The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement Blog

Miracles, Myths, Mistakes and MattersSee Title Page and List of Contents

See: Project Rebuttal: What the West needs to know about Islam

Refuting the gross distortion and misrepresentation of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, made by the critics of Islam

Read: Background to the Project

List of all Issues | Summary 1 | Summary 2 | Summary 3

September 23rd, 2012

100th anniversary of the arrival of Khwaja Kamal-ud-D​in in England

24th September 1912 was the day when Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din arrived in England for the first time. During this first visit, which lasted till August 1914, he established “The Islamic Review” monthly journal and the Woking Muslim Mission in 1913.

As the website creator and maintainer of the website I felt it my duty to mark the 100th anniversary of Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din’s arrival. I have compiled an 8-page commemorative leaflet, with a 4-page insert of photographs that can go inside the leaflet, for this occasion. I hope it is interesting and informative.

Zahid Aziz
23rd September 2012

September 17th, 2012

Qazi Abdul Ahad of Darus Salaam, Lahore, returns to his Maker!

It is a matter of great sadness and loss for our Movement, as well as very painful and distressing to me personally, that Qazi Abdul Ahad, Librarian of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Lahore Library, has passed away in Lahore on Monday 17th September 2012. The news of his death and some details of his life can be read at this link.

The title “Librarian” does not do justice to his work and contribution. He was much more a walking library of accurate and detailed knowledge than a librarian. More than that, he had great mastery over the Arabic language and grammar. He was a hafiz of the Holy Quran and had extensive knowledge of Hadith, classical Islamic literature, and Ahmadiyya writings, whether books or periodicals. At the same time, he was the most modest and humblest of people, and ever willing to help others with the benefit of his knowledge, especially of the contents of the Library.

I remember how happy and proud he used to be if any of his students showed interest in pursuing knowledge of the Arabic language at an advanced level.

Upon hearing the news of his death, I sent the following note to our Lahore Centre:

The late Qazi sahib was of enormous help to me in locating material in the Darus Salaam Library for more than thirty years. During the 1980s, in the days before electronic scanning of documents, he undertook at my request, which was channeled through the late Dr Saeed Ahmad Khan sahib, to photocopy all the articles of Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi from Paigham Sulah and Ruh-i Islam. I have all that massive material in my possession, and have recently started publishing it on a website.

It is simply staggering to think of all those references and quotations from the Quran, Hadith collections, Islamic classical literature, and Ahmadiyya writings, which flowed from Qazi sahib’s lips. Then, before the days of the Internet, the large number of indispensable books that were long out of print, which he photocopied by hand, and bound, and made accessible to people, was a tremendous service rendered by him.

Our only consolation is:

“Everyone on it passes away — And there endures forever the person of thy Lord, the Lord of glory and honour.” (55:26-27)

Inna li-lllahi wa inna ilai-hi rajioon.

May Allah admit Qazi sahib to His great mercy, shower upon him His blessings profusely, raise him to high ranks, and join him with our departed elders — Ameen and Ameen again.

Zahid Aziz.

August 12th, 2012

Ramadan Daily Quran Study, July-August 2012

During this Ramadan, we will consider verses of the Quran which tell us about the mission and qualities of the Holy Prophet.

Fast 1 — an excellent exemplar with most sublime morals
Fast 2 — His mission
Fast 3 — brings people from darkness into light
Fast 4 — does not ask for any personal reward, return or gain
Fast 5 — is a mortal like other humans
Fast 6 — raised as a warner and giver of good news
Fast 7 — must deliver the message, and that is all he must do

Fast 8 — His great concern for humanity
Fast 9 — Steadfastness and patience in difficulties
Fast 10 — Seeking comfort in, and strength through, prayer
Fast 11 — Obedience to the Holy Prophet
Fast 12 — Holy Prophet attained the highest position of sinlessness and knowledge of God, and closeness to God and to humanity
Fast 13 — Orphan raised to greatness
Fast 14 — Breast expanded with Divine light and knowledge

