Miracles, Myths, Mistakes and Matters — See Title Page and List of Contents
See: Project Rebuttal: What the West needs to know about Islam
Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam
Read: Background to the Project
List of all Issues | Summary 1 | Summary 2 | Summary 3
Submitted by Bashir.
Personally, I am utterly confused by HMGA’s definition of Jihad.
HMGA claims to have re-defined JIHAD, or he claims to give the correct interpretation of it. If that is true, then we have to believe that the muslims in general, for the last 1400 years misinterpreted JIHAD.
Did Abu Bakr misinterpret jihad?
Did Imam Abu Hanifa misinterpret Jihad?
HMGA used his ijtihad (judgement) to come to this conclusion. These ideas of “anti-war” were floating around many muslim circles in those days. Ironically enough, Mualvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi also agreed with HMGA in this respect.
Just some ideas I wanted to throw out there….
Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri
Islam, War, and Deceit or Islam, Peace, and Tolerance.
Following comments copied from JihadWatch.org
Begin comment:
‘Islam Peace and Tolerance’ by Zahid Aziz, Ph.D.
For a person to call himself fair and just, it is mandatory for him or her to at least read or listen to other side the accused before coming to any conclusion. It behooves for readers who have read above article to read the accused point of view. By accused I mean Islam. Following is a link to small booklet, only 97 pdf pages.
‘Islam Peace and Tolerance’ by Zahid Aziz, Ph.D.
(Click on the book cover in above link to read the book)
Full freedom of belief recognized –
Violence and coercion prohibited –
Jihad is not war –
Muslims taught to live in peace with others
End Comment.
Begin comment:
Obviously the majority of commentators on the topic above are blurring the difference between Islam and Muslims and Islam and its polemic discussion.
If using the same logic then should all the colonies of last two centuries give up good Western ideas of modern democracy just because they were victims of Wars and “Imperialism, subjugation, conquest, persecution, genocide, and unending hegemony”?
Should West be put on trial just because last century was the bloodiest in human history and that the perpetrators were the Western Democracies (think of WW-I, WW-II, Nuking of Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Bosnia, Afghanistan to name a few). Should Iraqis hate America for all the human and economic devastation?
Should all the suppressed people of the world hate West just because they are governed by dictators and kings put in place by modern Western democracies?
To be fair, the people in Palestine are resisting to be heard just like the uprisings in concentration camps of Poland (using fire crackers against F-16s, tanks, artillery, satellite imagery, electronic warfare…)
As far as Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria are concerned, their issue is simply that of Real-Estate and Politics (and to some extent of apartheid; by the way by nature it is also Arab(Muslim+Christian) and Israeli (Jewish + Western Christian) conflict)
You cannot blame Christ for Christian atrocities or Moses for Jewish atrocities which is evidenced by quite extensive historical record.
Mud slinging will only perpetuate more hatred. It would be prudent and productive that this forum should try to clarify misunderstanding amongst all the “Children of Adam.”
End comment.
Begin Comment
Please focus!
As in my earlier post I said, “By accused I mean Islam”. If anyone of commentators has cared to read or even browse the link to Dr. Aziz book they would have figured instantly what terrorist Muslims are doing are in total violation of Islam and Holy Quran teachings. At the same time they would have read quotations of Joshua in chapter ‘The Bible and War’ and wondered from where his followers are getting their teachings.
Please note: I am not here to discuss politics of Muslim countries or to defend stupid Muslim terrorist. All I am doing is informing what Holy Quran and Islam teaches.
Peace to followers of all religions.
End comment.
Link to original article and comments:
Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri:
Begin comment.
Difference between Holy Quran and Hadith books (compilation of sayings of Holy Prophet Muhammad).
To assure purity of Holy Quran and to protect it from corruption, Holy Prophet Muhammad took number of steps. Some were:
1-Every verse of Holy Quran was put into writing in Holy Prophet life. For this purpose it was made sure that paper, pen, ink and some one who could read and write was readily available.
2-Every verse of Holy Quran was committed to memory by Muslims and they repeated it many times in day and night.
3-Holy Prophet had strictly instructed Muslims to NOT to write his own sayings. So that it may not be confused with text of Holy Quran.
