The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Blog

Miracles, Myths, Mistakes and MattersSee Title Page and List of Contents

See: Project Rebuttal: What the West needs to know about Islam

Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam

Read: Background to the Project

List of all Issues | Summary 1 | Summary 2 | Summary 3

March 29th, 2011

Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim on descent of Jesus

Our opponents keep on referring to the hadith reports in Bukhari and Muslim speaking of the descent of Jesus. But these reports also mention other events in this connection (that he will break the cross, kill the swine, slay the Dajjal, etc). So the question is: Can the other events be also taken literally?

Let us look at the coming of the Dajjal, whom Jesus will fight and slay.

(The links below open with the hadith referred to being located at the top of the page.)

For Jesus descending and fighting the Dajjal, see para 2 of this report: Muslim 041.7015

Yet according to several hadith, despite these signs, some companions including Umar strongly held that a man called Ibn Sayyad was the Dajjal, and the Holy Prophet himself considered that this might be so. See the following in Bukhari:
Bukhari 009.092.453

and the following in Muslim:
Muslim 041.6999

Ibn Sayyad denied being the Dajjal, arguing that he didn’t fulfil the signs, yet the companions did not seem to want to give up the idea that he was the Dajjal. See:

Muslim 041.6994 and subsequent reports.

According to another hadith in Muslim, the Holy Prophet and his companions were, it seems, trying to investigate if Ibn Sayyad could be the Dajjal, and yet in the same report a sign of Dajjal given by the Holy Prophet is that he will have the word “kafir” written between his eyes. See: Muslim 041.7000

It is perfectly clear that the Holy Prophet and his companions were not applying the signs of the Dajjal literally and considered this to be a valid method of interpretation. Note also that they were expecting the Dajjal to arise soon. That never materialised. This illustrates the principle that even the one receiving a prophecy from Allah can be unaware and unsure of when and how it will be fulfilled.

March 25th, 2011

Concept of ‘truth’ in the Holy Quran

At this link you will find the text of a khutba I delivered in 2009 on the concept and mention of ‘truth’ in the Holy Quran, and its great importance.

March 18th, 2011

Sunni Muslims also against Blasphemy Laws

We have received the following message by e-mail which I have pleasure in reproducing below.

Dear Brothers, Sisters, Friends;
Asalam-o-Alakium (Peace be on to you)

It may help you to know that many ‘Sunni’ Muslims are also against the blasphemy laws as practiced in Pakistan & much of the Muslim world. I have spoken out against this injustice at the expense of personal safety, though I’m not an ‘Ahmadi’ or ‘Qadani.’

Please check out my blog on the Muslim Institute website UK. You are welcome to circulate it widely amongst friends & family. I reckon mullahs need to be challenged publicly and intellectually. It re-assuring to know that rational Muslim Scholars actually do exist in Pakistan & many parts of the world. Unfortunately with guns to their heads they are not given any airtime or column inches in Pakistan.

‘Shush if you dare speak’ cautions Amjad Hussain on the politics of blasphemy | The Muslim Institute

We all need to ascertain that; NO MULLAH or anyone for that matter should be allowed to pass an edict of disbelief or apostasy (takfir) against a believer who utters the creed [Kalama] and professes the faith. Judgement in this affair is the sole prerogative of Almighty Allah. We all make mistakes no one is infallible; according to the Holy Quran, the Sunnah and the Sharia all offences are pardonable and can be compensated in this world. Accept that against God for polytheism that carries retribution in the hereafter.

Regrettably with the filmiest of pretexts, it’s a common currency these days for one sect or another to incite aggression, hate and xenophobia. I urge scholars and leaders of all the parties that they must refrain from whipping up hysteria leading to a holy rage that pits brother against brother neighbour verses neighbour-this bloody conflict has to stop. Allah (swt) calls for mutual respect between brothers & all citizens.

The sura Al-Hujurat (49: 9) states, ‘And if two parties of the believers quarrel, make peace between them.’