Fast 15 — Prophet granted abundance of good of all kinds
Fast 16 — Prophet’s message is for all nations and entire humanity
Fast 17 — Prophet follows only his revelation and does so faithfully
Fast 18 — Holy Prophet’s extraordinary gentleness towards his followers-1
Fast 19 — Holy Prophet’s extraordinary gentleness towards his followers-2
Fast 20 — Simplicity of his personal and domestic life
Fast 21 — Holy Prophet’s concern for the most ordinary of people

Fast 22 — Courage in the face of the gravest danger – 1
Fast 23 — Courage in the face of the gravest danger – 2
Fast 24 — Holy Prophet’s generous treatment of the enemy
Brief comments about the moon’s phase as on 12 August with photo
Fast 25 — Holy Prophet does justice to his enemies
Fast 26 — Manners to be observed towards the Holy Prophet
Fast 27 — Final triumph of the Holy Prophet

Extra: An article about Lailat-ul-Qadr

Fast 28 — Mortality of the Holy Prophet
Fast 29 — Darood or Salat-un-Nabi
Fast 30 — The Last and Final Prophet

August 12th, 2012

Preservation and Arrangement of the Holy Quran

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Intro: In June 2012 annual conference of Imams of Organization of Imam Waris (Warith) Deen Muhammad was held in North Carolina, USA. Professor Hibbi Omar, Ph.D. (Grandson of Allama Noor ud Din) made presentation on ‘Preservation and Arrangement of the Holy Quran’. On request of one of the attendee Imam he repeated presentation in One Day Educational Conference in Brooklyn, NY in July 2012. A home video was recorded. Because of time constraint he was only able to prove from Holy Quran, its preservation and arrangement. He could not go over the part of presentation on historical evidence of preservation of Holy Quran. Hopefully, next time Professor Omar will control his frequent ‘epiphanies’ and ‘digressions’, and we get to listen his entire presentation. J

Recording is in three parts:
Preservation & Arrangement of the Holy Quran Part 1/3
Preservation & Arrangement of the Holy Quran Part 2/3
Preservation & Arrangement of the Holy Quran Part 3/3

August 10th, 2012

The Condemned: A documentary on Ahmadi persecution

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Above named documentary is reported in Pakistani Newspaper ‘The Express Tribune’.

This documentary is made on Qadianis in Pakistan. Without a doubt situation of Qadianis in Pakistan is very unfortunate. At the same time I would say that those who are familiar, by listening to oral testimonies or reading the written account and statements, of victims of wrath of Qadiani Khalifa 2 Mirza Mahmud Ahmad simply because they disagreed with his beliefs, claims, lifestyle, and policies, will see history is repeating itself. What followers of QK2 did to victims of his wrath is now being done to followers of QK2 Mirza Mahmud Ahmad. What goes around comes around. Allah SWT punishes the evil first in this world.

Link to documentary:

August 8th, 2012

“Great British Islam”

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

BBC has produced documentary on early 20th century British Muslim Converts. Documentary sheds light on lives of three prominent converts: William Abdullah Quilliam, Lord Headley, and Marmaduke Pickthall. Film also shows scenes of Shah Jehan Mosque/ Woking Muslim Mission. At 14:19 it looks like Maulana Sadar ud Din is delivering lecture.

One think thing that disappointed me is comments by Humayun Ansari, Professor of the History of Islam, Royal Holloway, University of London. Professor Ansari has distorted history just to hide the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement connection with three Muslim converts in documentary.

I would suggest this documentary is stored in Woking Muslim Mission website maintained by LAM, UK.

August 3rd, 2012

Imam Kamal Hydal in documentary ‘Islam Vs Islamists’

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Members of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement know Imam Kamal Hydal. He is from Trinidad. He did Mubaligh a course at our headquarters in Lahore. I came across a documentary ‘Islam Vs Islamists’. In this clip Imam Hydal is interviewed by a Muslim activist of Pakistani origin in Canada Mr. Tarek Fatah. Please watch video at 17:17. I could not find the complete interview on internet. If someone finds it, please post the link. Thanks.

July 21st, 2012

Ramadan declared in Saudi Arabia when moon sighting was totally impossible

According to the website the declaration in court in Saudi Arabia that the new moon had been sighted there on Thursday evening (19th July) and thus the 1st of Ramadan would be on Friday 20th July is mistaken.