100 years after death of Holy Prophet, by the time Holy Quran preservation was rock solidly done and its copies has been spread all across the Muslim lands, Muslims started collecting and compiling saying of Holy Prophet which had been transferred from generation to generation with references to the original narrators. Many people compiled such sayings and this kind of work spread over at least three centuries. Because of nature of the work it cannot be guaranteed that all such compilations are without error. Some Hadiths became part of collection that simply got corrupted by the time it got to compiler. At other times unfortunately, there were also people who created their own false Hadiths.
Luckily, Muslims have some standards and means to judge any Hadith to be true, false or in between and weak. One such standard is to check Hadith in question against Holy Quran. If Holy Quran negates the idea presented in Hadith, it becomes obvious that that Hadith is false.
Those who honestly want to look into Hadiths can click the following link and judge for themselves what Hadiths say:
A Manual of Hadith:
by Maulana Muhammad Ali
End Comment
Link to article and comments:
Rashid Jahangiri has submitted the following post.
THE MUSLIM NEXT DOOR by Sumbul Ali-Karamali
On the website www.jihadwatch.org a recent book ‘The Muslim Next Door’ by Sumbul Ali-Karamali is discussed. Robert writes the original review. Readers have contributed their comments.
I came across following comment by Ikram:
Begin comment:
The contributors to this site in their criticism seem to have lost their sense of justice in dealing with Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. All rules of their criticism seem to be subject to one consideration that whatever is unfavorable and damaging to Islam and Muhammad’s reputation MUST BE ACCEPTED AS TRUE, no matter whether such views are out of mere ignorance, hearsay, hate, prejudice or cultural bias. A constant repetition of statements, however false, will in time invest them with something of the glamor of truth and it may be that the contributors of this site are becoming self-hypnotized into a belief that their accusation are indeed founded on facts.
They also seem to blur their view about their disagreement or dislike of people of certain geographical origin or their culture and The Religion of Islam. Because a Muslim could be a blue eyed, blond haired Caucasian.
What a pity that with all the outpouring of learning and literature, no proper efforts are made to clear off that cloud of misrepresentation and want of knowledge which still envelops the religion of Islam* on this site.
Allow me to assure you that misconception, misconstruction or even misinterpretation of Islam and its tenets is not the complaint, it is Misrepresentation and Misinformation by which we are the chief sufferers here.*
If the sole purpose of this site is bigotry or polemic then I do not have much to say. But if the purpose of the contributors is to share their current understanding about Islam and Muhammad and are willing to hear a clarifying or opposing view, then please take time to go to the following links for a fundamental review which will naturally reframe the criticism of Islam and Muhammad above.
*Special features of Islam: www.wokingmuslim.org/work/paper-paris1913.htm
What Islam intends: www.aaiil.org/text/books/kk/alislam/alislam.pdf
A view about Jihad: www.wokingmuslim.org/pers/pickthall/jihad.htm
A booklet about Jihad: www.ahmadiyya.org/bookspdf/jihadinislam.pdf
Life sketch of Muhammad: www.aaiil.org/text/books/mali/muhammadtheprophet/muhammadtheprophet.pdf
What makes Muhammad an ideal: www.aaiil.org/text/books/kk/idealprophet/idealprophet.pdf
End Comment.
Link to the review and comments on website Jihad Watch:
I have upgraded this installation of the blog to WordPress version 2.7. Hopefully, it has been successful.
The following has been submitted by our friend Rashid Jahangiri.
January 9, 2009
Dear Mr. Edward Martin:
I came to know of your movie ‘Jesus in India’ through the Tomb Of Jesus website. As soon I came to know its availability on DVD, I ordered it. I received it today and I watched it today. Thank you for making this movie.
In the bonus materials on the DVD you have your interview on ‘The Cutting Edge’ TV show, from where I got your email address. In your interview you mentioned two books ‘Jesus in India’ by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and ‘Christ in Kashmir’ by Aziz Kashmiri. I don’t know if you are aware or not, there is another classic book on this subject ‘Jesus in Heaven on Earth’ by Khwaja Nazir Ahmad. In this book there is anthropological research linking Pashtoons/ Afghans (Pathans), and Kashmirs to the Jews of Canaan, thus giving another evidence and possible justification of Jesus journey to Kashmir i.e. to preach to the lost Israelites tribes.