(49:10) ‘The believers are brothers so make peace between your brethren, and keep your duty to Allah that mercy may be had on you.’
(49: 11) ‘O you who believe, let not people laugh at people, perchance they may be better than they; nor let women (laugh) at women, perchance they may be better than they. Neither find fault with your own people, nor call one another by nick-names. Evil is bad name after faith; whoso turns not, it that are the iniquitous.’
(49:12) ‘O you who believe, avoid most of suspicion, for surely suspicion in some cases is sin; and spy not nor let some of you backbite others. Does one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You abhor it! And keep your duty to Allah, surely Allah is Oft-returning (to mercy), Merciful.’

The teachings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) reminds us that the life, property and honour of a person are sacred than the Kaaba and its precincts. Ulema therefore need to speak strongly against violence and condemn the mindless terrorist attacks that have claimed thousands of innocent lives all over Pakistan.

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) had warned the Companions [and thus all future Muslims & mankind], ‘Beware, do not become unbelievers after me, so that some of you should strike off the necks of others.’ [Bukhari 25:132]

Echoing this theme the Glorious Quran in Sura An-Nisa (4:92-94) states, “It is not for a believer to kill a believer (except) by mistake…..[verse 93] whoever slays a believer intentionally, his reward is Hell forever. Allah is angry with him and He has cursed him and prepared for him an awful doom. [verse 94] O you who believe, when you go forth [even in time of war] to fight in Allah’s way, make thorough investigation, and say not to anyone who offers you salutation (Salam, peace), that thou are not a believer.”

As far as both the Apostasy and blasphemy laws are concerned no favour can be found in the Holy Quran and Sunnah.

In fact (Sura 2:256) reads, “There is no compulsion in matter of faith. Distinct is the way of guidance now from error’ And in (Al-‘Imran 3:79) it is stated ‘No human has the right, even though God may have given him a ‘code of laws’ or the power to enforce it or even Prophethood that he should say unto mankind, Be subservient to me instead of God.”

In surah An-Nisa’ (4:137), states that “those who believe, then disbelieve, then believe again, then disbelieve, and then increase in their disbelief – Allah will never forgive them nor guide them to the path.”
Surah Yunus, (10:99) Allah says: “Had your Lord willed, everyone on earth would have believed. Do you then force people to become believers?”

In the Sunan of Ibn Maja, it is reported that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Do not carry out punishments and find ways to avoid them.’ A similar Hadith is report by Tirmidhi with a following emphasis, ‘better that a judge errs in forgiveness than for him to err in punishments.’ Whilst Ibn Rushd in Bidayat al-Mujtahid quotes a report that ‘in doubtful cases hudd punishments are suspended.’

No wonder that half of the Muslim-World, comprising 30 countries have already suspended capital punishments for all crimes. Due to my humble efforts solely exerted for the betterment of Ummuah, at the UN last year increasing number of Muslim countries, including the war ravaged Afghanistan voted with international community in over whelming way [107 to 38 against] for the global freeze on death penalty. This signifies the fact that human blood is so sacred not to be spilt so cheaply. With this spirit in mind, [after my tireless campaign] last year the government of Pakistan too declared moratorium on death penalty. [I have personally lobbied officials & party high ups, however a lot of work needs to be done & continuous behind the scenes]

A learned former Chief Justice of Pakistan, Dr Abdur Rehman in his book, ‘The Punishment for Apostasy in Islam’ notes that the subject of apostasy occurs 20 times-but the Holy Quran remains silent on death as the punishment.

The Holy Quran mentions that Arabs of jahilliyyah use to refer to the Holy Prophet (pbuh) by various (God forbid) nicknames. Despite their torment that was some times accompanied by physical harm; the Holy Prophet endured their insults with up most patience without ever cursing anyone [let alone death] reflects his noble character.

For instance:- Al-Anbiya (The Prophets) 21:5, Ya-Seen 36-69, As-Saaffat 37:36 [a poet possessed, ma’zalla], At-Tur 52:30, Al-Haqqa 69:41 and Al-Hijr 15:6, ‘They say: o thou to whom the message is being revealed! Truly thou art mad.’ [ma’zalla]. Al-Mumenoon 23:25, 23:70, Saba 34:36. About Prophet Moses (pbuh) 51:39, similarly against all Prophets 51:52. It is mentioned in Sura 61:5 that Prophet Moses was insulted, ‘O my people! Why do ye vex and insult me, though ye know that I am the apostle of Allah (sent) to you?’ Many Prophets were ridiculed and the Believers too & blasphemes uttered against Allah the Most Gracious. Such as in Al-Nisa (4:140) and in Sura Al-Taubah (9:79) it is said, ‘those who slander and ridicule the believers -Allah will throw back their ridicule on them and they shell suffer a grievous penalty.’

