization where one is scrambling to make a livelihood, as to what happened to Abraham thousands of years ago?
One of Allah’s Laws regarding burns is that temperatures over 44 degrees Celsius can cause injury and major burns over mere 15% of body in adults can be fatal. Smoke inhalation injury has a separate mortality of its own alone. Lets not equate the seriousness of inferno setup by a king of the stature of Nimrod to that of a child-play for show-and-tell of flame swallower or fire-walker. Think for a moment, if Abraham (PBUH) had those “supernatural” (that some base their faith on) moments, would it not have been prudent that by the same “supernatural” acts of God he would have walked up to Nimrod and unseated him from his power once and for all and by one wave of hand converted the entire audience to Islam and saved the humanity? Why did he have to migrate/escape to Land of Canaan with his wife Sara and his relative Lot (PBUH) in a rag tag manner? Answer is simple, he was just a human, no different from Muhammad (PBUH) or you and me. Laws of medicine applied to him equally as to rest of humanity. He could not have survived a blazing fire if he were cast into it. Abraham had an Omnipotent God who by His design saved him, within the confines of His physical, moral and social laws.
There is similar fanciful thinking by some “archeological” minds about Jesus being born without a father:
3:47. She said, `My Lord! how can I and whence shall I have a child while no man has yet touched me (in conjugal relationship)?’ (The Lord) said, `Such are the ways of Allâh, He creates what He will. When He decrees a thing He simply commands it, “Be” and it comes to be.’
In this case Mary asks the obvious `My Lord! how can I and whence shall I have a child while no man has yet touched me (in conjugal relationship)?’ and God replies (The Lord) said, `Such are the ways of Allâh, He creates what He will. Superficial reader will jump to the conclusion that Mary conceived Jesus immediately and immaculately, whereas after this dialogue God without breaking His laws arranged a husband for her. So she conceived Jesus and word of Allah became true i.e. When He decrees a thing He simply commands it, “Be” and it comes to be.’ without breaking His Laws.
Just like Mary, Zachariah (PBUH) also had a child John (PBUH) perhaps by some medical treatment of the couple. Lets not forget given the short life expectancy of those times, anyone over thirty would considered himself old:
3:40. `Lord!’ he said, `How shall I have a son now that old age has already come upon me and my wife is barren?’ (The Lord) said, `Such are the ways of Allâh, He does what He will.’
Similarly, Jonah in belly of a fish for days has no mention in Quran:
37:142. Then (it came about that) a big fish took him in its mouth while he was reproaching (himself).
37:143. Had he not been of those who glorify (God)
37:144. He would have surely remained in its belly till the time people are raised up (after their death).
37:145. Then (it came to pass) that We cast him on a bare and wide tract of land and he was completely worn out and sick.
Clearly, if Jonah were not repentant, the fish would have swallowed him (which it did not) and he would have faced death i.e. He would have surely remained in its belly till the time people are raised up (after their death). From simple zoology, we know it takes only five minutes to die from lack of oxygen and any recovery will accompany permanent brain damage. And if swallowed, it takes couple of hours for protein bolus to clear the stomach and move to small intestine, a point of no return, and onwards to the other end. Days and that too in stomach is utter biological nonsense.
Another example is that of Adam and mankind:
23:12. We create a human being from an extract of clay;
It would be quite fanciful to imagine God making a human cast of clay and then breathing into him His spirit before Adam came to life. Isn’t it simple to think that from clay comes the plants, animals eat the plants, man then eats the salts in clay, the plants and animals to become and stay alive? Quran puts quite succinctly when it states We create a human being from an extract of clay. How true.
Now, going back to birth of Jesus, Quran is quite clear as to how he was born:
3:59. Verily, the case of Jesus is as the case of Adam in the sight of Allâh. He fashioned him out of dust, then He said to him,`Be’, and he came to be.
i.e. Jesus (PBUH) was born just like Adam (who is a template of mankind) from clay and by natural conception because both belong to mankind:
39:13. O mankind! We have created you out of a male and a female…
Maryam, mother of Jesus is mentioned by her name on numerous occasions in Quran because she has high status for her piety. As far as father of Jesus (i.e. Joseph) is concerned he is lumped up with general mention of fathers of the prophets:
6:83. … Abraham…
6:84. …Isaac and Jacob…Noah…David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron…
6:85. … Zachariah, John, Jesus and Elias…
6:86. …Ismâîl and Elisha and Jonah and Lot…
6:87. And (We exalted men) from among their fathers and their descendants and their brethren. We chose them and We guided them along the exact right path.
If we look at the above verses besides various other “supernatural” events in Quran, the proponents of “supernatural” and “archeological” Islam inevitably create contradictions in Quran. Then out of natural guilt to undo these contradictory understandings they invent theory of abrogation as a crutch. If it were left to such dead-hand scholarship Quran would had been ruined by now, but thankfully to Allah’s guardianship, the Book is well preserved:
15:9. Verily, it was We, We Ourself Who have revealed this Reminder (- the Qur’ân); and
it is We Who are, most certainly, its Guardian.
41:42. Falsehood cannot approach it (- the Qur’ân) neither from the front nor from
Now that text of Quran has been preserved forever under the Divine writ, what about the message of the text? How will it be preserved? For that under Islamic tradition, we have at least one revivalist i.e. Mujaddid for each century.
Quran is not a book of bedtime fairy tales or poetry to make one go into slumber. The morality and implications of such brief narrations in Quran and their contextualization is relevant in our lives. The FIRE of hate, anger, bigotry, arrogance, ignorance and deceit setup by Mullah’s and their followers will not touch the Message of the Mujaddid of 14th Century Hijrah. That’s Allah’s design. The God of Abraham and of this organization is alive and kicking. His law of compensation and retribution is as valid today as in the past. If He spoke to man then, He is not dumb today either. What this fire story tells us is that despite the risk of life, righteousness prevailed then, so will it today and tomorrow.
One has to self reflect in the verses about Abraham preceding the above quoted ones:
21:66. (Abraham) said, `Do you then worship, apart from Allâh, the things which can do no good to you, (who are their worshippers), nor can do harm to (those of) you (who are their destroyers).
21:67. `Shame on you and on the things you worship apart from Allâh! Will you not then make use of (your) understanding?’
Does one worship certain ideas and dogmas as internalized idols besides Allah i.e. the things which can do no good to you, (who are their worshippers), nor can do harm to (those of) you (who are their destroyers)? Rethink, Will you not then make use of (your) understanding?
The purpose of this blog is to clarify issues at hand and in the process the learning is mutual.
For the superficial readers of the Quran their dilemma is analogous to the following example. If a lay person is shown palm of a fanned out hand, all that he will see is a hand and its superficial features. And, if that person happens to be inclined towards “supernatural,” he will be construing about the palmistry lines and keep on imagining the “supernatural.” But, if you show the same hand to a surgeon, he will mentally see all the hidden anatomy i.e. muscles, arteries, veins, nerves, ligaments, joint capsule, bones etc. Why so? Answer is simple “Eyes see what the mind is trained for.” But is it the end of it? No. The layperson by careful study can equate and better the knowledge of that the surgeon. Lets not lose hope.
The school of thought that this web site nurtures sees Islam in “Natural” and “Contemporary” light conforming to Laws of Allah, both physical and moral and their mutual harmony rather than any contradiction.
According to an article published by BBC Urdu the total number of Ahmadiyya community in India is One hundred thousand.…
----Jul 27, 18:49