Khwaja Nazir Ahmad was a member of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement (LAM) and son of the prominent companion of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, Khwaja Kamal ud Din. In LAM literature I have read that professors in universities of Germany and France considered nominating this book for Nobel Prize. (Links to this book are provided at the end of this email).
My father, before he joined LAM, started working as assistant to Khwaja Kamal ud Din, at age 16. Thus he came to know Khwaja Nazir Ahmad. According to my father, Khwaja Nazir Ahmad used to get angry if he did not agree at idea. When professors of European universities asked him to take out chapters on Islam from his book so that it can be nominated for Nobel Prize, he refused. His emotional response stopped his book from reaching the world fame that it could have otherwise.
I met Aziz Kashmiri as a young boy when he visited LAM mosque in Rawalpindi (near Islamabad), Pakistan in the 1970s. He visited Pakistan after the first publication of his book and tour of Europe. I remember him saying that the Indian government in an official document thanked him for promoting the subject in Europe and increasing tourism in Kashmir, as many Europeans visited that part.
Allah says in Holy Quran: “And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign, (and a model of virtue), and We gave them both refuge upon a worth-living lofty plateau abounding in (green and fruitful) valleys and springs of running water” (Chapter 23, Verse 50). People who had visited Kashmir 70 years ago, before the current pollution, commercialism, and population explosion say Kashmir was heaven on earth.
Click links to read on line:
Jesus in Heaven on Earth by Khwaja Nazir Ahmad:
Once again thank you for making this movie. I hope David, in your person, can defeat Goliath of close mindedness, irrationality and ignorance of 2000 years.
Yours truly,
Rashid Jahangiri
With the start of the new year 2009, please note that when you submit a comment you must type 2009 in the “spam avoidance measure” box which asks you to type in the current year.
At this link please read the Id-ul-Adha message, December 2008, from Hazrat Ameer Dr. A.K. Saeed, Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement.
Rashid Jahangiri has submitted the following.
My email to Michael Moore.
Famous American filmaker and activist Micahel Moore on CNN program Larry King Live, Nov 19, 2008 show, predicted ‘the end of capitalism’. You may watch him near the end of video:
I sent him this email:
Dear Mr. Michael Moore:
On Larry King Live, 11/19/08 show, you predicted current economic situation in our country as “the end of Capitalism”. In 1942 an intellectual in Muslim world, Maulana Muhammad Ali authored a book ‘The New World Order’. On pages 38 to 53 he writes ‘The Economic Problem’. In these pages, on one hand he predicted the bankruptcy of Stalin’s Soviet Union, by pointing out flaws in communist system. And this he predicted against the strong economic indicators of Stalin’s 5-year plan. On the other hand he predicted the bankruptcy of Europe’s Capitalism. Interestingly, he also gave the solution to the economic problem. He provides the middle ground i.e. The Islamic Economic System, is the solution. Listening to you, I had to say, Maulana Muhammad Ali’s both predictions came true.
You may like to read few pages of his book The New World Order by Maulana Muhammad Ali. Link:
Yours truly,
Our friend Usman Malik has submitted the following.
I thought this may be of interest to the Blog community.
The story outlines the sharp reaction from the Mullahs against the recommendations by the CII (Council of Islamic Ideology) regarding amending the divorce laws in Pakistan. The CII has apparently recommended that:
1 – If the wife demands divorce in writing then the divorce will become effective after 90 days regardless of whether the husband grants it or not.
2 – Any divorce must be registered with the state authorities in written form to have proper legal status…..similar to the registration of the Nikah.
The Mullahs have been up in arms and without citing any arguments from the Quran or Sunnah, have termed the proposals an attack on Islam etc etc. The PPP government predictably has distanced itself from the proposals and has promised to increase the strength of the CII board (fill in some vacant spots) and review the proposals. No points for guessing which way the “enhanced” CII board may go. I am wondering if any one can throw some light on the Islamic position regarding these proposals. On the face of it these seem reasonable, or at least the 2nd one does.
According to an article published by BBC Urdu the total number of Ahmadiyya community in India is One hundred thousand.…
----Jul 27, 18:49