Ridicule of Prophet Noah (pbuh) and Prophet Hud in verse 11:38 is recorded. The Holy Prophet is ridiculed in Al-Anbiya 21:36, ‘When the unbelievers see the, they treat thee not except with ridicule…and they blaspheme at the mention of (Allah) Most Gracious!’ Also refer to Ar-Room (Romans) 30:10, Luqman 31:6, Saba 34:7, 37:12, 43:57, and Blasphemes against the angles are mentioned in Al-Baqara 2:102,
‘those who utter blasphemes…..would have no share in the happiness of hereafter.’

And the punishment is, ‘Hell is the abode of the blasphemes for those that utter lies against Allah.’ (Sura 39:32). In all the above verse no punitive retaliation is mentioned expect in the hereafter and despair of this world.

In addition to my day job, a detailed monograph on this theme is in progress and I will pass it on to the Government of Pakistan upon completion inshallah, with copies to all the relevant departments, ministries, including the Federal Law Division and the legislature.

Hope this helps.
Regards, Mirza Amjad Hussain

March 13th, 2011

“Pakistanization of Indonesia”

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Here I’m posting link to article published in Jakarta Post, posted on PTH blog:

To save the article, i am also copy pasting it here:

INDONESIA/PAKISTAN: Pakistanization of Indonesia?
An article from Jakarta Post forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission
By Moh Yasir Alimi, Canberra

Jakarta Post, March 07, 2011-The anti-Ahmadiyah decrees in Pandeglang West Java and most recently in East Java have incited fears among many hearts that the country is heading towards “Pakistanization”.
Pakistan is “a laboratory of abuse in the name of religion” and Pakistan’s path of intense religious violence began with an anti-Ahmadiyah ordinance.

In 1984, president Zia ul Haq adopted Ordinance XX to criminalize the activities of Ahmadiyah followers. Pakistan used to argue that banning Ahmadiyah or declaring Ahmadiyah as non-Muslims would eliminate violence against Ahmadiyah and would stabilize the country.

The argument, now commonly used by Islamic hardliners and certain state officials in Indonesia, is nonsense, however.
The reality in Pakistan demonstrates this. A country built upon egalitarian values, Pakistan is now a place devastated by religious vigilantes, a place suffocated by the rancid smell of blood, a place where Ahmadiyah, Islamic sects and religious minorities are persecuted, a place where bombings take place every day, weakening the power of the nation to build.
In its current state, Pakistan is a failed state. The Human Rights Watch records that after the Ordinance XX declaration of Ahmadiyah followers as non-Muslims in 1984, the persecution of Ahmadiyah has significantly increased.

Like in Pakistan, the decrees in West Java and East Java will criminalize the religious activities of Ahmadiyah and will embolden religious extremists to further persecute Ahmadiyah followers. The ordinances look like a license to kill. As ideas never die, violence continues.

The experience of Pakistan demonstrated that such a cruel regulation bolstered religious vigilantism and weakened the state’s commitment to the constitution, the fundamental values upon which the nation was built.

The result is frightening. A country built upon egalitarian values, like Pakistan, can shift into a place of religious violence. Ali Jinnah, the founding father, was an ardent democrat, and he founded Pakistan on consensual and pluralistic grounds and belief that general supremacy would prevail rather than that of Islam per se. What is left of those ideals?
Pakistan’s experience showed that following the issuance of the regulation the violence against Ahmadiyah would pattern in many forms: murder before the police, mosque attacks, expulsions of Ahmadis from many state universities, more widespread violence, exclusion of Ahmadis from votes, arson attacks on their homes, businesses and mosques, desecration of their graves and more.

Ordinance XX in fact does not only criminalize “the religious activities” of Ahmadiyah, but also “the everyday life” of Ahmadiyah followers.