According to the website, it would have been impossible to see the new moon almost anywhere in the world (and certainly in Saudi Arabia) on 19th July. It says:

“Seen (Saudi Announcement): Mrs. Lubna Shawly (MCW member) from Jiddah reported: It is announced in the Saudi courts, according to the observation of the new moon (moon is sighted in areas of Sudair & Shagra), and that the first day of Ramadan for the year 1433 Hijrah will be on Friday the 20th of July 2012. opinion is that this is a mistaken claim of sighting.” (See link. Here scroll down to Saudi Arabia under Sighting reports)

The actual Saudi announcement is quoted as follows:

“The Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia held a meeting in Taif this evening on Thursday the twenty-ninth of Shaaban 1433 AH, for the new moon of Ramadan of 1433 AH. The new moon of Ramadan 1433 AH is proven in the Supreme Court this evening on Thursday the twenty-ninth of the month of Shaaban, corresponding to July 19, 2012, by the testimony of several witnesses, and as true that the Prophet, peace be upon him, he said: (Fast when you see it and stop fasting when you see it), so tomorrow, Friday, to July 20, 2012, is the 1st of Ramadan of 1433 AH.”

July 10th, 2012

“Consumer Guide to God”

Submitted by Rashid Jahangiri.

Consumer Guide to God

In my hand I hold the first copy of book:

Consumer Guide to God

A Muslim Perspective

In Light of The Qur’an

By: M. Ikram Jahangiri, M.D.

To get an idea of what author has written, please read the back cover of book given below. I will put my two cents in. Author has given about one thousand references. He extensively took help from Lahore Ahmadiyya Movment Literature. All the way from works of Maulana Noor ud Din to Dr. Zahid Aziz. The author has made it very easy for me to judge any claimant of Divine Appointment i.e. Mujadid. As I don’t expect to live by any stretch of imagination and wishes into 16th Islamic century; so in this century I will judge claimant of Divine Appointment or Mujadid of 15th Islamic century. Any Mujadid to prove his credentials has to write book better than this one. (Unless Ikram Jahangiri, himself decides to make claim of new Mujadid… Just kidding).

From the back cover:

Whether you live in East or West, this book will forever change how you think about Islam. Some may be shocked to realize that the core progressive values of the West are reflections of Qur’ânic edicts of justice, human rights, environmentalism, gender and racial equality, edicts now derogatorily known in the West as Shariah – the Islamic Law. Unfortunately, the rigid interpretation of Qur’ân has inadvertently turned its advocates into their own worst enemies as well as the enemies of others.

Some may be offended to know that Qur’ân supports Darwin’s theory of evolution and not that Adam was the first human. There is no incongruity between Qur’ân and science. The Devil is no more than the human himself; the devilish thoughts and satanic acts. Others may object that the Jews, Christians, Hin-dus, Buddhists, atheists all have equal rights with Muslims to qualify for the Qur’ânic heaven. Fatwas, as popularly known, have no basis in Qur’ân. Fatwa mongers and Fatwa followers are equally ridiculed. In Qur’ân there is no physical hell or heaven, much less seventy virgins. Jihad by sword is a corrupted concept. There is no validation of Veil. Deprivation of women’s freedom is a product of depraved and extremist culture, not Qur’ân. In Qur’ân there is no “Muslim God,” only the “God of Mankind.” If Muslims and non-Muslims view each other through the lens of Qur’ân, they might be surprised to see none but children of a ‘no lesser god’ on the other end. This book does not tweak the Qur’ân to make it palatable to a modernist, because Qur’ân itself is more modern than many of us think. There are no apologies in this book for Qur’ân. – Excerpt from the Preface.

The God that an author is writing about, a speaker is debating for, a preacher is proselytizing, that God in all such discourses must appear more intelligent than the advocates themselves; otherwise one cannot exclude the possibility that the God being discussed is an outcome of one’s own fancies, wishes, and formulations. The key to discussing God is to let God speak for Himself, as seen through His own words in His Books or through a living experience of Him by someone amongst us. This approach shifts the burden from man to God Himself. – M. Ikram Jahangiri.

July 6th, 2012

Death of Jesus

Rizwan Jamil writes:

Dear Dr. Zahid!

I want to ask you a question regarding Jesus’s (PBUH) death. Can you please open a new thread with this topic?