Then, the effects will go beyond the Ahmadiyah followers; the vigilante will reach other Islamic groups and government officials that they think are different or not in line with their agendas.

For example, a governor with moderate voice, Salman Taseer, was killed early this year because he criticized the blasphemy law which he regarded as a “black rule” inconsistent with the national constitution of Pakistan.
We fear that Indonesia can fall in the same situation. Indonesia is a nation with diversity, which is also reflected in the diversity of its Islamic religious practices.

There are many religious practices considered as bid’ah (innovation), widely practiced by Indonesian Muslims. After Ahmadiyah, it is only a matter of time before these homeland religious practices will be persecuted.
What are the other possible consequences? As the state fails to protect its citizens, many groups in society will create their own paramilitary armies to protect themselves. We can predict the consequence of such a situation.

Therefore, not only are the ordinances in West Java and East Java a blatant violation of international human rights law, the Constitution, the dreams of our founding fathers, but they will threaten our national security and the existence of the nation.
In the long run, the decree will surely strengthen religious vigilantes and weaken the power of the state. There will be more religious and political insecurity.

The decree is also against the fundamental principles of Islam (adh-dhoruriyyatul khomsah): hifdhu ad-din (to protect the freedom of faith), hifd an-nafs (to protect life), hifdh al-aql (to protect the freedom of expression), hifd an-nasb (to protect the sustainability of human being) and hifd al-mal (to protect the rights of property).
For religious and security reason, the central government, particularly the Home Ministry, should evaluate the regional ordinances to stop the march of “Pakistanization”.

Diversity remains the most valuable property the state leaders at any level could have. The central government should ensure that state apparatuses at many levels do not violate the National Constitution, and should embody diversity consciousness. It is the vein of modern Indonesia and the reason of our existence.

Indonesia has its own cultural characteristics and should not follow the dangerous path of Pakistan. History tells that a country built upon egalitarian vision can become a hotbed of religious violence when diversity consciousness is not nurtured, and when its officials lose sight of its founding fathers’ ideals.

The United Nations Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities has called on the Commission on Human Rights to pressure the Government of Pakistan to repeal Ordinance XX. It is ironic that Indonesia adopts such a regulation.

Like the case in Pakistan, religious clerics are also involved in the mobilization of anti-Ahmadiyah laws. To those clerics, I invite them to renew our faith in God, the Merciful (rahman) and the Compassionate (rahim). The clerics need to embody these two attributes of God, or else they will be spiritually impoverished.

The deepest moral crises take place when religious leaders do not embody rahman rahim in themselves or when they begin to see other people merely from their outer dress, not from their inner humanity. When these two characteristics are absent, the blessings of God will leave us.

The writer is a lecturer at Semarang State University (UNNES), a former coordinator of Majelis Kataman Quran Canberra Australia.

March 6th, 2011

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi sahib on Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Pakistani Islamic scholar Javed Ahmad Ghamidi sahib EXONERATES Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib [HMGA] from making claim of prophethood. And holds Qadiani Khalifa 2 Mirza Mahmud Ahmad the so-called Qadiani’s “Musleh Mauood” for creating misunderstanding about HMGA.

Please listen to following 8 parts lecture of Ghamidi sahib on you tube.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

March 5th, 2011

Can Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad be held responsible for killings of Christians?

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Can we hold Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib responsible for killings of Christians in Pakistan?

During the British Raj in the lands that constitutes today’s Pakistan, there was a major Christian missionaries onslaught on Muslims. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad sahib [HMGA] not only became a huge hindrance in efforts of Christian missionaries, but he also defeated them.

If HMGA had not embarked on his mission, today Pakistan would have been a Christian majority country, and there would be no blasphemy law and of course no killings of Christians. (May be Christian majority would have killed Muslim minority, just like Hindu majority kills Muslim minority in India).

So, my question is: Should we hold HMGA responsible for Christian killings in Pakistan?

February 26th, 2011

Discouraging asking for detailed instructions

Often a discussion relating to a worldly matter can shed light on the teachings of the Quran. The example I have in mind here is a discussion at a workplace about certain facilities that the employees are granted regarding their working conditions, such as flexible working hours. It was being discussed whether there should be rules clearly defining the extent of these facilities or if your boss could simply use his commonsense about how much to allow, when to allow it, etc.

People agreed that using commonsense and judgment was far preferable to laying down exact rules. You can’t cover every situation when drawing up rules, and it might lead to unfairness at times, because rules might not cover some circumstance whereas fairness would allow it.

This reminded me of the following verses of the Holy Quran:

“O you who believe, ask not about things which if made known to you would give you trouble; and if you ask about them when the Quran is being revealed, they will be made known to you. Allah pardons this; and Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing. A people before you indeed asked such questions, then became disbelievers therein. ” (5:101-102)

If you ask to be given too many rules in matters of details to cover all kinds of situations (as many Muslims do when they ask for fatwas about all sorts of things), you will only end up facing trouble when you try to abide by them. You will then try to wriggle out of them.

So, in matters of details it is best to use your judgment and commonsense and apply the basic principles which are the essentials.

February 9th, 2011

Ending of Prophethood. A debate in Canada on video.

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Former Qadiani, and opponent of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, Mr. Ahmad Karim Shaikh of Mississauga, Canada (who while talking to me on telephone in spring of 2004 tried to convince me to become atheist and in his conversations used profanities for Holy Quran and Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWS. –I challenge A.K. Shaikh to deny my statement!) owner of anti-Ahmadiyya website is moderating a debate on topic of End-of-Prophethood with Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

Representative from Muslims is Akbar Ahmad Chaudhary, a former Qadiani. He created and moderated for many years, now defunct Qadiani Jamaat EZ-discussion forum from Canada, and hosted TV programs on Qadiani Jamaat TV channel.

Representative from Qadiani Jamaat is Ansar Raza.
Following are links to you tube videos. I would like to hear comments from readers and regular participants on this blog. Thanks.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Other remarks:
Remarks on Arabic language:

January 19th, 2011

More blasphemy law madness

A friend has drawn my attention to the following news report:

The text is as below:

Clerics receive threats for conducting Taseer’s funeral prayers
Press Trust Of India
Lahore, January 13, 2011

Three Pakistani clerics who conducted the funeral and memorial prayers for slain Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer have received death threats, police said on Thursday. Maulana Afzal Chishti, the head of the ulema or clerics’ wing of the ruling PPP, had led the funeral prayer for Taseer along with Qari Muhammad Younus. The qul or memorial ceremony was led by Qari Akhtar Qureshi.

“We have provided police guards to two clerics – Younus and Qureshi – after they received death threats probably from those who consider Taseer a blasphemer,” a senior police officer, who did not want to be named, told PTI.

The third cleric, Chishti, had gone into hiding because he feared for the lives of his family members, the police officer said.

Taseer was gunned down in Islamabad on January 4 by a police guard who said he was angered by the Governor’s criticism of the controversial blasphemy law.

After a group of over 500 clerics and scholars of the Barelvi school of thought asked Muslims not to lead or offer the funeral prayer for Taseer, top clerics in Lahore had refused to lead the namaz-e-janaza.

“Younis and Qureshi have publicly expressed regret for participating in the prayers and re-embraced Islam after admitting their mistake due to pressure from hardliners, but we cannot withdraw the security provided to them,” the police officer said.

The clerics of the historical Badshahi Mosque, the Data Darbar shrine and the mosque at the Governor’s House had refused to lead the funeral prayer for Taseer.

Several groups of clerics had announced that anyone who led the funeral prayer of a “blasphemer” would be considered an infidel.

January 15th, 2011

Maulana Maududi’s son interview

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

It is interesting to hear some facts from the mouth of son of a top religious-political leader Maulana Maududi of Pakistanis.

Video 1: At 4mins and 30secs:
Muslim League passed loyalty resolution to British Crown.

At 9mins and 10secs:
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan used profanities (Galian) for Muslims who sacrificed their lives in war of Independence in 1857.

Video 2:
At 8mins and 50secs:
Pakistan was founded as secular country.

Video 4:
At 2mins:
Today’s Pakistan is fanatic Pakistan. Zia ul Haq made this country a fanatic country.